Chapter 14

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"I don't know what to do. Ever since I spoke with that Psycho he hasn't left my mind. I can't focus in school, I have to copy off of Noya's notes. In volleyball all I can do is think about how good of a player he is. Ugh!"

I was pacing back and forth, ranting until I couldn't breathe. Kiyoko was sitting calmly on the bench, her eyes following my figure. She was the only one I trusted to tell this to, I knew she wouldn't tell anyone.

"What did he say?"

"He said a couple of idiotic things but then, the last thing he said before running off, was 'you're everything I want in a girl'. It sounded so sweet, especially since he kissed me after, but how do I know he isn't just faking?"

"Did he confess?"

"He did but..."

"But he confessed"

"Yes. I don't know what to do. I like him but like, not like that and I don't know what do you. I'm not the relationship type of person, there's a reason I'm called the Ace Of Hearts"

"You could call him," she suggests.

"I don't know if I'd be able to get a full sentence out," I plopped down on the bench, hiding my face in my hands.

"You don't have to be in a relationship if you don't want to. You've turned down many other guys who confessed, why is he any different?"

"Because he's the first one who said something other than 'I like you'. All the other guys ran away after saying it. He actually did something, he tried"

She shrugs. "You should do something. If you accept his feelings or not, it should help you return to the way things used to be"

"You mean if I do something about this I'll be back to being me?"

"Your normal self"


Someone walked into the gym, making my head spring up. I couldn't help but think if he heard that whole conversation or not. Hopefully not. Noya can't keep his mouth shut about anything.

"Ace, you said we would walk to your house together, remember?"

"Oh, shoot. Right, you wanted to see my brother, sorry. Bye Kiyoko, thanks for letting me rant about my problems"

She shakes her hand, silently saying no problem. I drag Noya out the door, racing off of the school premises. Once we were a fair distance away from the school I dropped his hand and slowed down, clutching on to the strap of my bag with both of my hands.

"What were you girls talking about?"

"Just girl problems that do not involve you"

"How's Naoki been doing?"

"Pretty good actually, he's recovering fairly well. At least that's what the doctors say"

We remained silent all the way to my house. He seemed tense, awkward, almost nervous. I opened the front door and saw my mom making some dessert in the kitchen.

"Hello Nishinoya, how have you been?" She asked, not turning her head. She was good at noticing people without seeing them.

"Awesome," he answers with a smile.

"C'mon," I tell him, dropping my bag on the floor.

He followed me up the stairs to my brother's room. I opened the door and went in. Naoki was laying in his bed, watching tv. He was very limited in the things that he could do but he was well enough that he could be on home arrest instead of stuck in a hospital.

"Hey Noya, I was wondering when you'd visit me," Naoki said.

"I'd been busy with volleyball. You look to be in good shape"

"Ha, don't even try making me feel better. I'm stuck here for a couple months at least. The break was only small so nothing too serious"

"Oh, did Myra tell you about-"

"Did you get a boyfriend?!" Naoki shouts at me.

I wince at the volume. "No"


"She's the assistant coach for my team," Noya finishes.

"That's even worse!" Naoki screams.

"How?" Noya asks innocently.

"She hangs around you guys too much. Not you in particular but I just don't like the thought of her hanging around a group of boys for hours"

"Well, their manager is a girl so it's not like I'm the only one," I say.

Footsteps rushed up the stairs. My mom came into the room worried, thinking something had happened to the already injured Naoki. She sighed and rolled her eyes when she saw we were all fine.

"Myra, give your brother a break, let him sleep"

"But I want to talk more about Myra's love life," he pouted.

"Oh, shut up," I tell him, wandering towards my room. "He's so annoying"

"He's hilarious," Noya says.

We both laid down on my bed, just staring at the ceiling for a minute.

"What was Oikawa doing the other day at the beach?" He asks.

"I already told you, his team-"

"What was he doing with you"

"Oh. We were just talking about the competition coming up"

"Really?" He didn't sound convinced.


"Myra, you know you can tell me the truth," he sat up, looking down at me.

I kept my eyes on the ceiling, not wanting to make eye contact. My cheeks started to heat up just at the thought of Oikawa and what happened the other day.

"He confessed. And he kissed me," I mumble.

"He what?!"

"Quiet down," I hiss. "You heard me"

He turned away, his head hanging low. He was glaring at the floor, thinking hard about something.

"Dude, you ok?"

"Y-yeah, just thinking"

"It's not like it's the first time someone confessed, or kissed me. I just don't do relationships so it does seem a little uncalled for"

"What are you going to say?"

I sit up and put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, when I decide you'll be one of the first people to know"

Ace of Hearts (Oikawa x OC x Nishinoya)Where stories live. Discover now