Chapter 1

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(A/N: I'm really annoyed that Wattpad won't let me indent, so if that annoys anyone else, I'm sorry. But if there is something else that you think I should correct, let me know.)

I have been in the foster system for as long as I can remember. I was always bouncing around from foster home to foster home, and none of them ever really felt like home. Even though I have the greatest friends, it just doesn't feel like I belong here.

There are people that have been in the foster system with me and have already been adopted. They tell me that I will know it when I feel it. They say you will have this feeling in your gut that this is where you are supposed to be. I really hope I get that.

Right now, my foster parents are out doing something I'm not allowed to know about. It must have been something serious because they both were dressed in these suits that made them look like lawyers. I was just sitting on my bed readin my book when I heard my foster parents open the door.

"Virginia! Come down we need to talk with you," my foster mom yelled up the stairs. I knew what it was. They were dressed up very serious like and they told me they needed to talk with me. I could also smell my favorite food from my favorite Italian restaurant a few blocks from here. We live in Sydney, Australia and everything is far away but close if you know what I mean.

I sighed while marking my page in my book and put it on my nightstand. I adjusted my long black side braid and my glasses, then walked downstairs. I joined my parents at the kitchen table. They told me just to call them mom and dad to make things easier. I looked at the bag sitting there and was surprised that along with the Italian they got my favorite Chinese. This was definitely coming.

"So Virginia," my dad started to say fidgeting with his hands like he always did when he was nervous. "We just talked to Nick. You remember him?" he asked me. I nodded not saying anything. Nick was the guy who put me in foster homes that he thought would be match. He didn't believe in the gut feeling or anything.

"We told him that considering our financial problems we think we are no longer fit to provide you with the care you deserve," my mom finished for him. I knew she was sugar coating it. I liked that she was trying to let me down easy. I also knew this was just code for we don't want you anymore.

"Ok. So where will I go next?" I asked them. Whenever I left my old parents always had the information for what foster home I would be put in next.

"Tomorrow at 2:00 you will get on a train and go to deeper in Sydney and go to a man named Calum," he said trying to be gentle. It's not like it was a secret they didn't want me anymore. They were fine in the money department. But I'm not gonna lie. A Calum in Sydney got me hoping.

"What is with all the food?" I asked. I also noticed they got some stuff for desserts.

"We thought we would have sort of a going away party for you before you leave. Italian or Chinese for dinner?" My dad asked pulling out food.

"Italian," I said grabbing plates and forks. We ate and talked and had dessert and watched a little TV. Then I went to bed. I didn't have much to pack but the little things I actually bothered to take out when I moved in. My parents told me that before I leave they would take me to see friends for the last goodbyes. I promised them that I would call and text. I also told them I would video chat so they could see my new foster house. I really hope my new dad will be nice. That was my last thought before I fell asleep.

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