Chapter 9

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Donald's POV

The evening was better than I could ever imagine. Every minute, Rose was coming closer to me, her breathing getting quicker. And I felt awfully good.

- You okay ? I murmured as I took a few pop corns in my hand.
- No I'm not, she answered rapidly.

I gently caressed her shoulder with my left hand before subtly put my arm behind her back. She was almost laying on my thighs which is probably why she didn't protest.
When I looked back at the screen, I saw Jesse, his thumb up, mouthing "Good job".

- Oh no, no, no... I bet we're gonna see him open her f*cking knee, Brian complained.
- That would be so... Oh God he's doing it. He's doing it.
- Doesn't bleed that much, Bumper objected. It's not that horrible, guys, it's called medicine.
- THAT'S NOT EVEN MEDICINE ! It's torture for Christ's sake ! Rose yelled as our leader who started laughing.

Since this scene was pretty hard to watch, I saw her grabbing my sweater and burying her head in it, asking me to tell her when it was finally over ; and as much as I liked to see her being comforted by my clothes, I eventually had to tell her.

- Do you want us to stop it ? I whispered.
- No, no. Not at all.
- You sure about that ? I insisted.
- It's less scary since I'm with you, she smiled.

Then she noticed our friends' smirks and said :

- With you guys.

Rose's POV

Of course I was absolutely disgusted by this movie, but nothing in the world would have make me leave this couch. Donald and I barely talked to each other but our attitudes were way more explicit ; words didn't really matter.

But eventually, the movie ended and Greg switched the lights back on, putting Donald and I in a really awkward situation.
I quickly got up from his lap and helped the boys taking the popcorn back to the kitchen, carefully avoiding any eye contact. But I could bet I saw him smirk behind my back.

- It's already 9, I should go now. Busy day tomorrow, I told them as I put my jacket on.
- It's dark outside, you shouldn't walk alone at this time, Donald warned me.

I faked a sigh (because deep down I wanted to hug him for caring about me) and reassured him :

- I'll be fine. Oh I forgot to give you your sweater back.
- You can keep it. Because you are not going back to the dorm alone, he insisted as he put his own jacket on.
- No, no, no, I don't want to cancel your boys night or whatever this is.

The boys seemed okay with Donald leaving and we finally got out of the house five minutes later.

- So how did you f-
- Shit, Aubrey's here ! I exclaimed, petrified,
- Where ?

I pointed at her, she was backed next to Baker Hall's door, talking to a girl I had never seen.

- She can't see us together, Donald murmured.
- We have to split then.
- The reason why I'm here is that I don't want you to be alone. So that's not happening.

I sighted (a real one this time) before taking my phone out of my pocket and scrolling through my contacts.
When I found the person I was looking for, I didn't hesitate and called her...

- Pick up, come on... Please...
- Hey skinny bitch, what's going on ?
- Amy I need you right now. RIGHT NOW, CODE A. I'm right next to Douglas Hall, please meet me asap.
- Ugh, I'm in my pjs.

I scoffed at her words and answered :

- Oh just like it bothers you. Pleaaaaase Amy, I'll owe you one.
- Okay for this time but you owe me a big one.
- Thanks you're the best ! Love you !

And I hung up with a huge smile on my face. That was when I realized Donald didn't understand a thing of what just happened, so I had to explain him that since Fat Amy's dorm was the nearest from us, I called her so she could take me back to my own dorm without Aubrey suspecting anything.

- But why Fat Amy ?
- Because she wants to bang Bumper and I told her I could help her. Because my roommate has good contacts if you see what I mean...
- I'm not helping a Bella. No way, he categorically refused.

I arched my eyebrow and said in a serious tone :

- No but you're helping your new coworker. And wonderful roommate. And awesome friend. And amazing personal biology teacher. And sensational Netflix partner. Do I continue or is it enough ?
- Continue, of course ! he laughed.
- ... And unforgettable dorm-maid. And excellent model for your clothes. And marvelous improvised Riff Off sessions partner. And magnificent towel distributor when you forgot once again to bring it in your bathroom but you swear to god you wrote-it-on-a-post-it-but-oops-it-may-have-fallen-in-the-trash-or-something.
- Now you're sarcastic, stop it.

I winked at him and he slapped the back of my head while laughing at me who didn't see that coming. Just when I was about to fight back, I heard a voice yell :

- Wassup Tom & Jerry ? Scared to be seen by Cruella De Vil ?
- Wrong movie, Donald corrected her.
- Yeah whatever you say, nerd. Let's just get this damsel to her dorm because my precious butt is freezing out here.

I laughed as Donald rolled his eyes, totally judging my friend who by the way didn't give a single f*ck.

- Anyway, I'll take another way then, sunshine. See you later.
- Bye Tom, I waved at him.
- You're Tom. I'm Jerry, he protested.
- Of course not, I am Jerry.
- No you're not ! You're like the girly interpretation of Tom.
- I am Jerry !
- AND I AM DYING TO KICK BOTH OF YOUR TINY ASSES. Now let's move Rosie, Amy interrupted us.

Donald finally left as Amy and I were heading to Baker Hall. On the way, I obviously had to answer her cringey questions :

- So, have you guys made « it » now ?
- Of course not !
- Oh don't play Mother Teresa with me, you look at him like you're gonna eat him in next to no time !

I scoffed, entirely denying what she was saying, but one couldn't lie to the almighty Fat Amy.

- Have you at least kissed him ?
- Nope.
- Not even a pre-kiss ?
- What's a pre-kiss ?
- Ya know, when your lips are about to touch but then something or someone interrupt you and you are both in an extremely weird situation ?

I shook my head no and she shrugged, apparently disappointed :

- Well then what on Earth did you do at the Treble's house ?
- I watched a movie with the guys, end of discussion.
- You say "watch a movie", I hear "have sex like beasts" which is a bad thing because I am the only one who's allowed to be dirty with Bumper.
- Ew ! Gross ! Gross ! Shut up I don't want to hear this !

I covered my ears and started singing loudly the first song that came to my mind as Amy made fun of myself, apparently having a great time doing this.

Sunshine {Donald Walsh} - STOPPEDWhere stories live. Discover now