Chapter 6

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The guys were having some sort of training camp, getting ready for a practice game against Nekoma. Tanaka and Noya both kept trying to convince me to introduce them to some of the girls on my team but I made sure to keep the guys away from all my teammates.

I went to where the boys had been rooming, going to get some food from their kitchen. Kiyoko told me there were some leftovers and the girls back at our place were all looking for some snacks during their 'sleepover'. We were all having a bonding night nearby to increase our teamwork and trust, as said by our coach.

When I walked in, in my pyjama dress, I found some of the guys standing around in the dark hallway. Hinata and Tanaka looked like they had been scared half to death and Noya was standing behind them with wet hair. His hair wasn't sticking up, making him look shorter and younger.

"Where's the kitchen?" I ask, making them jump and scream.

"Myra?" Hinata asked.


"Why are you here?"

"To get some food, Kiyoko said there were leftovers and the girls wanted some snacks"

"You're staying nearby?" Tanaka and Noya asked eagerly in unison.

"I'm not gonna tell you where we're staying because I don't want any of them quitting because of you two"

A tall man with long brown hair, brown eyes and a slight scruff on his chin came up behind Noya, putting a hand on his shoulder. The boys screamed again, even louder this time, their faces pale, but I only smiled.

"Guys, it's just me!" He said over the screams.

"Hey, Asahi, you finally decided to rejoin?"

He ran a hand through his hair which was normally up in a bun. "Yeah, I missed it too much"

"Glad you finally came to your senses. Anyway, where's the kitchen?"

"Down there," Asahi answered, pointing down a hallway.

"Oh, thanks. By the way Yū, I like the hair"

I winked at him, walking backwards down the hallway. His eyes widened and his cheeks reddened. I didn't normally call him by his name, usually it was Noya, but sometimes Yū just slipped off my tongue. I smiled, turned around and went to raid the kitchen. The girls were happy with what I brought back for them.

"So, truth or dare?" Kobayashi, the setter, asked.

"Yeah!" They all agreed.

"Alright, Myra I got one for you. Truth or dare"

"Hmm, with dare you'd probably get me to do something awful, most likely involving the boy's team, so truth"

"Aww man, I was gonna get you to go over and steal one of their jersey's. Fine. Is it true you like one of the guys on the team?"

I spluttered before speaking. If I had been drinking something it would have shot out of my mouth. "Wa? No, of course I don't"

"Don't lie~" Fujioka sang.

"You've gotta have your eyes on someone," Watanabe said matter of factly.

I roll my eyes. "Jeez, you guys are as bad as the boys, thinking I'm in love with them"

The next day I went to the school gym to help the boys with their training. They were going all out with every little aspect of volleyball.

"Who're you?" Someone asked.

I turned to see a man with dyed blonde hair held back with a headband. He was shorter than me, just a little bit.

"Who're you?" I repeat his question.

"The coach"

"Really? They actually managed to find a coach? Oh, sorry, I'm Myra, captain of the girl's volleyball team, I've been helping Daichi coach while they were looking for a real coach"

"Oh yeah, I heard about you"

I sigh. "Who hasn't? Anyway, I'm here to help"

"Great, go serve, we're working on receives"

"Are you coming to watch our game?" Daichi asked me while I served him a ball.

"Why wouldn't I? Someone's gotta cheer you on," I respond while he bumped the ball back.


The day of the competition came and everyone was riled up. Both teams stood in straight lines, Nekoma on the left and Karasuno on the right, staring at the person they were standing across from. I walked up, passing between the two.

"Well, isn't this awkward," I joke, walking through the two lines. "Better keep the game friendly, don't need to start anymore feuds"

When I got to the gym, with all the guys following, the Karasuno high team started getting acquainted with the Nekoma high team. Some were more friendly than others, like the captains. Daichi and their team captain, Kuroo, shook hands with kind smiles. Tanaka and some other guy on the other hand yelled at each other.

The boys, now ready for the game, crowded around Daichi while he gave a speech. I stood by his side, adding some comments here and there for good measure.

"We haven't been a team for very long and we're still kind of finding our groove, so we're not very coordinated. On top of all that this is our first game using the new starting lineup. We don't know anything about Nekoma as a team-"

"Actually, they're pretty skilled. They don't fight with each other, they have trust and teamwork on their side"

"Uh, yeah. Whatever kind of wall we find ourselves up against today, we can rise above it"

"No, don't just rise above it, break through it"

"Yeah!" They all cheered.

I stood on the side beside Ukai, the coach, and watched as everyone went to their starting positions. Nekoma high served and Asahi received the ball. Kageyama set it for Hinata. The opposing team waited on the left side for the ball to be spiked but Hinata raced to the other side and spiked the ball, earning them a point. Their opponents all seemed shocked at Hinata's moves.

"How'd he do that? I mean the kid didn't even open his eyes," the Nekoma coach said.

Ukai and Takeda only snickered. The next time Karasuno got the ball they went with a sneak attack where Hinata pretended to be the one Kageyama would send the ball to but Tanaka took it on the other side of the court.

The other team called a timeout, pretty early in the game. Karasuno was ahead by a little, managing to hold on to the lead. Kageyama even managed to get a spike in, surprising some of his teammates. He really was a perfectionist when it came to volleyball. Nekoma started to catch up and eventually won the first set.

"You guys need to watch the setter, he's very aware. He uses strategy, he's observant," I tell the team during the next timeout.

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