(a dream - 1)

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I'm in a field of flowers.

I look down at my hands, uncurling my fists, watching as petals fall through my fingers. They flutter to my feet, where they instantly dissolve into the soil--and new flowers sprout in their place, almost immediately.

I look around, taking in my surroundings. As far as the eye can see, it's only really flowers. There are a few trees here and there. Off in the distance, I think I can see a pond. The sky is deeply blue, but vaguely purplish. The sun must be getting ready to set.

I furrow my brow. Why is this place so familiar?

The answer comes to my mind almost immediately—I'm on Naboo. I'm home.

I let out a laugh at the revelation and fall to my knees, grabbing fistfuls of soil. My laughter somehow turns to weeping, and--like the manly man I am--I curl into myself like someone wretched, clawing at the dirt like a madman.

"Captain," the wind whispers.

I forget my tears and immediately gather to my feet, whirling around, searching for--something? Someone? I don't know. But I'll know when I see it.

"It's Jace," I hear myself say, and I'm grinning. "I'm Jace."

I hear a musical laugh ring out, coming from everywhere. I want to run, chase the sound, but my feet are planted where they are. I can't move them. It's no use.

All of a sudden, I see a silhouette in the distance, making its way towards me. As it nears, I realize it's a woman--but I can't see her face. She carries herself like a queen, her shoulders pulled back, her chin held high. The flowers part to let her through safely.  Meanwhile, as I finally am able to make an attempt at stepping forward, a vine shoots through the ground, curling around my leg. I wince. Its thorns pierce my skin.

She nears me, and I still can't seem to make out her eyes--but stars, she's beautiful. Her long, white gown billows wildly around her, and her hands are pressed against her abdomen for some reason I don't bother wondering about. Her brown skin shines gold in the fading sunlight, and her unruly hair whips across her face. She doesn't even seem to notice. I realize with a start I've forgotten to breathe.

Before I can pull air back into my lungs, she's in front of me, and suddenly, all I can see is green. All I can feel is hot breath against my lips, and I have to restrain myself from leaning forward and closing the space between us. I lift a trembling hand to her face but it hovers next to her cheek, terrified for some reason that she'll crumble to dust if I touch her. Instead, she grabs my hand, and she's pressing it to her face—which I realize is damp with tears.

I knit my eyebrows. "What's the matter?" I ask, my voice barely steady. "I'm right here. I'll always be right here."

Her breath hitches and she closes her eyes, her beautiful, sparkling green eyes. Squeezes my hand, her nails digging into my skin and drawing blood. "But I won't be," she whispers.

And she's gone.

The wind picks up, and the flowers rustle wildly, petals flying through the air. I drop my hand and stand alone in the middle of everything.

"Lucky Jace," says the breeze.

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