Chapter 6

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Not gonna lie, this chapter is not going to be really funny. But I hope you will still enjoy it, especially the ending... Good reading !

Rose POV

- ...I was 15 when the doctors diagnosed me a leukemia.

Donald breathed slowly, getting prepared for what was going to come next.

- My three youngest siblings didn't really understand. They were 3, 5 and 7. Of course my dad was dev-devastated ; him, my mother, my eldest brother and sister stayed with me at the hospital. Josh, who was 19, was s-studying in Australia which means that Ethan, at 16, was the only one to keep an eye on our 6 other siblings and to help with their homework.

Donald was listening quietly, staring at the floor and sometimes looking at me.

- Long story short, I eventually beat this leukemia but I'm not considering myself as a winner or anything. This terrible period got the best of my parent's couple and they divorced 6 months after I was officially cured.

I wiped a tear as I wrapped myself in my blanket.

- Since this day, I always felt that I deprived my siblings from their parents and that I teared our family apart. Also, I'm forever grateful for Ethan and everything he did for the younger ones ; I owe him a good one for the rest of my life... Oh God I don't even know why I am telling you that. I just, I feel like I could be honest with you.

- Of course you can.

He stood up and sat next to me, pulling me into a tight hug. I thought I was going to burst into tears but I didn't.

- You have a huge strength into you, this is really precious. You're admirable Rose...
- I'm sorry I ruined the mood with my selfish pity party. But maybe I won't even remember it tomorrow and, to be honest, it would be cool if I didn't. It's kind of weird that I told you all of this so quickly. I guess I'm just feeling really comfortable with you.

He kissed my forehead softly and I whispered :

- Don't forget your promise. Do not act differently with me, okay ?
- I won't, sunshine. I'll keep taking your laptop without asking and refuse to put earphones on when I watch a movie...
- Thanks, you really are a nice person, Donald Walsh, I smiled. But can I ask you one more thing ?
- Anything.
- Will you... Will you sleep with me tonight ?

He nodded and I laid down on my bed, followed by him who turned the lights off. I peacefully closed my eyes, his left arm resting on my hips.

- All things considered, I hope I'll remember this when I'll woke up.
- Please tell me if you do, so things don't get embarrassing tomorrow. Sleep well sunshine, he murmured.

8pm, Bella's rehearsal

- Okay Bellas gather around ! announced Aubrey.
- Why is she screaming 24/7 ? I feel like my head is going to explode... I told Fat Amy, still a bit queasy from last night.
-  Hey girl about last night... I didn't know you were so cool ! I mean, you seem a little boring on the outside, don't you think ?

I rolled my eyes as we rejoined our leader near her white board.

- We're going to start improvisation ; because as I told you last week, the riff off is soon going to happen and we better be ready ! I am NOT losing against the Trebles, she decreed with her index pointing at the sky.

She gave a look at Chloe who immediately pursued :

- We wrote 30 categories on Post-it that we put in that hat. When one of us will have pick one, we have 5 seconds to start, okay girls ?

We all nodded while Beca drew a paper and read it out loud :

- Dead singers.

At the same moment, Cynthia Rose and Stacie stepped forward and started to sing 2 different songs : "Rehab" from  Amy Winehouse and « They don't really care about us » from Michael Jackson. They stopped, looking at each other and apologizing.

- No, no, no ! We can't just start something without warning the others ! We have to propose the song to the group and see if they accept it, Aubrey exclaimed.
- What ? That's way too long ! I think we should go... With... The flow... Fat Amy protested, her voice fading as she met our leader's dark look.

Chloe decided to make Jessica pick the next category in order to relax the atmosphere. She put her hand in the hat and picked the paper who gave her the best feeling... Turned out it was : SONGS FROM GIRL BAND.
I told the girls my idea of song :

- "Survivor" by the Destiny's Child ? I know it by heart.

They all agreed and I started the first verse.

- Now that you're out of my life, I'm so much better, you thought that I'd be weak without you, but I'm stronger...

Lily and Cynthia Rose were beat boxing while Chloe, Stacie and Beca were singing the rhythm. It wasn't perfect, of course, but it was a great start and I didn't think we would get such a good result in such a short time !

- STOP ! yelled Aubrey from the other side of the room. We have an intruder !

I turned around and gasped when I saw her grabbing Donald's collar. He had an exasperated look on his face when the blonde said :

- He's a spy sent from the Trebles to sabotage us ! We need to report him.

Donald's POV

- Has he confirmed it yet ? asked Beca.

Aubrey mumbled something inaudible before shaking her head no. Every Bella was staring at me, with different expressions on their faces. But I couldn't keep my eyes off Rose, waiting for her to give me a hint about what to do. Admit that I was waiting for her after practice like I always did or lie and make up an excuse ?

-  Come on girls, we all know we will beat you without any sabotage, I smirked at them. We will probably still beat you even if we lose our voices... Why on Earth would we do that ?
- How can I be sure it's not the first time you're spying on us ? Maybe you've always been here... suspected Aubrey.

I scoffed in front of such paranoia, but she didn't seem to realize she was taking things a bit seriously. That girl was crazy !

- Okay, okay, I'll tell you the truth... started Rose, staring at the ground shyly. Donald is here because...
- Because I left my jacket at the initiation party and he's the one who found it, ended Stacie (or maybe Lily ? No, no, it's Stacie. I think.) So he came here to give it to me.

Rose widened her eyes and gave a bright smile to her friend who winked at her. This whole "girl solidarity" was a concept that always amazed me.

- Well then where is the jacket ? Aubrey accused me.
- In fact, I came here to tell Lily... Hum no, Stacie... That Greg is the one who found it. He told me he'll give it to you during your sociology class.

The Bellas leader threw a suspicious look at me, but finally released her grip on my collar with a sigh.

- Go away now.
- Yup, great idea, I agreed with my thumbs up as I started walking back.
- NOW.
- I'm gone, I'm gone !

I closed the heavy door behind me and rested my back on the wall. I almost got Rose kicked out of the Bellas... What a dick, I thought.
Of course, we were not dating but I didn't think Aubrey would accept our explanations if we tried to plead for ourselves one day...

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