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Lucy pulled Natsu along behind her as she headed for the market. The wonder was still evident on his face as he left the mothers behind. Lucy kept her face forward, wishing that she could leave the awkwardness of the last conversation behind.

"Lucy?" Natsu questioned.

"Yes?" She sighed, slowing her pace so Natsu could catch up to her.

"Lucy..." He started again. "Do — do you want to have kids?"

Lucy froze. The people in the streets bustled around her. Natsu looked over her shoulder at her startled face. Her face was completely frozen. Natsu couldn't read it. He shivered.

"Um... Lucy?" Natsu started. "Are- are you okay?"

Lucy shook herself out of her stupor. Putting a smile on her face, she took a step forward. Using all the strength she had, she pulled Natsu along through the market crowds. Natsu could feel the extra force. So he followed her.

"Natsu, we can talk about this later, at home." She emphasized. "Now, what do you want to eat tonight?"

Natsu sighed. "Let's have chili. With those really spicy peppers."

"You know that I don't like it when it's that spicy." Lucy chided.

Natsu wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close. Snuggling her head underneath his chin, he chuckled.

"You don't like it, but you do it anyway." He teased. "You spoil me."

Lucy slipped out of his grip. "I don't spoil you."

"Mmhmm." Natsu snickered. "You're lying, Lucy."

She brushed aside his comment as she walked into a store. Sorting through the produce on display, she only half listened to Natsu's teasing. Lucy mainly focused on the available foods in front of her. Her fingers expertly danced over the greens with their nimble strength. Plucking a pepper, she carefully observed it. After the test, it was added to a basket she had grabbed upon their entrance.

"Lushee ~" Natsu whined. "You're ignoring me!"

Blowing a strand of hair out from her face, she responded. "Really, Natsu. You're the one who wanted the spicy peppers."

He pulled back a little, mumbling under his breath. Natsu shoved his hands in his pockets. He tried to pout for his wife. "Lushee, it's not fair!"

"Mm. Yep. Funny you should mention that Natsu." Lucy said as she set her now full basket by the cashier. "I'm just paying attention to the type of food I'm buying. Don't you want me to make good food for you? Or would you rather eat garbage?"

Natsu mumbled again. Lucy sighed and went to pick up the grocery bag. Natsu jumped ahead of her, grabbing the heavy bag before her. She put one hand on her hip and smirked.

"Are you going to carry that all the way home now?"

"Yes?" Natsu responded, a slight tone of curiosity in his voice. "Why wouldn't I?"

Lucy turned to leave the store. If he didn't see a problem, why should she point one out? "No real reason. You just never carry it."

Natsu groaned and followed her out of the store. Holding the bottom of the bag carefully, he waddled to catch up. But he couldn't really see her. A bag of buns blocked his view. He tried sniffing, but immediately regretted it. The spicy peppers were just below his nose, and they did not take kindly to it. Natsu could feel the heat in his face and the wetness of his eyes.

"Lucy!" He cried, muffled through the buns. "Lucy! Come take this back!"

She had stopped a few feet ahead of him. Shaking her head, she chuckled. Knew it. Gently she grabbed the bag from Natsu and positioned it, so she could see. His eyes were watering profusely and his cheeks were burning. Guess the strong smell got to him.

"C'mon baka. We need to get home."

Humiliated, Natsu hung his head. He dragged himself behind his wife as they walked up the hill to their house. Outside, they could see Happy flying around, and behind him flew a smaller blue cat, whose wings had just appeared. Natsu, catching sight of this, immediately improved his spirits.

"Yahoo Happy! Little Freyr got his wings!" Natsu ran up the path and tackled the small exceed out of the sky. "You did it, little buddy!"

"Natsu!" Carla scolded as she flew out of the house. "Don't try to pretend that I didn't see what you just did! How dare you endanger my little boy?"

"Mom!" Freyr mewed. "It's only Uncle Natsu... he'd never hurt me!"

Carla fumed. "That's exactly what Lucy said last year before he burnt her!"

Lucy chuckled and replied "I did not call him Uncle Natsu, and it wasn't Natsu who burned me. I burned myself on the stove. Let the boys play together a little."

"Humph." Carla turned her back. "I wouldn't mind it as much if Natsu had the strength of a child instead of just the brain of a child."

Natsu stopped rolling around. He looked Carla straight in the eye and stuck out his tongue. "I do not have the mind of a child!" He carefully covered Freyr's ears then added "I can talk about xxxx and xxxx and xxxx and xxxx!"

Everyone gasped. "Natsu!" Carla yelled.

"Natsu Etherious Dragneel!" Lucy cried, the blush rising in her cheeks.

"Natsu..." Happy exclaimed worriedly. "Um, Carla, I think we better go visit Pantherlily. Would you like to go visit Uncle Pantherlily again, Freyr? I'm sure he's got another trick to show you."

"Yay!" Was all Freyr cried as he escaped Natsu's arms and zipped down the hill. Carla followed soon after, still fuming at Natsu. Happy looked apologetically at his friend, then followed after his family. Natsu looked slightly disheartened, but as Lucy drew closer to him he lightened up. She held out her hand with a grin on her face.

"You had better stop doing that. Soon Carla won't let Happy bring Freyr over to play."

"Play with who?" Natsu grinned. "There aren't any children here. Unless, you want a kid?"

Testing the waters, Natsu pulled himself up and Lucy into his arms. Lucy looked down, feeling the very evident heat in her cheeks. She wasn't sure. But when she looked up into Natsu's eyes, at his pure wonder and adoration, she felt herself calm down. She breathed deeply.

"Look Natsu, I-" She stuttered. "I do want a kid it's just... I don't know... are we ready for it?"

Natsu gently placed a kiss on her forehead. "Now who's the baka? We've been through such crazy things together, surely we can take care of a baby together."

"Hmm..." Lucy sighed. "Alright. Let's go inside. We can talk more once we're in the house."

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