The Beauty of a Stone

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After Smaug left, the dwarves were silent as they sat in the dark. They didn't do much, not even eat, which was upsetting to the hobbit, who sat in Thorin's lap. However, they were fed with dust and were soon choking.

After a whole of this, Thorin suddenly stood up, throwing his poor burglar across the room. "We need to get out. I must feel air on my face or I shall die. I'd rather be crushed by Smaug in the open than be kept in this stuffy place."

He walked up to the smashed hole and, with his company, the dwarf pushed the rocks. They didn't budge at all, and this caused the company to despair. Bilbo had a courageous movement of heart and said, "I have been down in Smaug's cave, and I know not if he is there now, but I am going back down to find a way out. I suggest you come with me."

Thorins stepped up instantly and took Bilbo's hand. Their fingers entwined and they turned to face the company. "Well?" Thorin questioned. After some complaining, the dwarves followed them down to the tunnel into the giant dungeon. However, it was so black that Bilbo tripped over the gold and fell face down onto the pavement, pulling Thorin down with him. The dwarf fell on top of Bilbo and felt for his face. "I wish this could have been under different circumstances, Bilbo. We could have fun in the dark." Thorin whispered, Bilbo picturing his smug and probably very attractive face.

The hobbit snickered and found Thorin's lips and kissed them. "We should probably get up before the rest of the party trips over us." Thorin pulled Bilbo up and told a couple of dwarves to make a light so no one would trip. They came back with lights, but, still afraid of the dragon, they didn't light anymore torches.

Bilbo, holding the lit torch, saw that the dwarves were hesitant to enter the dungeon, so he said, "I'll go inside and see if the dragon is still there. If he isn't, I'll come back and tell you to light the torches. If he is, I'll come back and hide."

Thorin asked in a concerned voice, "Are you sure? I could come with you."

Bilbo hugged the dwarf and said, "No need. I promise I will come back, my King." Thorin let go and sent the burglar inside.

Mr. Baggins stumbled across the piles of gold and jewels, the treasure constantly moving under him. He climbed a rather tall pile and stood at the top. What he saw took his breath away. It was the Arkenstone, or it seemed to be from Thorin's description. It shone bright from its own inner light and took all the light in the room and turned it to shimmers of rainbows. It was big and beautiful; Bilbo put it in his bag, vowing to bring it back to its rightful owner.

Bilbo continued walking across the floor, trudging down the mountain of treasure. Soon, the light of the torch vanished from the eyesight of the dwarves, causing Thorin to nearly run inside. The dwarves held him back, not knowing if Smaug would come and kill him.

Bilbo soon saw two great doors and he walked over to them. He felt a great draft of air enter the room from a crack in the doors and immediately ran to tell the others. "There is a draft coming from the doors. If we can get them open, we could possibly get to air."

Thorin and the older members of the company pushed open the doors. The company, all with torches, ran through the hall, going into every room, about to search for treasure when Bilbo pipes up, "We might have found the treasure, but it is not ours yet. The dragon still lives, and we should find a way out."

Thorin agreed. "Let us make our way out of this cave. I wouldn't forget in a thousand years this series of caverns."

He led them up to a giant gate at the front of the throne room. Before they reached the gate, however, Thorin sat on the throne. Bilbo couldn't help but think that he looked at home on that throne. He wondered if Thorin would ever be able to stay on it. Quickly, the dwarf got off the throne and opened the gate. A burst of air rushed into the room and the dwarves breathed it in.

After the dwarves had gotten used to the air, they decided to have a meal. However, the trek would be long to a safe place to eat, away from Smaug. "We are all hungry, but I believe you want to search for treasure before we go. You may all split up and find what you want before we got to eat." Thorin said majestically.

The dwarves were thrilled and ran to find whatever treasure they could find. They found armor and weapons and they took them. All of them ran down the tunnel again to search Smaug's huge room of treasure.

However, Thorin and Bilbo stayed in the throne room, picking up what they could find. Thorin picked up and put on some of his father's armor and turned in a circle to face his burglar. "How do I look, my hobbit?"

Bilbo nearly fainted at such a sight. The armor fit particularly well to his torso and especially to his waist. He walked over and ran his hands over the armor on the dwarf's body. "It looks perfect on you, my love. You look like a king already." He reached to his pocket and felt the Arkenstone. He took it out and gave it to Thorin. "I found this and I wanted to return it."

Thorin saw and was ecstatic. He took it and placed it in his bag. The dwarf then looked around and down the hall, then turned to Bilbo with a devilish smile. "We are alone. Perhaps you should show me how much you wanted to return the Arkenstone to me." the dwarf purred while walking to the burglar.

Bilbo let himself be ordered by the dwarf. He raised a hand to the dwarf's chest and he pressed down while he raised his lips to Thorin's. Thorin went the rest of the way to close the gap between them, and their mouths opened, leaving their tongues to battle for dominance. Thorin obviously won, and he licked every part of Bilbo's mouth. Bilbo wrapped his arms around the dwarf's neck when, suddenly, Thorin picked him up, wrapping his legs around his torso.

The soon-to-be king carried Bilbo over to the throne, still maintaining the kiss. He laid himself sideways on the throne with Bilbo on top of him, running his hands through the dwarf's hair. Thorin pulled Bilbo closer, and he would have gotten much closer if Thorin's nephews, Fili and Kili, who had come on the mission, cleared their throats, causing Thorin and Bilbo to stop instantly and turn their heads.

Fili laughed as Kili pretended to kiss an imaginary person, mimicking their uncle and his lover. "Uncle Thorin, if you are finished," they both giggled. "we are ready for the trek for supper."

Thorin frustratedly got up, pulling Bilbo up with him. They held hands as Thorin passed his nephews and went to the front. However, Bilbo was pulled back by Fili and Kili, who looked like they wanted to talk.

"So, I see you are now courting my uncle." said Fili.

"He seems to really love you." Kili added.

Bilbo blushed. "I would hope so."

Fili and Kili both looked at each other before saying, "We hear that he may ask you to marry him, and that he wants to make you as close to a King as you can get, for you are not a dwarf."

Bilbo gasped at this news. Of course he loved Thorin and wanted to spend the rest of his life with him, but he liked his home. Maybe they could visit afterward and get some things from his Hobbit-hole before moving. But who knew if Thorin was going to ask him to be his King? Why would he trust his young, troublemaking nephews? These thoughts consumed him until they stopped for the night and began to eat.

During the meal, Bilbo laid against Thorin's shoulder, much the the amusement to Fili and Kili. Thorin sat admiring the Arkenstone and put it back in his bag, promising to put it back in the throne so he would not forget it. When they all fell asleep, Bilbo stayed awake longer than the rest. He thought about a future life with Thorin, ruling the kingdom side by side. He would not only be similar to a King, he would be with Thorin. Forever. These thoughts brought pleasant dreams as he finally fell asleep.

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