Chapter 3

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Ahh sorry I haven't uploaded!but al the comments of people loving it made me think I should upload! So here you go darlings!!! And hopefully 'll be uploading both my stories more frequently! and they're going to be about 15, just to let you know! ^-^


Minato and I were on Team Jiraiya, which made both of us excited. There was another boy on it and I was the only girl... That I was not excited about and neither was Minato, because the boy had taken a liking to me. Of course I paid no attention to him the way I did Minato.

His name was Taku. He was handsome I guess. His hair was a lighter shade of red, and framed his face. The thing that I liked about about this boy were his eyes. Takus' emerald eyes glisened every time he faced the sunlight. I couldn't take my eyes off them, but there was something about them that just didn't feel.. right.

I was snapped out of my train of thought. "Kushina!" Mintato had my shoulders in his hands and was shaking my gently, as he always was with me. "Jiraiya had to leave for a mission and we can hang out today." Minato smiled, and as he took my hand I returned a warm smiled back.

We were walking up the streets, our fingers laced together when Minato broke the silence, "I want to show you something Kushina. But you can't tell anyone, because it's a secret, okay?" he rasied his eye brows.

"Promise!" I nodded my head, and he picked me up the day he did when he saved me, leaping into the air and through the forest.

"You have to close your eyes, it's a suprise." he said.

I chuckled and did as I was told, leaning my head against his chest. I could hear the steady beat of his heart.

In what seemed like only a matter of seconds, we were at his destination. I heard the sound of rushing water. Wierd, I thought to myself. There isn't any water around here that I know of.

He set me down, and covered my eyes. "I want to make sure you don't look."

I let out a little sigh, "Minato, I can keep my eyes closed." I chuckled.

He pulled his hands away, making it okay for me to now open my eyes and see the beautiful scenery laid out before me. I gasped as my eyes widened.  There was a large waterfall, emptying out into a crystal clear lake. Lily pads were sitting atop the still water, and little fish were swimming freely around the aqua lake. "Minato, this is..Beautiful" was all I could say.

"I take it that you like it?" he questioned.

I turned my head slowly to the left. "You know that I love it." I smiled and kissed his soft lips. He pulled away.

"One more thing I want to show you." he said picking my up once again and lept above the waterfall and onto a field, with a piknic basket. He set me on the blanket that was spread out.

"You are the best boyfriend ever." I told him and planted another kiss on his lips. I smiled into it, soon I felt him smiling too.

"You're so cute." Minato stared into my eyes and started to grin.

I looked over the edge of the waterfall that was glistening as it hit the clear water. "I wanna jump in the water!" I exclaimed standing up and leaping off the top, diving into the beautiful untouched water.

I glided into it water. My firey hair now a darker color. I heard a splash next to me but I saw that Minato was no where. I kicked my feet lightly so that I could tred on the surface, and moved my arms. I saw what looked like a cave of some sort, underneath the waterfall. I swam towards it, holding my breath and diving back under. About fifteen seconds after I went under, I found myself in a cave just as I presumed. It was lit up by glowing purple stones that were scattered along the walls. Something yellow stood out within the cave. "Minato, how did you find this place?"I asked still it awe of the beautifulness, of just about everything I had witnessed today.

"Well we're pretty far into the woods where no one comes, so I just kept going one day, and I stummbled upon this place." he shrugged his shoulders, and lent me a hand, lifting me up to where he was standing.

"Have you ever showed anyone this?" I asked him.

"No just you. And only because I love you." Minato smiled when he stated the last sentence.

Little drops of tears began forming in my eyes. You could hear the drips from my and Minatos' clothes, and hair hitting the floor.

"W-what?" I finally got out.

"I love you." Minato repeated easily, yet slower like how people say it as an everyday thing.

He said those three little words, all girls were dying to hear him say to them (he's pretty popular with the ladies.) and he chose me. The girl with flaming hair, and a red hot personality.

I hugged his neck tightly. I didn't want to let go. I was stil hugging him but I took my head away from where it was resting on his shoulder. "I love you too." I smiled and kissed him once more, wanting to stay like this forever.


Sorry it took so long to upload! If you go ion my photobucket, (same username) and go to my album, there should be a picture of Taku. I couldn't fit the url cuz it was to long... Oh well its on my photobucket and check it out if you wanna! Keep commenting I love it and it makes me happy!!!!! and votes, they make me happy too! plus getting fans and  having my story adding!!! they all make me happy you all like my story!!! Ok, im going to stop rambling...  OK bye, love you!!xx




Red Hot Habanero! (KushinaXMinato Naruto fan fiction) //Completed//Where stories live. Discover now