Chapter 13 - Oh, Hell No!

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Sorry for no no update but I have finished my exams so I'm FREE!! and no that doesn't mean you can buy me and it also doesn't mean you can kidnap me!!! This chapter's a bit forlorn and disturbing but...(read it and I tell you at the end) :D

I realized on most of my chapters I end the beginning author's comment with some advice so my advice on spooky chapter 13 is HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Erm...O.o


I ran to the first place I can think first period. Okay, an idiotic move because wearing practically underwear to class and the fact that first class is Math with all my friends plus Action man and Barbie. I hobbled awkwardly into class to see Fishy and Daddy sitting in their places looking smug and cocky. Barbie was practically sitting on Action man's lap and Nathalie and Teddy...well...Nathalie was listening intently like she was...enjoying the math class and Teddy was twirling a lock of her hair like... a unicorn on drugs. That was when I realized that the whole class was looking at me wondering why I was stood in the doorway with wide, wide eyes and hair that would look proud as a crow's nest.

“Miss Gray, Late for the best subject ever!” said a disapproving voice. I turned to see a man leaning against the desk, a meter ruler in his hand looking quite threatening. He was young, around his 20s with light blonde hair.

“That's unfair! Fishy was late too.” I pointed at Trent who had his head down and was scribbling furiously.

“Ah! But your friend over there had a perfectly valid excuse and he loves math.” The math teacher turned to me waiting for my 'perfectly valid excuse'. I sighed, dejectedly.

“These horrible boys.” I said, shooting a glare at Teddy, Fishy, Daddy and Action man. “...made me wear these revolting clothes and dictionary shoes...actually I quite like the dictionary shoes.”

“I know. They're quite lush, aren't they? I should become a designer, cos' I'm fabulous.” Teddy said, flicking his wrist and trying to act gay. (I don't have anything against gays cos' they are pretty awesome people. They are present in this story for amusement purposes only. The characters in this story also loves them. Just trying to straighten out the hate comments.)

“Okay, then another one was evil. He demanded me to get naked. Rude, right?” I rolled my eyes. “Then I got taken away and I was forced next to the boy's penaynay pee-pee thing.”

“Hey, you ordered me to run and you made me step into the urinal. Step. Into.” Trent pouted his lips and crossed his arms.

“I thought you were hiding in a cubicle because a big and scary student was threatening and bullying you.” The teacher raised his eyebrow in question. Trent gulped visibly.

“..bu-but Numsie! I was attacked and I love math an-and I love you too, Numsie.” Trent jumped up and gave him a big hug, others in the class started laughing. “ We're meant to be Numsie.”

“And then Daddy came in and laughed at me.” I finished quickly. Numsie ignored me and tried to push Trent's head out of the way which only caused him to hold his waist tighter.

“I don't know whether you're more gay or that Ted guy. Why does God have to bless me with these...presences?” Numsie mumbled.

“We love you, Numsie.” They both said, smiling like idiots earning a whack on the head from both Nathalie and Numsie. They rubbed the back of their heads.

“Ouch-y!” Fishy mumbled, walking back to his seat.

“You gave us boo-boo.”Teddy sobbed. I smiled as I saw nearly half of the class rolling their eyes.

I wouldn't be a rejected mate, if you no eat ma gummy bears!!Where stories live. Discover now