Noya Ending

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I was about to step on the bus with the rest of my team when someone behind me called my name. I could hear some of the girls on the bus talking excitedly about me finally getting a boyfriend and the coach trying to calm them down.

"Myra-chan, can I talk to you for a second? Before you leave?"

"Make it quick," coach said.

Oikawa grabs my hand and pulls me away from the bus so we could get some privacy. I pulled my hand away from his when he stopped walking and crossed my arms, looking down at the ground.

"Nervous?" He asks with a smirk.

"Sorry," I mutter.

"Why are you sorry?"

"I like you but I don't think it'd work"

"Is it because of those Karasuno guys?" He asks, his face growing dark.

"U-uh," his face was pretty scary right now, it almost made me what to rethink my answer.

"It's the libero isn't it?"

"I don't think it would work with you being so far away. There's plenty of other girls who would be lucky to go out with you," I hug him. "Treat whoever you get nicely"

The girls started screaming at us so I pulled away. "Bye, Tooru"

"Thanks, Myra," he said, smiling.

"What for?"

"That speech earlier"

"Myra!" The coach shouted.

"See you later Psychokawa, get yourself a girl who loves you and don't lose her"

He nods. "Bye, Ace"

I stepped on the bus and saw Oikawa wink at me one more time before walking away with his head held high.

"Did you just do what I think you did?"

All the girls were staring at me as the bus started. I stood at the front, thinking of what to say.

"Did you actually just turn down Oikawa?"

"Uh, yeah," I reply.

"You're insane!" Some of them shouted.

"I have my reasons. You guys should be thankful, now he's still single"

"Girls, the next game is tomorrow night, get some food in you and get some rest. We can't be worrying about boy troubles right now"

"Yes coach"

"Have you spoken with him?" Kiyoko asked me.

"No, of course I haven't said anything"

"He's your best friend, isn't he?"

"That's exactly the point"

"Just go tell him how you feel. He already confessed so there's nothing to be scared of"

I sigh. "You're right. Thanks, Kiyoko"

"Go tell him"

The bell rang, announcing the end of lunch. I spent my last two periods quietly writing down notes. I ran into Noya on the way out of school. Well more like he ran up to me.

"Hey Ace!"

"H-Hey Yū" I instantly shut myself up.

"Umm, I..."

"So, I told you I'd tell you what my response to Oikawa would be when I decided"


"I said no"

"Really?" His face brightened up at my response. "Why?"

"He may be this volleyball celebrity but I don't like him. I like you"

He stopped walking and I stopped a couple steps ahead of him when I saw he was no longer beside me. I spun around. He was staring at me. We stayed like that for a while, just staring at each other. Then, he raced forward with the biggest smile on his face, grabbing my hand and dragging me forward. I nearly fell with how fast he was going.

"Hey, slow down!"

He only laughed cheerfully and kept yanking me in different directions towards wherever we were going. He stopped outside an ice cream shop and told me to wait, returning with some ice cream.

"I told you I'd treat you to some ice cream"

"You know you didn't have to-"

"Of course I did, I did tell you I would"

He gave me the ice cream and took my free hand, pulling me somewhere at a slower pace than before. I enjoyed the ice cream while he guided me around passing civilians and turns. We got to my house and he dropped his hand from mine.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I suggest.

"I'm always down for watching a movie with you," he says.

I blushed at the straightforwardness in his words. Now that I told him I liked him he seemed to be acting like he liked me, not just some girl crazy boy.

I opened the door and the house was quiet. It was unusual for the house to be like this, normally you'd hear a tv or something in the distance. There was a sticky note in the kitchen written by Mom saying they had all gone to the hospital and there was some leftovers in the fridge.

"Where is everybody?" He asks.

"Hospital. I guess it was time for Dad and Naoki to get checked over, see how their recovering"

We climbed the stairs and sat down on my bed. I turned on the tv and started searching through the movie selection. I couldn't decide between a thriller or action so I asked Noya, but he didn't respond. His gaze was fixed on me.

"I love you, Myra," he said.

I blinked rapidly a couple times then spoke. "I-I love you too, Yū"

He leaned in and I closed my eyes, waiting for him to kiss me. His hand went to my cheek then his lips met with mine. I can't believe it took me so long to realize I loved my best friend, but that didn't matter. I knew now. Only now mattered, not everything in the past.

We pulled away from each other, keeping the distance at a minimum, and caught our breaths. Then he leaned back against the wall, pulling me with him so I was laying against him and his arms were wrapped around me. His heartbeat was rushed, showing he was nervous. If I had heard mine it probably would've sounded the same way.

"Let's watch the action movie"

Ace of Hearts (Oikawa x OC x Nishinoya)Where stories live. Discover now