Chapter 22

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When I entered the hospital with Rose in my arms, it felt like nobody cared about her and it was driving me crazy. She was still conscious but she was still trembling and really pale and to be honest she could not make proper sentences. A nurse told us that there weren't any free bed which meant that we had to stay in the waiting room until a doctor would check on us. Luckily, the other patients realized that Rose's condition was pretty urgent and some of them made us have priority.

The doctor that took care of Rose was a small 50 years old-looking man with grey hair and a brown beard. He was not alarmed by her symptoms and told me that it was probably only a case of hypoglycemia ; indeed, a nurse gave Rose chocolate and three cubes of sugar and she almost immediately felt better. 

At first I felt silly to have panicked that much but after all, I knew what illness she had gone through and I was afraid that it might have been a relapse, which I told the doctor. This is why he managed to put Rose on a mobile bed before running some tests. She was asleep but I remained next to her in the white corridor where we were told to stay. I decided to warn Beca about what had happened :

- Hello ? she said with a tired voice.

- Hi, sorry to disturb you but I just wanted you to say that I'm at the hospital with Rose but she is alright, I immediately added before she started panicking.

- I'm coming right now, what happened ?

- Seems like a hypoglycemia outbreak, but there's no need to come here, I think we will be out in no time.

- Too late, I'm ready to go now. Keep me up to date, okay ?

I accepted and hung up, hoping that what I had told her was true. After 15 more minutes, another doctor came to take Rose to a bedroom that had been vacated. Instinctively I followed her but the doctor told me :

- I'm sorry Sir but we have an excess number of patients so only the family is allowed in the room.

- I'm her husband. Well, her fiancé.

She nodded and allowed me to accompany her to the room. On the way there, Rose woke up so I kept her updated about what had happened and what was going to happen.

- So they think it is coming back ?

- No, they don't know yet but it really just seems like a hypoglycemia. Don't worry I'm sure it will be alright, I said, pressing her hand.

She did not seem to believe what I said but she did not insist.



 I was holding Rose's hand, sat next to her bed and starting to fall asleep when a loud noise crossed the room. I didn't even have the time to understand what was happening that a multitude of different voices invaded the room.

- What the fuck is happening ? I asked.

I turned my head to see where the noise came from and realized I was facing not only Beca, but also Fat Amy, Chloe and Aubrey. Beca and Chloe seemed genuinely worried about Rose but Aubrey was just looking hard at me and Amy was panting, her back resting on the wall.

- How are you feeling Rosie ?

- They told us that only the family was allowed but they don't know who Fat Amy is ! By the way, I think the doctor is still chasing me...

- So you are the "fiancé" ?

It took me a few seconds to proceed all of these questions but only the third one held my attention. Obviously Aubrey was the one who asked it.

- I did not want to leave her alone, you're going to blame me for that too ? I might have just saved your friend's life and you can't even thank me ? I said angrily.

- Yeah well we are here now, she needs us more than she needs you ! she retorted.

- Aubrey stop, Rose intervened. If Donald hadn't been there I'd still be at Barden, sweating, trembling and blocked in my own bed.

A knock on the door resounded and made everyone shut up. Fat Amy ordered the three other Bellas to hide in the bathroom and only then, I told him to enter.

- The results of the tests are here, he smiled as he gave Rose the paper.

We both read it carefully but I was incapable of understanding it. Apparently, Rose did.

- Platelets... White corpuscles... Myeloid... Lymphoblastic... Oh. That means that...

- Exactly, the doctor answered.

- Can somebody please translate it to me ?! I exclaimed, getting impatient.

- It means that I am not ill. It's not my leukemia ! I am not ill ! she exulted, a wide smile on her lips.

Then she threw her arms around me and hugged my tightly. The doctor smiled and told us that we could go home with an easy mind.

Once he was gone, the three girls got out of the bathroom. But none of them were smiling. After a few seconds of awkwardness, Chloe risked a question.

- Why did you talk about a leukemia ? Is something wrong ?

Rose and I shared a quick nervous look but she decided to answer honestly.


I was still shaken by the results of my tests but now I had to think about something else. Confess that I had kept a secret during those three four last months.

- Please, do not hate me for what I'm going to say, I just didn't want you guys to treat me differently. I inhaled and exhaled slowly, still holding Donald's hand to find some courage. I had a leukemia when I was 15. But I am cured now and the reason why we stayed here for such a long time was because we were scared that it might be a relapse...

- Oh Rose I'm sorry you felt like you couldn't talk to us about it. We won't treat you differently, we swear. Just know that you have all my respect, even more than before, Chloe smiled tenderly before hugging me.

Quickly the rest of the girls joined the hug. Amy even high-fived me before miming a chest bump. Once the hug was over, Aubrey's glare was - once again - pointing at Donald.

- How come he knew before us ? You guys are dating, am I right ?

- No, we're not. And even if we did it is none of your business, Donald answered, his teeth clenched.

-  I thought I had made myself clear yesterday. I am sorry to do this now and here but I have no choice but to strike you off the Bellas, Rose. Just know that it is not about you, I simply have to follow the rules.

- AUBREY ! You can't do that to Rose ! For God's sake she just confessed something personal to us, something that has affected her and that's how you respond ?

- It is not about her, Beca. It's about breaking the rules.

Beca looked at me for a quick second but immediately faced Aubrey again.

- If Rose is out, I am out. Good luck replacing two members. Oh and may I add, two members that have created the song for the Championships.

Aubrey reacted like it did not affect her at all, but I knew that if deep down she did not care about my feelings, she at least cared about her show. Just when she was about to leave the room, Donald stood up :

- Tell Bumper that I'm not leaving the Treblemakers, but that I won't be part of the next performance if Rose isn't.

With this, Aubrey put two fingers on the bridge of her nose and sighted before silently leaving the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2019 ⏰

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