The Day That Changed History; Well Mine Atleast.

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(A quick note. I am new to writing, but i have always wanted to, so please go easy on me, but any criticism is greatly appreciated. Everything written is all fiction, names, places and in no way real. This story has all 5 main characters pov. Well i hope you enjoy, and i really hope it is as good as it sounded in my head)

                  Bailey's POV

Waking up to water being thrown in my face is not the type of wakeup call i like.

"What the fuck jenna, really was that necessary? And how the fuck did you get in?"

"Babe ive been knocking at the door for the last ten mins, i thought something had happened so i used the spare key you gave me"
Jenna is my best freind, or was if she does that again. She can sometimes be, annoying, but its because she cares. I think.

Dragging myself out of bed i march past her to the bathroom.

"That key is for emergencies only"

"Yeah well if you would have answered the door, or your phone for that matter, i rang you 7 times btw, i wouldnt have had to use the key. Plus we both know if it werent for me you would be late too school everyday, so you should be thanking me for saving your arse from detention everyday really"

"Hmm if you say so" I drag my self into the shower and get washed in less than 3 mins. If i weren't late i would spend five minutes just standing there grumbling about life, im not much of a morning person. At all.

"If you move your butt we can stop for something to eat before we get too school"

The mention of food never fails to get me motivated. I dry my hair with the blow drier and throw it up into a messy bun, i dont really like to fuss with it much when im just going to school. A pair of jeggings, a vest top with a black jumper over with the words 'sorry im late i didnt want to come' written on the front and my old scuffed converse complete my look. Im not one to try and dress girly and cute, if it looks okay and im comfortable then its a yes from me.

We both head out to jennas car and drive to the nearest drive thru that sells breakfast food. I would drive my self but since i do not yet have my licence i get a lift to and from school everyday from jenna. I should mention that although i live in america, im not American. I moved here 4 years ago when i was 13. And even though i have lived here awhile, im still not used to all the American terms so i still use British ones alot, to the amusement of jenna.

When i first moved here it was to live with a distant cousin on my mothers side. It wasnt what you would expect, me getting dumped on someone who resents my presence. Charlotte was actually very accommodating. My mother passed away which resulted in my moving, my biological father has been a no show all my life. The apartment i actually live in was left to my mother from her auntie, and thus left too me when she passed. Charlotte actually moved into the apartment with me, so basically she was living with me, because i wasnt old enough to look after my self at the time. She hasnt recently moved out to live with her boyfriend so now i live alone.

I snap out of my reminiscing when jenna asks me "Are you going to the Malory brothers paty tonight"

"Do you think i would pass as a snail if i curld my self up in a ball on the floor and not move? "

Jenna frowns at me. "Girl what the hell are you on about? No, of coarse you wouldnt"

I smile at her "and you just answered your own question for me, no im not going so dont try and convince me, im having a solo Netflix an chill night with lots of junk food"

She huffs at me "girl your a right weirdo, and a bore"

I look up at notice we are at the school. "lets just get our jail sentence over with, the quicker it goes by the better"

Jenner just laughs and pulls into a spot. Getting out of the car to go into school is nearly just as painful as dragging my arse out of my warm bed on a cold morning.

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