Chapter 2

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I was in the gym, practicing some bumps, volleys and spikes. Suga was setting the ball to me and Tanaka was being annoying by complimenting me every time I hit the ball. The door opened and Hinata and Kageyama walked in.

"Who is she?" Hinata asks.

Not the kind of question when you see someone you don't know and wonder what their name is. He was wondering who I was, how I was so 'amazing' - as worded by a lot of others - at volleyball.

"She's the Ace of Hearts. The prodigy volleyball player who is smokin' hot, steals every guy's heart," Tanaka answers. "She's perfect"

"Why hearts?" Kageyama asks.

"You see how she turns down Tanaka, that's why. She isn't very into relationships," Daichi answers, earning a growl from Tanaka.

I spike the next ball that went my way, speaking to them while keeping my eyes on the volleyballs aimed at me. "Hey, guys, you ready for the match?"

They were both staring at me wide eyed, not a shocking reaction when people saw me practicing or playing, they always seemed amazed with what I was able to do. I saw Hinata nod his head from the corner of my eye, Kageyama only stared at me.

Two other guys walked in behind them. They were tall, at least 6'0. I wasn't much shorter than them, I was 5'10, perfect for volleyball.

"Who are you two?" I ask.

The taller guy had blonde hair, golden brown eyes and glasses. The other guy had short black hair with freckles. The guy with glasses spoke.

"Tsukishima Kei, that's Yamaguchi Tadashi"

"The other new members. You mind if I call you Tsukki and Guchi?" They opened their mouths to say something but I cut them off. "I'm Myra"

"The captain of the girl's team, Ace Of Hearts. I heard you're the best of the best," Tsukki said.

I chuckle and tuck a strand of loose hair behind my ear. Not an action done out of nervousness, something of annoyance. My hair tended to do whatever it wanted.

"Don't believe everything you hear"

"We need to get ready," Kageyama says.

"The court's yours," I tell them.

"Myra you look beautiful when you sweat," Tanaka said.

I stare at him blankly then roll my eyes and go change out of my volleyball uniform. When I went back into the gym to grab my things the game had begun. Daichi had served and it was heading straight for Tanaka, but he was too distracted by my appearance and got whacked in the face.

"Watch what you're doing idiot!" I tell him, earning some laughs from the other guys.

"You aren't gonna stay and watch?" Suga asks me, noticing the bag in my hand.

"I'll be back later, I have homework"

I did return later, finished with everything I had to do. They were all still on the court, continuing their match. They all seemed pretty tired but when I looked at the score, 24-23 for Hinata and Kageyama, I could see why. When I left they were dragging way behind.

Kageyama set the ball and Tsukki jumped in front of Hinata, thinking the short boy was gonna spike the ball, but Tanaka came up on the other side which was wide open. That was game. Tanaka took his shirt off and started twirling it around in the air, more excited for the victory than the others. Tanaka then started trash talking the opposite team, Hinata backing him up here and there.

"Why are you doing more trash talk than Hinata is?" someone asked.

"Yeah exactly without the first years you never would've made that hit," Ennoushita, another one of the team members, shouted.

"Don't get all cocky!" Suga said.

"Keep your clothes on!" I shout.

"Look I don't need any snark remarks from the peanut gallery," Tanaka shouted at us.

The second set started and the points kept going up. Hinata and Kageyama won the match. They were both sprawled out on the floor when it was finished, catching their breaths. All 4 new members were given their new team jackets by Kiyoko, the team manager, someone else who had to put up with Tanaka's flirting.

Monday came around and I walked with Daichi to the club room. He wanted me to try and help Hinata with all the pressure being put on him from the game they had tomorrow. Hinata looked freaked when I saw him.

"Uh, Hinata, I need to talk to you outside"

"S-sure," he stuttered, tripping over a bag in the process of following me outside.

"Don't let the pressure get to you, it'll drag you down"

"How would you know?" He asks.

I sigh. "First game I ever played, I made us lose. Lost sight of the ball too many times. Just think of the good things. You're going to play your first game as apart of this team"

"Yeah," he didn't sound too enthusiastic.

He trudged down the hallway and bumps into Tsukki. Tsukki made a joke about him being short, saying he 'didn't see him', but Hinata only looked up at him, saying 'whatever' and continuing down the stairs.

"You've gotta stop messing around with him about his height," I tell Tsukki. "He makes up for the small height in his jumps and speed"

"What's up with him?" Guchi asks.

"Too much pressure, he's nervous. So don't make life hard for him right now with those jokes, alright Tsukki?"

"Wa?" He said, wide eyed.

"What are you so shocked about?"

"N-nothing," he says, walking past me.

"You know what his deal is?" I ask Guchi.

He just shrugs and enters the club room.

Ace of Hearts (Oikawa x OC x Nishinoya)Where stories live. Discover now