Chapter 28

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I decided that snow looked best at night time, when it was completely undisturbed--no footprints, no marks. It looked beautiful, like a soft, downy blanket was thrown all over the earth by some giant. It looked so comfortable that I wanted to just jump in it and nestle into its softness.

But it was deceiving, that snow. Because it wasn't soft and comfortable. To nestle into it would mean to commit a suicide of sorts. Death by sleeping in the snow. Now that would be a way to go.

I sat on the edge of the balcony that was outside of my bedroom, my legs swinging over the edge. I had kicked off my shoes and my toes--and really all of my body--were freezing. But I felt good.

It could have been that I had stolen a bottle of wine from the refridgerator downstairs, but at the moment, I wanted to think it was for some unnamed reason. The bottle was sitting next to me in the chill, a fancy crystal wine glass next to it.

"Levitatus," I hiccupped. The bottle and glass rose in the air in front of me and I grabbed them both, pouring myself another drink. It must have been my fourth or fifth and I was definitely feeling the buzz. As I tipped the glass back, savoring the sweet taste of the wine on my tongue, I heard a noise from behind me. I, however, was too entranced by the sparkle of the snow crystals as they caught the light in their free fall to turn around.

"What the hell are you doing out here?!" I heard the source of the noise say. I didn't have to turn around to see who it was.

"I'm chillin'," I said, giggling at my bad joke.

"Caley, get inside or you'll freeze to death," Trey said.

"Nooo. You didn't get it! I'm chillin'! Get it?! Do you get it?!" I laughed, throwing my head back. The movement made me lose my balance slightly and I almost fell backwards, but Trey caught me.

"Get down from there. Your drunk. Come on," Trey said, taking a hold of my arm. I snatched it away and swung my legs over so that I was facing the room now.

"I am not drunk," I said, pointing at him. I proceeded to poke his nose and then snickering at my own amusement.

"Caley. This isn't funny. Get down before you get hurt," Trey said, his face serious. I shook my head, but then stopped quickly because the world started to spin around when I did.

"I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself, mister. I don't need your help," I said stubbornly. To prove this, I crossed my arms over my chest and pulled a defiant expression on my face.

"Clearly you do since you're sitting out in the freezing cold without a coat on, drinking wine while sitting on the edge of a balcony," he said, his jaw twitching in annoyance.

"You make it sound soooo bad," I said, giggling. Then I ungracefully jumped off the ledge, holding onto the side to keep from falling. Trey quickly reached a hand out to help, but I pushed it away. Instead, I grabbed my wine bottle and glass and staggered back into my room, the warmth of it stinging my face instantaneously.

"I think you've had enough of that," Trey said, grabbing the bottle out of my hands as he followed behind me. I turned around and glared at him.

"Give it back," I said.

"How many drinks have you had?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at me.

"None of your business," I replied, crossing my arms over chest.

"It is my business, actually," he replied.

"Really? Because it didn't seem like it an hour ago when you were fawning over Isobel," I snapped.

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