Chapter 7

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Sorry it's been a while! here ya go!


I don't know how long I sat there weaping into Mito's lap, her continuiously stroking my hair. I took a deep breath. "Mito. I have to tell him." I stood up wiping the tears from my bloodshot, puffy eyes.

"I understand Kushina." she stood up with my hugging me after.

I sniffed and strode out of the room looking for my boyfriend. As soon as I saw his blonde hair he glanced up from his conversation and his smile vanished as soon as his laid eyes on me. Minato flashed up to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Are you okay, Kushina?" he asked scared.

My tears flowed out of my eyes once again, and he just cradled me in his arms as I sobbed into his chest.

When I finally had the courage, my crying was stopping and I lifted my head up, staring into his sparkling blue eyes choking out the dreaded words,"I'm the next Jinchuuriki."

I thought he would pull away and back up, run away from me and leave me alone with no friends. But he only pulled away from me smiling his close eyed smile. "No matter what you are, I'm still going to love you no matter what happens."

**Kushina about 22, Minato about 25

I was walking around the village and spotted Mikoto with Itachi at her side.

"Mikoto!" yelled and walked to her and her son. Her baby bump was just starting to show.

"Hello Kushina." she gave me a warm smile. "What are you doing in town today?"

"I'm just going shopping for Minato and I." I responded with a smile back. I knelt down to Itachis' level, who was about five years old. "How are you today?"

He gave me a smile like his mothers, "I'm doing good, I'm going to be a big brother!" he exclaimed excitedly.

"Well congratulations!" I said hugging him. He had to stand on his tip toes to hug me back, but he finally managed to reach me. I smiling to myself I realized how much I wanted a baby. I got up and hugged Mikoto, congratulating her as well.

"When are you going to have children Kushina?" she asked rubbing her belly.

"I'm not sure really, I'd have to ask Minato. But I don't know what he would say to it." I said hesitantly.

"Oh, well I think you guys would have adorable babies!" Mikoto smiled.

"I think we would too!" I clapped my hands. "Well I have to go grocery shopping." I told her.

"Alright I'll talk to you later Kushina!" she waved, as did Itachi.

I went to the little shop and grabbed the necessary food items for us.

I finally arrived home unloading the food into the kitchen. I didn't realize I had been out late until I felt his arms wrap around my waist. A smile crept onto my face as I placed my hands on his. His hot breath on my neck.. that was one hell of a turn on. I tried to calm myself down.

I had a horrible feeling in my stomach. I ran to the bathroom as quickly as I could and made it in time just to puke in the toilet. Well this is lovely.

A worried Minato entered the bathroom, "Kushina!" he knelt down beside me as he held my hair away from my face.

"No, Minato I don't want you to see me like this." I managed to get out before I hurled into the toilet once again.

"Kushina, I vowed to be there with you in sickness and in health. So here I am." Minato declared to me, repeating our wedding vows.

As soon as I was done I went to the sink and brushed my teeth to get this horrid taste out of my mouth.

"Kushina are you okay?" he asked still concered for my health. I just nodded my head in reply because of the toothbrush that was stuffed in my mouth.

I had an idea of what this was but, we hadn't done anything for a couple months, and the last time it was just a spur of the moment thing and we didn't use any- my thoughts were cut off by Minato. "Come on, let's get some rest. And I'm going to give myself the day off tomorrow so I can be with you." he said pulling my to the bedroom.

The last thing I remember that night was thinking about going immediately to the store the next morning.

**The next morning

Before Minato was up I ran to the store and quickly went to get a pregnancy test, or two. Maybe three just to be safe. I chuckled at myself for being paranoid, but I knew I wanted to be sure so I went to the register and paid for them. The lady smiled at me, "Good luck."

I gave her the biggest smile, "Thank you." I said genuinely rushing out the door and a few minutes later through the home door and then bathroom door.

I noticed Minato sitting at the table about to put a spoonful of cereal on his mouth as he saw me rush by.

**Minatos' POV

I got out of bed and saw that Kushina wasn't there. I was going to wait a while before I had to go and look for her. I went to the cupboard and for a box of cereal pouring it into a bowl with milk. I sat there spooning it in my mouth when the door burst open and I saw a wave of red hair shoot into the bathroom.

I gave the door a puzzled look walking up to it and knocking. "Kushina are you okay?" I asked worriedly.

"I'm perfecly fine!" she replied rather happily.

Hmmm, I heard something open but I couldn't be quite sure what it was, then I heard another and another. My eyebrows knitted together. What could she be doing? So I just went over to my bowl and washed it in the sink. I was walking towards our room when the bathroom door creaked open and Kushina popped out. I stood before her with my head cocked to the side.

"I'm pregnant." She smiled widely at me.

"I-I'm going to be a father?" was all I could get out.

"I'm going to be a mother!" she sqeaked.

"I'm going to be a father!" I repeated.

I gripped her in a tight hug, and then knelt down to her belly and kissed it.

***5 months later

Minato and I arrived at the doctor, because we wanted to know about the baby, since we hadn't really gone to the doctor.

"Kushina Uzumaki." The male doctor said causing Minato and I to look at eachother with smiles plastered across each of our faces. We made our way into the room where a bed, and a baby monitor lay.

The doctor splattered a blue jelly like substance onto my belly. A chill went up my spine, from the coldness. "Now would you look at that." The doctor stated.

"What is something wrong?" I asked quickly.

"Absolutly not! Well if you think that having twins is bad then-"

"TWINS!!" I yelled happily taking Minatos' face in my hands and kissing him. "We're having twins." I whispered to him.


YAY! TWINS!!!! sorry I had to delete it because the chapter published itself....But I  hope you liked it! and sorry its a tad short!! Comment and stuff ok? k. Love ya!! Xx




Red Hot Habanero! (KushinaXMinato Naruto fan fiction) //Completed//Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon