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Insane laughter bubbled out of Anri's throat.

She chugged her eighth mug of the evening like a champion and slammed it down on the table, wiping her arm across her mouth. All Jace and the hunter could do was stare, almost impressed at her resilience. She was wasted, alright — but she just. kept. going.

After her ninth, her hand flew to her mouth, but the loudest burp in the galaxy still flew past her lips. "Oops," she giggled.

"Hey, Anri," Jace said uneasily. "Maybe it's time to call it quits."

Anri shook her head feverishly and went to signal for another, but the hunter quickly grabbed her hand and pushed it down.

"Any drink you get from here on out is on your own tab," he scowled.

Anri pouted, leaning back and crossing her arms. "You wouldn't do that."

"Try me."

"I'm broke." This elicited another wild fit of laughter for some reason even she couldn't identify—she just wanted to laugh. She had a feeling in her chest, somewhere near her heart, a warm sort of energy building up, and it needed an outlet, so all she could do was giggle like a child. Anri pressed a cool hand to her forehead, smiling with half lidded eyes. She knew she was making an ass of herself. But whatever.

"Jace," she mumbled, turning to him. "Cappin. You hav't been drinkin' enuff." She even sounded like an ass.

"I've had as much as you," Jace replied, resting a hand on his stubbly cheek. "And I'm still fine. You ought to know your own limits."

Anri's temper flared up. "I 'ave no limits. I'm fine. I'm fine, see?" And with that she stood up indignantly, trying to hide her wobbling. It was then that she saw through the window.

"Iye!" she cried, her hands curling into fists on the table. "Iss gettin' dark! Iyeiyeiyeiye...." Upset gnawed at her stomach and she grabbed at her hair. "I gotta get home I gotta get home I gotta get home!" What if someone was robbing her ship, right now? Those fucking Teedos—

"Hey, take it easy," Jace soothed, standing up next to her. "We'll go back now." He turned the bounty hunter and gave a sheepish smile. Anri felt his embarrassment and wondered what he was embarrassed about.

"You have a vehicle?" Jace asked.

The hunter glanced between the two. "No, but I can get one."

Anri shook her head again. "Unh. I've already blown my allowance. The bounty hunter won't waste anymore expenses on me." She giggled again and fell against Jace, who steadied her. He was always doing that, wasn't he? Sweetheart.

"Don't be ridiculous," the hunter scowled. Anri knew she was really laying him on it thick tonight, but this is how it always was. He liked her too much. He had to quit that. She knew his habit of bringing food, money, resources, all of this from his travels to her—he wasn't trying to pay off his debt, which was unpayable.

He cared about her. Maybe he even pitied her.

Anri wanted the supplies. She didn't want the strings attached.

The hunter watched as all of these thoughts flashed through her head, and suddenly she stumbled again, her head giving a sudden throb.

The room shook.

"Okay," said the bounty hunter with renewed urgency, sliding out of his seat and grabbing her arm. "We're going now."

He pulled Anri through the cantina, meanwhile she kept whirling around, making sure Jace was behind them. She waved her hand around, giving a sort of cry, but then relaxed when she felt his hand envelop her wrist. She closed her eyes. Safe.

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