The Aid of a Bear

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Light. That is all that Bilbo could see when he opened his eyes. He wondered if the light was the sun shining through his window in his bedroom in Hobbiton. He looked up and saw the sky. The hobbit sighed, remembering he was still on an adventure and that it was nowhere near over. He looked at everyone in the party, who was still sleeping. He saw all but Thorin. He tried to get up to find him, but something was holding him down. Well, pulling him in would be a better way to describe it.

The hobbit turned his head and felt hair tickle his neck. Hair? Suddenly, he remembered last night and Thorin, who was still fast asleep next to him. Bilbo smiled in recollection and tried to get up once more, but faltered again. He looked down and saw a pair of arms wrapped around him. He gasped. What happened last night? Had it been more than two fellows sleeping on the same log for warmth? Mr. Baggins didn't wish to wake the dwarf, so he stayed in his warm embrace, which he quite liked. He snuggled closer to Thorin, which caused him to stir.

The future King opened his eyes and saw a head of golden orange curls. Bilbo? What happened? He looked down and saw himself spooning the hobbit. Thorin looked up in alarm. Did he cuddle with Bilbo all night? He quickly removed his arms, which caused a yelp from the hobbit. Instantly, the dwarf inched away from the burglar, cursing only where he could hear. This couldn't be happening. Absolutely not. He got up, and instantly missed the touch of the hobbit. What was happening to him? This burglar had just joined him in June. How could he fancy so much someone he just met? Thorin decided to swallow it and ignore it.

Bilbo felt Thorin get up and instantly regretted moving closer. In fact, he regretted offering to share the cloak with the dwarf. He sank as far as he could into the ground until he realized he couldn't ignore this feeling. Obviously, Thorin didn't feel the same or he wouldn't have gotten up. This brought the hobbit to tears. What he didn't know was that Thorin was close to tears as well. Thorin, however, was good at hiding his feelings.

"Wake up, everyone. We have a long journey, Gandalf says." Thorin said to the company. The company groggily woke up and waited for instructions. Soon, Gandalf was giving instructions about their next visit. "You must be polite when I introduce you, for my friend is easily angered, and you do not want to see him when he is angry. He's kind enough, if humored, and I will be taking you to him soon. However, he does not care much for stenches, so I suggest you wash up in the river." Gandalf instructed.

The company all took off their clothes and went to bathe in the river. Bilbo was extremely embarrassed at the sight of all the naked dwarves (and a naked Gandalf, which he never would quite unsee), all except Thorin. Thorin seemed to be uncomfortable for the first time as well. Both of them worked an extra bit to not "show themselves". In fact, Thorin was simply standing hip-deep in the water; Bilbo was up to his chest.

Suddenly, Thorin was pulled out of the water by some of the other dwarves, who decided to pick him up and throw him into the river. Thorin couldn't cover his manhood fast enough as he was hurled into the water. Bilbo, of course, got quite a look and blushed instantly. Thorin got out of the water, hair messy and fuming. Bilbo laughed at the sight; Thorin saw and began to laugh as well. Bilbo and Thorin then teamed up to throw as many dwarves as they could into the river. Of course, this was before Gandalf made them stop and get ready for the journey.

The party made their way to a huge oak wood. Throughout the journey, Bilbo watched Thorin up in the front. He looked so beautiful as his hair swayed on his back to the horse's steps. He wished he could run his hands through that hair. The hobbit was astonished at his thought. He was a respectable hobbit; how could he think such things? He shook his head, but the thought remained.

When they reached a large house, Gandalf said, "You better wait here. We wouldn't want him to get annoyed at so many people, would we?" Momentarily, a huge man with black hair and huge biceps came out into the clearing.

"I am Beorn, and you are dwarves, I see. I am not over fond of dwarves, but Gandalf, cousin of Radagast, seems to like you, so I shall as well." The large man said. The man gave the company lodging and food. The dwarves, in return, told stories of their adventure so far and of past adventures.

"That was a very good tale! If others told tales like that, they might find me to be friendlier." Beorn laughed. "Thank you for that, and when you are done, you may go to the hall to sleep. Beds have already been set up."

The company went to the hall after supper and settled in their beds. Their stomachs were full and their grumpiness was turned to cheer. In fact, the meal was so grand, they fell asleep quickly. All except Bilbo and Thorin, each thinking the other was asleep. They both thought of each other, and they both were disappointed, believing the other didn't care for them. The two hugged their pillow, wishing the pillow was the other. However, the pillows stayed pillows, and the two stayed sad. What were they going to do? Bilbo couldn't ruin the adventure by distracting the leader, could he? Thorin couldn't ruin the adventure by falling in love with some burglar, could he? The dwarf and the hobbit went to bed, sad and alone. As they fell asleep, they both dreamed of what it would be like to be with the other. If only it could be like that in reality.

When they awoke, they found that Beorn had refilled their supplies. The company were very grateful and asked Beorn for advice in Mirkwood, their next stop. "Do not stray from the path in the forest. If you stray from it, you may never return to tell the tale. Do not ask why."

The company, wary of this warning, departed Beorn and began their journey to Mirkwood.

Not a Grocer {Thilbo Bagginshield Fanfic}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora