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Lucy rolled over in bed. Her head thumped, and her stomach decided to roll over too. She willed it to stay still. But with each snore of her husband, and each thump of her head, her stomach churned. She felt the bile start to rise in her throat. With a groan, she jumped from the bed and ran to the bathroom. One thing she could thank Natsu for — he understood the necessity of having the bathroom close to the bedroom.

As she hurled, Lucy hugged her stomach with one arm. The other held back her hair. It suddenly made sense to her why Levy cut her hair when she was pregnant. The thought swam around her head of whether to cut her hair or not. But as the next wave came, she could feel Natsu behind her, holding her hair. Her heart dropped, but was lifted at the same time. She didn't want him to see her like this — despite their years of marriage, Lucy always wanted to look nice for her husband. But at the same time, she felt loved. Natsu was willing to get up early in the morning when she needed help. He was willing to sit and wait with her and hold her hair.

The minutes passed, and slowly her stomach settled. Natsu wordlessly passed a wet cloth to his wife. Lucy wiped her mouth, grimacing at the smell of her breath. She chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

"I get Levy's short hair now. Maybe I should cut mine!" Lucy half-joked.

"No." Natsu responded heavily. He looked her in the eye as he brushed her hair from her face. "Your hair is amazing — it'd be a crime to cut it. I'll hold it whenever you need me to."

Lucy chuckled and closed the toilet. With a flush, her rough morning was gone. Natsu stood, and helped his wife to her feet.

"Soda crackers and water for breakfast then?"

Lucy sighed. "For me at least. Do you want me to make you anything?"

Natsu shook his head. "Nah. It's tough making food for just one. I'll have soda crackers and water too."

The couple made their way to the kitchen. Lucy pulled out a chair, and Natsu opened the cupboard. She watched as he reached for the crackers. His arm muscles flexed even with this simple movement. It still took Lucy's breath away that her husband was so strong. He set the crackers on the table. Pulling a pitcher from a cupboard, Natsu filled it with water. He sat down to join his wife.

Lucy hungrily opened the box of crackers. Natsu sat calmly and watched his wife. In the past few months she had gained several pounds. And he was glad for it. With all the food she lost in the mornings, he worried about her. But as she sat happily eating her crackers and drinking her water, he smiled.

"You're beautiful."

Lucy stopped and stared. She knew what she looked like — messy hair, bags under her eyes, and crumbs on her face. She even knew she was getting fat. From the baby inside her or her bottomless pit of a stomach. Lucy stared at her husband. He was still the same as he was the day they met. Sure there were a few more scars — but his arms were still just as strong, hair just as spiky, and eyes just as clear.

"We might have to get your eyes checked, Natsu. Have you seen me yet today?"

Natsu chuckled. "Of course I have. I held your hair back while you were puking it up this morning. But you're still Luce to me."

Lucy wiped her face off. She didn't think she was that pretty. In her youth, sure. But not now. Lucy stood up. Natsu stood up with her — forever her faithful guard dog.

"I think we should head to the guild. It's been a while since you took a job."

"Would you come with me?" Natsu asked, seeming to get excited at the very idea of a job with his wife.

"You baka," Lucy shook her head playfully. "I'm not going anywhere when I'm almost due."

Natsu pouted. "Then I'm not going anywhere."

"Natsu!" Lucy was stern, "We're going to run out of money any day now. We can't -" She trailed off.

Natsu looked at her. Her hair was messy, with several strands falling over her lowered face. Her hands were wringing in front of her stomach. Natsu walked up to his wife and knelt down, putting his hands on the baby bump. Lucy jumped at the sudden contact, but she soon settled. It was Natsu any way.

"You better listen, little Dragneel." Natsu rested his forehead on Lucy's stomach. "Don't you go doing anything to your mother while I'm gone."

Lucy chuckled, and Natsu stood up. "Alright, I'll go, but I won't take a long job — just a few days. Don't you pop without me knowing."

"You sure are silly, Natsu. I can't control that."

Lucy led the way out of the kitchen and then out of the house. It didn't matter that she was still in her pajamas. The guild knew how pregnant she was — and most of the town knew too. Natsu followed quickly behind. His pajamas weren't that bad either — his normal billowy pants and Igneel's scarf. It didn't matter that his chest was bare, it just reminded him of his youth even more.

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