6 - nightmare

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Anri's eyes shot open and she gasped, coughing desperately and clutching at her neck. She rolled over, tears leaking out of her eyes, over the bridge of her nose and down her temple, into her ear...she reached up and muffled the sobs that choked at her throat with her palms, her vision blurring.

The nightmare again. Anri hated when this happened. She'd lose hours of precious sleep, and she'd just be exhausted the next day. She never even remembered what it was about. All that remained, burned into the back of her eyelids, was the image of a woman dressed in all white, collapsed on the floor--unrecognizable, half her head blown off. And a man, decked in black, pointing a blaster in her face...

Gaining her bearings, Anri pushed herself off the ground onto her knees, wiping her tears with her arm. She let out a shuddery breath and looked around, squinting, her eyes adjusting to the dark.

Iye, she was in the common room again. Despite having perfectly good bunks to sleep on, she always ended up passing out on the floor of wherever she happened to be. Lately she'd been waking up with a blanket covering her--no doubt Jace's doing. For some reason, he was...nice to her. Even though it was no secret she was just using him as a means to an end.

Admittedly, they'd been growing closer over the past week since he started following her around during her daily routine. He was very learned when it came to mechanics and whatnot, she found--knew exactly what parts would fetch the highest prices, and knew exactly what parts would be useful in fixing and smoothing out the kinks in her ship. He picked up parts she'd never even noticed, or considered. Him actually knowing what model her ship was sure helped (YT-1300f, apparently). Still, he seemed incredibly impressed with the work she'd done, all on her own with no one helping her--and for good reason, Anri thought. The ship was totally wrecked and half-sunken in the sand when she'd first found it. She might as well have just built it from the ground up.

Of course, Jace's haggling skills could definitely use some work. He just didn't know how to compromise.

Anri caught herself smiling and quickly shook her head, casting her thoughts out.

She pulled herself to her feet, tugging the blanket around her, and shivered. What was with this cold, anyway? She'd already fixed the temp regulators long ago--did they blow out? And then she turned around and realized the ramp was open.

Panic seized her chest and she nearly fell over herself running to the bunks--finding them empty. A million billion trillion thoughts rushed through her head, and she could feel her brain thudding against her skull.

he left you you fucking idiot he ran off he took all your shit I know he took all your shit I bet he'll sell it all and find another ship to go home in and now you're all alone again you shouldn't've gotten attached it hurts doesn't it it hurts doesn't it it hurts it hurts it hurts--

Anri shrieked, the sound barely registering in her ears, and clutched her head, nearly doubling over. Her brain felt like it was going to explode--just like the woman in her nightmare--

She found herself stumbling back out of the room, watched herself making her way through the common room, down the ramp--watched her feet disappear from beneath her-- felt a pair of calloused hands grabbing her shoulders, steadying her--

The unfamiliar contact sent a numbing wave of pure terror through her body.

see look at that I bet he sold you out too just like he did they came for you now they're here for you now it's over now it's all fucking over you might as well bite off your tongue right here and now before you have to use it for that--

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