The Help of an Elf

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After the conflict with the trolls, the company made their way to Rivendell. Throughout the trek, everyone was silent, no songs sung, no stories told. They were extremely hungry, for there was little food for them to eat. Bilbo, who usually would have been worried about the lack of food, was still thinking of Thorin's concern the night of the troll attack. He kept replaying the dwarf's words over and over in his head. "Call me Thorin, call me Thorin." This in itself brought the hobbit much distress. The fact that Thorin treated him as a lesser member of the party made him feel worse. He was no dwarf, but he was still their burglar. His burglar. He let these thoughts circle his mind until they reached a valley.

Bilbo could hear the voices of elves in the bushes. He saw Thorin's shoulder tense at the sound and watched as elves entered in front of them. The elves welcomed them.

"Thank you." Thorin replied to the greeting, sounding annoyed, for elves and dwarves were enemies. Bilbo wondered if hobbits and dwarves were the same way. Probably not, considering he hadn't heard such a thing from any hobbit around. The elves led them to a river with a narrow stone bridge they had to cross. The bridge was so small in width that, to get the ponies across, they had to go one at a time. Thorin let all the other dwarves go ahead so he could help with the ponies. When it came time for Bilbo to cross, he led his pony about a foot onto the slippery bridge when he felt himself slip over the side. He closed his eyes and awaited the rushing current of the water, and the ridicule of the dwarves, but it never came. The hobbit opened his eyes to find himself hanging right above the current, toes barely escaping the flowing water. Mr. Baggins looked up to find Thorin holding him up, arms around his waist. "You can try and get up now." The dwarf grunted, still holding the weight of the burglar.

"Right," Bilbo breathed as he tried to pull himself up. As soon as he finally got footing on the bridge, he fell again, this time onto the dwarf himself. Bilbo winced as he felt Thorin get up, lift him, and hurl him across the remainder of the bridge. Bilbo crashed into the waiting dwarf company, knocking all of them down. Bilbo rubbed his head as the dwarf King made his way carefully across the bridge. He made eye contact with Bilbo before scowling and turning up his nose at the clumsy hobbit. "How many times do I have to save you, burglar?" Bilbo looked down and couldn't think of a time when he was more embarrassed. He picked himself up off the dwarves and got back on the pony.

The party entered the home of the Elf Lord, Elrond. Bilbo thought it was simply divine. Elrond was a great host, feeding them, giving them aid and advice, and let them have a time to rest. Bilbo told Gandalf, "I believe this is the most productive part of our journey yet!" causing a laugh to erupt from Gandalf.

Elrond noticed the swords Thorin and Gandalf were carrying and asked if he could see them. He told Thorin that his sword was Orcrist, Goblin-cleaver. This immensely interested Thorin, causing Bilbo to be slightly jealous. He wished Thorin would pay that much attention to him. The Elf Lord pointed out a secret entrance to the caves of Smaug. This would be useful later. After a while, the company left Rivendell, content and ready to continue their adventure.

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