Oikawa Ending

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"Alright girls, let's go win nationals!"

"Woooo!!" They all cheered.

We had won the Interhigh tournament and made it to nationals. These were the finals, the last game that would determine wether or not we were winners.

Me and Noya remained friends, I thought it was best considering how he acted. I didn't think he'd be able to take a relationship seriously and he agrees with my choice, deciding to move on. Chase other girls.

I hadn't spoken with Oikawa since the end of the Interhigh, I was busy training with my team for nationals. I think I might've saw him sitting in the crowd during some of my games but ignored the thought. He wouldn't have gone out of his way to watch my games.

The bleachers were packed, not a seat empty, and my team looked ecstatic to be here. This wasn't my first time at the finals so I acted like it was nothing, because to me it was, but to them this was a whole new level.

"Shake hands," the referee said.

We shook hand with the opposite team, wishing them good luck. This team was tough, I could see how they made it to the finals, but we were just as good.

"C'mon girls, we only need two more points. We cannot let them catch up"

First set went to us. Second set they won. Last set we ended up in a deuce. 5 points later my team was hugging each other, cheering. We had won. We received our medals and I couldn't be prouder of the girls standing beside me with gigantic smiles on my face.

"You girls did good," I tell them.

"We did, didn't we?" Watanabe asks.

"That's why I said it, didn't I?"

The girls laughed and they all walked away, talking happily amongst themselves. I tried following them but I was stopped by an interviewer and cameraman.

"Ace! How does it feel to win nationals for the third time?" I was asked.

"Amazing, but I'm just happy that my team got to experience the feeling of winning something this big"

"What do you plan on doing when you're done high school? It's true you only have one year left, right?"

"Well, actually, I was asked to join the Olympic team so this was my last year for volleyball. Next year I'm going straight to training for the olympics"

"Myra-chan~" Oikawa sang from behind the interviewer and cameraman.

"I need to go now, excuse me"

"No problem, thanks for speaking with me"

They left and Oikawa and I stood in the same spots for a while, until he came up and hugged me. He was crying, I could feel my shirt sleeve getting wet and his body shaking.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

He pulls away and I saw his face. He had a smile and his eyes weren't filled with sadness. "I'm so happy, I can't believe you won"

I chuckle. "Shouldn't I be the one crying for the win?"

"That was just so incredible. Your plays were perfect"

"I wouldn't say perfect-"

"But I did. You were perfect on the court, incredible, I couldn't take my eyes off of you"

"So you did watch all my games"

He nods. "I was here"

"Let me go change, we can talk more in a bit"

When I entered the changing room I was met with water to the face. My team was giggling as they watched me stare at them in shock.

"What was that for?" I ask them.

"It's a tradition"

"Since when?"

"Since now. We won the game and it's all because of you, so we're thanking you"

"This doesn't seem like much of a thanks"

They all bowed, properly thanking me.

"Girls, stop doing that"

"Hurry up, Myra, you don't want to leave your boyfriend waiting~"

"Oh, shut up"

I changed and left my hair down so it would dry. When I met up with Oikawa he was surprised to see me with a sour expression on my face and wet hair.

"The girls threw water at me, they said it meant thank you"

"How sweet of them"

"Yeah whatever, I gotta get back to the hotel before I start to get sick"

Halfway to my hotel Oikawa took off his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders. I gratefully accepted the jacket. He also slipped an arm around my waist but I left it there, liking the feeling.

"I'm gonna go dry my hair, you can just wait here," I tell him, going to the bathroom of my hotel room.

"You're staying here alone?" He asks me.

"I was with one of the other girls, we all have a roommate, but she's with the team. We were all supposed to be heading out for victory supper but I guess I can be a little late since I'm drenched"

I dried my hair and let it stay in it's naturally straight state. I went out and sat on the side of one of the beds, opposite of Oikawa. His jacket was still being worn by me.

"Why did you come to watch?"

"Why else? For you"


He sighs. "You don't get it, do you?"

"Clearly not. If I did I wouldn't be asking"

He reached across from the bed he sat on and grabbed my hands. "I like you, Myra"

"You're not lying, are you"

He shakes his head, standing up and pulling me with him. He held me close for a while then pulled away, gazing into my eyes.

"I like you too," I say.

He smirks. "I knew you'd fall for me eventually"

I scoff and plop down on the bed. "Good job ruining the moment"

He sits beside me and cups my cheeks in his hands. "I'm serious though"

"I know you are"

This time we kissed was unlike the others. It wasn't rushed but it also had feeling behind it. He pulled my body closer to his, our hips touching.

"Myra? Are you ready? We're going to supper now" someone said outside the door.

I shove myself away from Oikawa, my face going red, and stutter a response. "Uh, y-yeah, I'll be there in a second"

"Don't leave us waiting!"

I could hear her retreating down the hall, leaving me and Oikawa alone again.

"I should go"

I tried removing the jacket but he stopped me.

"You can keep it on for now, it looks good on you"

Ace of Hearts (Oikawa x OC x Nishinoya)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang