Chapter 8

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Donald's POV

- Guess who's here, dorks ?! a voice yelled from the stairs.

Everybody stopped doing what they were doing and smiled at Rose who was walking down the stairs with her habitual smile. Unicycle smirked :

- Only the best person in the world...
- Don't even go there, Uni, I protested before walking towards her. Did the girls suspect anything ? I murmured.
- Nope, I waited for them to be gone. Because I am a discrete person, unlike you, James Bond.

I rolled my eyes at her 1000th reference to the day Aubrey caught me. It was three weeks ago and she was still not over it ! Unfortunately I couldn't answer her because Jesse needed help carrying a bunch of wooden planks ; and of course he asked me, because I was the one talking to the pretty girl.

- Are you going to try anything or what ? he whispered.
- Have you ever tried to make a move on a girl in a basement ? I questioned him.
- Well there was this one time...
- Weird. Too weird for me. Just... Keep it a secret, alright ?

He nodded as he put his plank outside. I did the same and we returned to the basement to carry some others.

- I think I know how I can help you. Here's Beca's number, ask her for advice, she'll answer in the minute.

I grabbed Jesse's phone and sent me the number, hoping to finally make things move.
It took me 5 minutes before writing the right message, but in the end, I was proud of what I sent :
Beca, it's Donald. Remember when you told Jesse that you were willing to help me with Rose ? Well now it's time for you to prove it, I kinda need your help. Now. Right now.

I sent a "thanks" a few seconds after sending the first message, realizing it may be a little rude of me.

2 hours later

It had been 2 hours since every move I was making and every word I was saying was ordered by Beca. She literally controlled me and I just obeyed her, because I had faith in her techniques. It might all be a huge mistake but at least I was trying something.
Based on what she told me, Rose was waiting for me to try something since quite a long time, and if I used her own words "You could kiss her just like that she wouldn't resist a tiny little bit". Of course I wasn't going to do that, although it might be a good solution to accelerate things...

- Guys, we're working since I-don't-even-remember-when, why don't we take a little break ? suggested Bumper.
- You literally just rejoined us in here, Rose objected. I propose we all go to the living room while you stay here and work a bit by your own. Are you cool with that ?

Our leader turned around to face me and pointed her with his finger.

- Donald, you really need to tell your roomie to respect THE man of this house.
- Can't do that, she'll make me live a true hell. Plus, I think she has a point here, you didn't help us with anything.

Rose high-fived me and we all headed towards the first floor, laughing at Bumper's confused look. But he obviously didn't stay there and rejoined us in the living room.

- Who wants to watch a movie ? Greg asked while opening our DVD's drawer.

We all agreed (obviously) and Uni said :

- Rose, pick any number from 1 to 37 please.

She looked at me, wondering why she had to do that but I gave her a "calm down there's no trap" look and she answered :

- 21.

Greg started counting the DVD's and picked the 21st that he showed us with a proud smile on his face.

- Oh guys are we sure about that ? complained Brian.
- Have you eaten your balls ? Man up, kiddo ! exclaimed Bumper with a tap on his shoulder.

Greg inserted the chosen DVD in the tv and turned it on. I noticed that Brian had taken a pillow and was holding it tightly.

- Oh God, why did I say 21... I saw the trailer and almost cried ! Rose murmured into my ear. I can't watch this. I can not watch this thing.
- Don't worry sunshine. Here, you can hide behind my sweater, I said as I took it off and handed it to her.
- WAIT ! shouted Jesse. We need popcorn !

He clapped in his hands and got up from the couch as we all thanked him.

- I'll help him, proposed Rose who followed him to the kitchen.

As soon as they were gone, Greg looked at me :

- The 21st was actually Rocky 2, but let's be realistic, the chances of her being scared by that and holding your hand in fear aren't high. Which is why I chose the most horrible movie we had.
- You are the best person in this room, do you know that ? I smiled before fist-bumping him.
- Hello ? Bumper suddenly said.

We looked at him ; he was talking to someone on the phone. But I quickly noticed it was not his phone. Oh no, no, no. It was Rose's !

- Bumper ! Who is it ? I asked him.

He showed us the screen and we all gathered around him : "Lauren ❤️".

- Hang up, that's her sister !
"I don't care" he mouthed.
- So, Lauren, how old are you exactly ?
- I'm 17, what about you ?
- Soon 20, baby.
- Are you as pretty as your sister ? added Uni.

She had a little laugh and answered :

- I don't know about that. But tell me, how many people am I talking to exactly ?
- We're 7. The 7 living Gods you saw on FaceTime the other day.
- How come you're always hanging out with my sister ? Is she... fun or something ?
- She's really fun... smirked Bumper before I punched his shoulder.
- Ew, oh my god. Is she banging all of you ?! That's such a stereotype !
- No, no, no, she's not, I rectified.
- Donald's right, he's the only one allowed to bang her.

I took the phone off Bumper's hand but he immediately took it back, continuing his discussion like nothing happened :

- Yes he's her roommate, that's right sweetheart... Yup, he's the Indian nerd one. Such a good memory !
- WHAT THE HECK BUMPER ?! Rose yelled from the kitchen's door.
- Gotta go, bye baby, Bumper said to Lauren before hanging up.

If glares could kill, he would already be living with worms. He still tried to justify himself :

- You were busy, I didn't want to bother you so I picked up by myself.
- Great ! Now she thinks I'm banging Donald... Oh god that's horrible...

I widened my eyes and muttered an offended "Thank you". But she apologized in the second :

- No, I didn't mean it like that. It's just... Jesus Bumper you're such an asshole !
- Maybe we should start the movie, don't you agree ? proposed Greg.

I nodded insistently and he immediately pressed "play" while Rose wrote a message to her sister.

I hoped this weird call didn't compromise my chances with her during the movie. Or else Bumper was a dead man.

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