Siriusly, Time is of the Essence III

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This first chapter is mostly just about what happened after graduation from Hogwarts. Enjoy! Remember, this is a fanfiction based on J.K. Rowlings book series Harry Potter. I own my characters and this plot. That's it. Everything else is hers.

I couldn't save them. No matter what I tried, I coudn't have saved Lily and James Potter. Sirius was adamant that Peter should be Secret Keeper and went behind my back to switch it at the very last second. Peter was cornered, and to save his own skin, he betrayed them. In a rage, Sirius went after him before anyone could talk any sense into him. He was sent to Azkaban without a proper trial, and I was left alone despite his promises.

Where did I go in my grief? I went to the gryffins. I learned that Time traveling was very much like apparating, but instead of thinking "Where" one had to think "When." The only times I came back to England, was for Remus, so he, at least, would not be alone.

The years blended together, my own children, one Harry's age and one a year younger, were growing so fast. Harry, unfortunately, was sent to his Aunt and Uncle's. I kept as close a watch as often as I could when my training was finished with the Gryffins.

Finally, the time came for Harry to enter Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and I breathed a little easier. Those dunderheaded muggles he was living with were complete idiots, but there was nothing I could do. In order for Harry to become the man he will be, he had to go through things no boy should ever.

His first year came and went, Hagrid sent me a letter asking for photos of James and Lily, I gladly sent some. I got lost in a few of those memories myself. His second year was brilliant, according to my oldest daughter, Faith, and her sister Sandry, who's Ginn's best friend. He braved the basilisk and saved the school.

My daughters were as eager as I when Harry's third year came. "Mum?" Faith would ask, "Is Dad going to come today?"

"I don't know, maybe." I replied, hugging both my children tightly. "Will you remember him, Faith?"

"If he laughs."

"Will I?" Sandry nearly cried.

"Most likely not, Sweetie. He had to leave before you were born."

"Will he like me?"

"Oh, he'll love you."

Finally, the day came. I got his message using the old spell to transport the letter. "Girls!" I shrieked, "Get your coats!" I reread the letter as they ran to do so.


I understand if you are angry with me. I should have listened to you. Peter is still alive, please believe me when I say I am innocent. I had the little rat cornered. He killed those people, not I. Then, he cut his own finger off and I got thrown in Azkaban. I promise this is truth! If you believe me, I'll see you at our spot. Bring Faith, I've missed her.

All my love,


"Ready?" They nodded eagerly and grabbed my hands. "Hold your breath." And we were gone with a bang.

We arrived in a wooded clearing, a small watering hole just beyond the trees. I checked the girls, who were looking everywhere. "Where is he?" They cried.

"We aren't there yet." I sighed, taking their hands again. "Hold."

Suddenly, we were there. Our spot."Now?" Faith asked.

"We're here?" I whispered, smiling at my girls, who looked around in wonder. The view was amazing, we could see for miles in any direction. The animals below were actually at another watering hole, however they were magical, from innocent unicorns to the ever annoying grindylows, all in an understood truce as they drank.

"You're here." A tired voice came from behind us.

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