Chapter 3

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Rose's POV

Things on campus were going pretty well so far. I enjoyed most of my classes, I was making new friends and I decided to join the Barden Bellas or at least audition for them.
Donald didn't seem thrilled by my decision but he still helped me increase my singing skills by turning himself into my personal vocal coach.

I have to say, he has a beautiful voice too, and we often sang with each other while doing our homework or playing video games on his bed.
Yes, things were going well.

As I was watching my serie on my bed, I heard a knock on the door. I pressed pause before opening to my visitor.
It was Beca, one of my new friends, who came to go to the auditions with me. She was in dorm 178, not that far from mine which allowed us to spend entire evenings in each other's room watching horror movies or listening to her music.

- Ready to go, Whitney ? she asked.

I nodded as I put my beige striped shirt over the black t-shirt I was wearing and followed her outside Baker Hall.

- May I ask where Romeo is ? she questioned me with a smirk as we were walking in the grass.
- There is no Romeo. And I don't know. Probably hanging out with the other Trebles.

She stopped and faked a gasp. I gave her an annoyed look but it didn't stop her from saying :

- You mean that you don't know where your crush is ?! That's serious shit ! Code RED.
- He's not my crush ! I protested, trying to hide my blush.
- Oh come on, Rose. Don't lie to me, I know you can't resist him. And that's a good thing because he can't resist you either...

A large smile appeared on my face as I muttered a little "shut up" to her.

Later, at the auditions

Despite Donald's advice and Beca's encouragements, I felt my legs shaking when the blonde girl from the booth called my name. But hey, I was Rose Winters and I wasn't going to give a pitiful image of myself. So I walked on the stage with the most confident look I could fake.

As I breathed out before starting to sing, I noticed Donald, sitting with his friends, his thumbs up and a big smile on his face. And I gained 80% of energy instantly.
Of course I also did notice Bumper's kiss and wink... But that didn't boost anything. Except my nausea.

When I sang the first word, I knew it was going to be great because Chloe's face brightened up, just like Donald's.

Three minutes later, I left the stage, glad this whole thing was finally done. And glad that the judges seemed to like my performance !
I wished Beca good luck before rejoining my roommate in the tier.

- You killed it sunshine, he told me while patting the seat on his left.

I chuckled before thanking him, blushing, but quickly focused back on the stage because Beca was starting to sing...

Back to the dorm, 8pm

The heating of Baker Hall broke down.

Jesse told us the new about thirty minutes ago, but we didn't pay that much attention and continued living our lives normally. Buuuut, things weren't that easy. Of course.
When I started to feel cold, I looked in my drawers for some blankets I had brought here ; but I couldn't find them and it started to seriously annoy me.

- Have you seen them ? I asked Donald who was watching something on Netflix.

He sighted and answered :

- For the fourth time sunshine, I haven't. But I wish I had because this dorm is literally becoming a freezer.

I was too actually, so I changed in my bathroom and replaced my T-Shirt by my favorite hoodie and my jeans by my old sweatpants aka pjs.

But when I got back in my bed, the mattress was so cold that it made me shiver even more. My teeth were chattering and my legs were trembling.
I turned around to face Donald, who was just laying under his habitual blanket, without even wearing long sleeves.

- How come you are not freezing ?
- I have a natural hot body, he smirked without looking at me.
- Well lucky you, because I feel like a koala in the North Pole. My fingers are soon going to fall, do you even realize ?
- Yes, I think I do.
- And my legs are moving alone, they're out of control it's awful, I told him with an insistent tone. Really awful...

He didn't react.


Donald's POV


Suddenly I started to laugh before lifting my blanket, waiting for her to rejoin me. It took her 30 minutes to say this... She could have been quicker !
I'm lucky Jesse helped me create this whole stratagem.

He asked one of his friends to turn the heat off, and then Beca had to distract Rose while I was hiding her blankets in Jesse and Benji's dorm. And that's how and why we ended up sharing my bed. Clever, huh ?

- I really like to anger you, sunshine. It makes you look cute.
- Now that's a strange thing to say... she teased me.
- Says the girl who felt like a "koala in the North Pole" !

She smiled as I pulled the blanket over her, very carefully.
From what I remember, we spent the whole evening glued to each other, commenting the movies and series we watched.

And since I woke up next to her, I think we may have spend the night like this as well.

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