Chapter 8

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Everyone looked at the boys after they screamed out the words most thought that Boruto would never be called. Sasuke let go of the still shocked blond boy.  They boys let go of the Uchiha and ran over to Boruto worry evident in their eyes.

"Are you ok?"Itaku asked and laied a hand on the mans forehead and Itachi laied one on Borutos hand. Sarada smiled softly along with Sakura, Hinata,Himawari, and Shikadai. Naruto and Sasuke still held surprised looks. Well as surprised as Sasuke can get. Blank jacka**.

"I'm fine. Thank you"Boruto said coming back to his senses. Boruto gently held the boys hand after taking them off his forehead and hand, the boys looked at him with a sudden light of love but not too much since they still needed to get used to him. Naruto and Sasuke also calmed a bit and looked at Sarada who was still gazing at the three boys but with so much love that the adult males can feel. Naruto smiled at the girl knowing that all the pain she felt was slowly ebbing away since know she has the family she wanted from the moment she found out the boys were on their way into the world. Sasuke aslo smiled slightly knowing his daughter was happy he then narrowed his eyes on the hickey are her neck and silently reminded himself to beat the 27 year old blonde male later. Sakura smiled knwing both of her kids were happy now since Daisuke was with a girl from his team and Sarada was now opening to Boruto the secret she has kept for the last 10 nearly 11 years.

"Now boys what did you call me a few minutes ago"Boruto asked his voice filled with slight joy and happiness. The twins glanced at each other debating on what to say.

"We called you daddy, after all you are our dad" Itachi said looking into Borutos eyes.

"Plus you make mom happy from what we heard lastnight and earlier this morning" Itaku said smirking making the two adults blush crimson. And Sasuke scowled making Sakura lay a hand on his only hand. He turned to her and she smiled at him. The smile basically telling to calm down or no more of his favorite thing making him wear a fearful one and nod.

"W-What are you talking about"Sarada asked walking over to them.

"We heard you giggling and laughing although they were really loud and we heard the bed shake"The boys said inoccently making Boruto and Sarada look at each other. "Well thats what Uncle Shikadai said when we called him"

All the adults glared at the pineapple male who looked away. Sarada helped the boys up and sighed.

"Itaku Itachi go get dressed please" Sarada said referring to their pajamas and they nodded.

"Boruto go back to your hotel and get dressed"Sarada said lookked at the blue eyed boy who smirked.

"Can I have my shirt back then" Boruto asked holding out his hand, Sarada looked at it and with a blank expression she answerd.




"Thats not an answer"


Boruto gave up and sighed "Fine, I'll be back soon" Boruto kissed here forehead making her blush and Sasuke growl silently. Boruto opened the door but before he walked out a soft object hit him  making him turn and look down seeing a shirt that was for a male.

"You'r not walking out without a shirt on. wear this i accedently bought it and left it on the couch'' Sarada said and walked upstairs to get dressed. Boruto sighed and put the shirt on and left the house.

"Well that was interseting" Hinata said absent midley making Sakura laugh along eith Himwari. Naruto and Sasuke sighed.

-1 hour later-

Love that was meant to beOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz