The Awakening of a Dragon

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The next morning was Durin's Day, and the company made their way up the mountain. Before the journey to the Lonely Mountain, Thorin and Bilbo woke up and redressed. They packed their bags and kissed one last time before making their way to the base of the mountain.

"The home of my father, and me." Thorin said nostalgically. "I remember it as if it were yesterday that I left."

"You shall soon return and take it back from the dreadful dragon, my King. I will stand by you as you do it." Bilbo hugged the taller man, Thorin returning the hug.

The dwarf held back tears; this was a more emotional trip than he could have expected. Not only was he reunited with his home, but he had fallen deeply in love with someone who had equal love for him, and would help him get back his home. He let go of Bilbo and placed a kiss on his forehead. The future King turned to his company and said, "We must get up to the ledge Elrond spoke about."

Soon, the company, using ropes and hooks, climbed up onto the ledge and stood looking at the stone. By this time, the sun was almost down and the dwarves quickly hauled each other up. When the dwarves were all up, the sun was behind the clouds, unseen.

When Thorin saw this, he was outraged. "How could we have lost it? How could this have happened? We can't wait another year for this!" he yelled to no one in particular. The dwarf punched and rammed the rock, but it didn't move. Thorin let out a yell of extreme rage and sadness before leaning his back on the rock and burying his head in his hands.

Bilbo ran over to comfort him, and his touch seemed to sooth the dwarf of anger, but he still grieved. "We have missed the last light of Durin's Day. We will have to go back to Lake-town until next year." Thorin said in a heartbroken tone. The company hung their heads and began to go down the mountain until Bilbo heard a knocking sound. He looked toward the rock and saw a thrush beating a snail up again the side of the mountain. Mr. Baggins thought about Elrond's words and froze.

"Everyone!" the hobbit exclaimed. "That is the thrush! The thrush knocking! We haven't missed it! The light will be soon!" As if on cue, the light shone on the rock and a hole appeared, just large enough for a key.
Thorin looked awestruck at the hobbit and ran over to kiss him. Bilbo was extremely embarrassed at the dwarf's display of affection in front of the company, but no one laughed. They thought it was sweet. Thorin sensed Bilbo's embarrassment and pulled away. He held the hobbit's shoulder with one hand and took the key from his neck. Thorin put the key in the keyhole and turned it.

The future King pulled out the key and, suddenly, a huge piece of rock fell from the mountain, leaving a small hole in the rock. The company celebrated, but soon, the reality hit that their enemy was just behind the walls. "Who is going inside the mountain?" a dwarf said.

"I am." said Baggins the Burglar.

"As am I." said Thorin Oakenshield, taking Bilbo's hand. "If I do not come back, do not let this dragon survive."

The company nodded as the couple turned towards the hole. Bilbo put the ring on his finger and he and Thorin became invisible. They silently entered the hole, smoke everywhere.

Thorin led Bilbo down the smooth and precise passage to a doorframe into a room full of treasure. The room was the dungeon, full of coins and jewels and gold and silver. Bilbo felt Thorin's hand tighten as he observed the treasure, and he saw the dwarf raise and hand to his mouth, as if to stop a shout of joy.

That joy was short-lived though, for atop all the treasure laid a red and golden dragon, so big that he couldn't fit even his head through the passage Bilbo and Thorin had just entered. He laid asleep, snoring so loud that smoke encircled the entire dungeon. Thorin looked at the dragon with such a fire in his eyes and was about to scream at the dragon when Bilbo, sensing his love's anger, kissed him until the dwarf calmed. "If you weren't with me, love, I would have already have been killed."

Bilbo hugged Thorin one last time before the dwarf led him into the room of treasure. As soon they entered, the dragon stirred, irritated from a dream. "Thieves! Fire! Murder!" the dragon howled, wide awake now. He looked around and sniffed. "I smell you, thief, and I feel your air. But I do not see you." Smaug laughed. "Help yourself to my treasure, will you."

Bilbo motioned to Thorin that he would speak. "No, thank you, Smaug the mighty. I merely came to look at you. I didn't believe in the tales about you."

Smaug huffed. "Do you believe them now?"

Bilbo squeezed Thorin's hand, which startled the dwarf, who was looking around for a certain piece of treasure. In fact, Thorin almost yelped aloud. "Oh yes. No one seems to be as great as Smaug the Chiefest and Greatest of Calamities." Thorin turned and looked hurt; Bilbo rolled his eyes and hugged him.

"Hmm. I'm flattered. But let me give you a piece of advice. Don't have more to do with dwarves than you can help!"
Smaug growled.

Thorin and Bilbo grabbed each other. "Dwarves?" Bilbo tried to convince the dragon.

"You cannot fool me. I know the smell, and taste, of dwarves. You can tell that dwarf that I can smell exactly what I have just said."

Thorin curled his mouth in a snarl before Bilbo ran his hand through his hair, keeping him from speaking. "A fair price for this cup, I suppose." Bilbo said, picking up a gold cup.

Smaug became angry, but talked more with the hobbit. After much riddling and secretive speaking, Bilbo insulted
the dragon while pulling Thorin towards the door. Smaug became dreadfully enraged, and began to breath fire and fly out of the mountain, looking for dwarves.

The dwarves were smart and ran into the hole when Smaug left the mountain and closed the door. Thorin and Bilbo ran into the rest of the dwarves and tried to explain what was going on, but they were interrupted by the dragon smashing the side of the mountain.

Thorin and Bilbo fell to the floor, holding each other in each other's arms. "What are we to do?!" the dwarves shouted.

"We must wait till he leaves!" Thorin shouted. After a while, Smaug gave up, but he was still angry. The dragon drew himself up and flew toward Lake-town, as bloodthirsty as he was when he first came to the mountain.

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