Chapter 8

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My computer decided to shut down and now I have to type this up again... Thank god I didn't right that much!! And I dont think Im going to even have Madera or who ever that guy is if you've seen this part... but I will post the video of him fighting him just because its amazing!.. And I dont own Naruto!!!!


"What should we name them?" Minato asked me.

"I want to see their faces first. That way I'll know as soon as I see them." I answered.

"Great idea." Minato smiled at me and pulled me towards him into a hug that made made me never want to leave his side. Then the door bell rang. Really? I sighed. "Great timing. I was enjoying myself." I looked up at him and he bent down to kiss me lightly on the lips.

I pranced over to the door and pulled it open. "Biwako, Hiruzen. Come in." I stepped out of the way making a path.

They came over to discuss the importance of my giving birth, and the seal. "Kushina we are going to have you give birth in a secret location. We do not know who will try and break the seal." Biwako told me in a serious tone.

"And I of course will have ANBU there as body gaurds. And Biwako will be there to assist you and your birth." Hiruzen assured me.

"You must not tell anyone about your birth. It is to be top secret." Biwako said to me. She directed her gaze to Minato. "And you have the seal to think of."

He nodded. I looked up into his eyes. They always made me feel better and for some reason they calmed me. I instantly relaxed. "Don't worry Kushina. I'll go and pack." he pecked me on the lips and I watched him walk off into our bedroom.

"Kushina!" Biwako snapped me back into reality.

I blushed rubbing the back of my neck, "S-sorry!"

"Kushina. We will be leaving shortly. Which means in a few days from now." and with that they both left.

I went and opened the door to our bedroom. "Minato." he turned around. "I'm scared. What if the seal breaks?" I asked worried.

"Kushina don't stress about it. Please. I'll have it under control." he cooed into my ear from behind me. It still sent shivers down my spine, no matter how much he does it, I've never gotten use to it. The way he whispers in my ear, the way his lips brush past my skin. I'll never get use to it. I closed my eyes and leaned on him, earning a soft chuckle as he laid me down on the bed wrapping his arms protectivly around my stomach. I placed my hands on top his, entertwining them together. I can't wait for them to be here. I smild to myself as I driffted into a short slumber.


"Kushina we are going to the hideout." Biwako pulled me along. But I saw Mikoto then with a bundle in her arms and quickly waddled over to her.

"Mikoto! Is it a girl?" (A/N Kushina actually asked her that!)

"No it's a boy." she chuckled.

"And what's your name?" I cooed to the baby rubbing his head.


"Ahh like the third Hokages' father!" Biwako chimmed in smiling.

"Yes, so he will grow up to be a strong shinobi." she smiled down as the baby was was wriggling in her hands. "So when are you going to have your baby?" she asked.

"Babies." I corrected her and smiled.

"You didn't tell me that!" she squealed.

"Oh and does it hurt?" I whispered in her ear.

She laughed, "Well something finally scares you Kushina!"

I heard Biwako sigh and pulled me away. "Bye Mikoto!" I yelled back.

"Kushina, you are not to discuss your pregnancy with anyone!" she whisper yelled. "We are leaving secretly soon so no one will notice." she commanded.


"AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Minato looked worriedly at me, his hands on my protruding belly trying to keep the beast inside me.

I moaned and squirmed around in pain. "AAAHHHHHHH!!"

"Is she okay? I've never seen Kushina in this much pain before." Minato asked Biwako in a scared tone.

"She is fine. Women can deal with this kind of pain. You have a seal to concentrate on Minato." she instructed.

I felt him wince as I screamed in pain yet again. "Hang in there Kushina." he said lovingly to me.

Then I heard crying. Biwako handed my baby to Hiruzen who showed me. "It's a boy." I saw his yellow hair, just like Minato. But as I was staring at my son there was another jolt of pain.

"Man Kyuubi is strong." I saw Minato breaking a sweat keping my demon sealed inside me. I could feel him struggling to break free.

"Come on baby, hurry up-AAHHHHH!!" I yelled as a wave of pain overcame my body.

I was panting and sweating profusely, when I hear another cry. I smiled up at Minato. as I saw another child being brought over to my side. "It's a girl." this time I saw red hair just like mine. I was wondering what to name then when I thought  it was all over, there was one last jolt of pain. "ANOTHER ONE!?" I screamed.

What seemed like hours later there was another baby cry. "I better be done." I panted. But smiled immediantly. "It's another girl." I heard.

I saw Minato, who was concentrating hard on the seal to keep him in. "Am I done Hiruzen?" he called out.

"A little bit longer. Just until Kushina isn't in this state." Hiruzen answered.

"I want to see my babies." I told them. Hiruzen brought my son and one of my daughters over to me. "Minato I'm fine, you can take the seal off." I brushed him away. He collapsed on the floor panting. "Minato!" I hollered. He put a hand up indicating he was alright. Shakily he stood up and sat behind me because I was on a flat bed so I couldn't sit up on my own easily so I leaned on him. "Okay, now give me my babies." I smiled reaching out for them. Minato doing the same with our other daughter.

Holding my son and daughter I thought of a name for her. "Akane. It means 'Brilliant Red' just like her hair. She slowly opened her eyes to reveal a set of mixed orbs consisting of my own and Minato, creating a beautiful blue-grey color with a hint of purple.

"Mishina." he said outloud. And he gasped when he saw her eyes. One was a baby blue, and the other a greyish purple. (A/N I'm not entierly sure what color Kushinas' eyes are so I'm just going to say a purple greyish color, or maybe they're blue... oh well.) Her hair was a bright red as well.

"I heard you say the name Naruto a while ago when you were talking to Jiraiya. I like it." I smiled but not talking my eyes off of my beautiful children.

"Alright then it's settled. Naruto, Akane, and Mishina." Minato stated proudly.

I notice Naruto opened his eyes for me to find two brightly shining blue orbs. I smiled down on him.

"Kushina?" Minato said.


"Thank you for making me a dad." he replied smiling his loving smile at me before kissing me on the lips passionatly.

"I couldn't have done it without you." I giggled.


YAY! Well first I want to say the credit for the name Mishina goes to the person I'm dedicating this chapter to! So thank you for the wonderful name! I made her have triplets because I liked it so much:) Well check my photobucket out! I'm going to be adding photos later of what the kids look like when they're about teens. I hope you enjoyed and sorry it's a tad short:( Ok well... Love Ya!!!Xx

Red Hot Habanero! (KushinaXMinato Naruto fan fiction) //Completed//Where stories live. Discover now