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SIX [Madisyn "Freak" Simms]

"Come on, Zero!" a girl cheered from outside.

I had to admit that it was slightly amusing to know that while they were all scared of Zero, he also had their respect, jealously, and admiration. Glancing out the window, I sighed. My money was being used on a bet that Zero would win against three others. Watching as Zero sent one of the opposition a glare that made the guy back down, I could see why they thought that Zero could win. They were too scared to win against Zero. Knowing what he could do.

But then Duster joined the opposition. Seeing that they were afraid. And that was when the game truly started. But it didn't stop Zero from winning. The way he moved was like a professional... a dirty playing professional, I decided as I saw Zero push one of the opposition so hard they fell.

Turning back to my work in front of me, I looked at the portrait of a human looking cat with rosettes covering their skin, looking up at the moon above with a look of longing on the mixed creature's face. People thought that I was strange, when they'd realised what I drew, they thought me a Freak. A Weirdo. A Dreamer. I didn't care. Not really... But that was a lie. I did care, but it was easier to pretend that I didn't. Easier to live in the lie rather than reality.

I glanced outside again when I heard cheering I saw that the game was over. Zero would be heading home by now. As I watched, he and Duster collected their money, and while Duster spoke to the girls that surrounded them, Zero brushed them off and walked to the other side of the court. I turned away to stop watching him. To hope that my heart would stop it's loud, pounding rhythm.

"Miss. Simms?" a surprised voice called.

Turning, I saw our art teacher's assistant, Mr. Rossie standing in the door way. He was only a few years older than us students at twenty-three. His brown hair was styled in a way that was too old for his age. Everything from his hair to his clothes said that he was in his late forties, but he wasn't.

He smiled, coming closer. I felt my heart speed at the light that came into his eyes. Rational fear pounded through my veins. Rational because I still remembered the other who had come at me with that light in his eyes. "School's been over for an hour now, aren't you going home?" he didn't wait for a response. "What are you working on to keep you here? I've always loved your works because their so unique."

He was close now. So close I wanted to scream. But I couldn't. Just like before, I couldn't scream. He was leaning over me, I felt the heat from his front pound against my back like a cage. Fight or flight weren't the reactions that kicked in, freezing in my seat as his hand covered mine did. I felt my eyes go wide as the voice whispered in my head to stay still. He'd go away. Just stay still.

But he didn't. His other hand brushed my waist, swept up with enough force to let me know that his hand was there, and that it wasn't done by accident. It told me what he wanted. What I didn't want. What I wanted was for my mouth to open and scream. But it didn't. It was like he'd put super glue over my lips to seal them shut. I squeezed my eyes closed as though it would help. It didn't. It only made the memories come back. I made a noise then. A whimper. He found it funny, chuckling against my ear. His vile breath touched my skin.

"Hey, Madi–"

He let go, moving to the side and pushing himself away as though he hadn't done anything. As thought he'd only been looking at my work.

"What are you doing in here?" he demanded with a touch of fear. "This is for art students only."

"Madisyn, are you okay?" the familiar voice asked me. He called my name again when I didn't respond. "Madisyn?"

"I said this is for art students only," he growled, acting strong as his voice wavered.

"And I've just started," Zero growled as he appeared at my side.

"You– You can't just start, Mr. Kiren."

"But I have."

"Don't be stupid."

I heard Zero's smirk in his voice. "I might be a closet artist, how would you know?" he paused. "And maybe I am stupid. But at least I go after girls my own age."

Mr. Rossie froze. "I– You have no proof. I was merely taking a look at Miss. Simms work."

"Really?" Zero asked with a dare in his voice as he picked up my pencil near my hand. It was only then I saw how bad I was shaking. I pulled my hands back to hide their shaking under the table as I gripped my knees. "You know, you can do so many things with a pencil..." There was a deep threat in those innocent words. You could only tell that because of the tone he used. Deep, dark, a warning.

"I– I–" fear made it hard for him to get a word out. "Are you threatening me?"

"Were you threatening Madisyn?" I felt Zero's arm brush my back as he stepped forward. For such a large area, we really were all on top of one another.

"Of course not," Mr. Rossie snapped.

"Good, I'd hate to ruin Madisyn's pencil," Zero paused. "Don't you have other classrooms to check on?"

Mr. Rossie was out the door fast with that. So fast that he'd nearly walked into the door before he'd managed to open it. I sighed in relief when the door closed behind him. Lifting my hand to cover my heart that was still pounding in fear.

"Were you really going to let him touch you?" Zero asked in an angry voice. It was nothing like how he'd spoken to me earlier. Nothing like that soft voice. But it wasn't his guarded voice either. Instead, it was like a fire. Burning hot. Too hot to touch. Something dangerous. Destructive.

His hand was turning my head before I could do anything. His touch made my stomach twist. Made where he touched my skin heat. Made my head spin. His angry face softened as he saw my face. "Stop crying," his soft tone was back. "It only makes you look more vulnerable. Makes people want to hurt you more because they know they'll win."

I gave him as much of a nod as I could with him still holding my chin.

He gave me a grin, letting me go. "Back to not talking to me, huh?"

I looked down. Looked back at the human-cat staring at the moon. And for that one moment, I felt like that human-cat. Felt like it was me in that picture, staring at the moon with longing in my eyes. Only, I wasn't staring at the moon, but at Zero.

"Oh, and here, I doubled your money."

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