Chapter 5 - Mission Itchy and NINJA!!!

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So sorry guys, I didn't mean to not upload for so lllooonnnggg!!!! SO SORRY!!!! Hope I'm forgiven! BTW, Please watch the video! It is kuwl, funny AND NINJA!!!


I looked at my watch, 10 minutes before I have to go and play footy with the guys. I stood outside the main entrance, with my friends, relaying what happened at lunch to them. “And then I felt a EUREKA moment and decided to do a spot of face painting with the alpha. I was going for the scary, glow-in-the-dark ogre look. Such a shame he didn’t enjoy it as much as I did.” I said to my friends, they were rolling around on the floor laughing. “Guys, it really isn’t that funny, anyway afterward he just stormed away. I really felt the anger vibe.” Trent, Darren and Sarah were still on the ground, clutching their stomachs and trying to breathe. They looked like little piglets. I chuckled to myself and slowly it became a huge belly laugh. I joined them in their quest to make the floor cleaner with my back and soon I, myself, couldn’t breathe and was a bright tomato red.

5 minutes later

HAHA HAH HA “At least he can see in the dark now.”Trent said in between gasps of air. We all laughed louder and longer.


15 minutes later

The laughs were slowing down to a few giggles. “Now he doesn’t have to use his Alpha’s voice to be scary. He can just jump out of a tree and…” Our laughter erupted again, interrupting his sentence.


20 minutes later

“Okay…I have to go…to detention.” I gasped trying to get oxygen back into my lungs. I crawled up the stairs wanting to get away from my friends who were laughing and trying to grab me. Snail Race!

“You know, I think I’m going to buy him a talking donkey for Christmas.” Trent joked trying to get me to laugh so I stop crawling away.

“He doesn’t need a talking donkey; he already has a face of a donkey.” Darren interjected.

“More like a toad, donkeys aren’t green.” Sarah blurted out. We stopped laughing and all just stared at her. Sarah's one of those people who would never say something bad about others and she just said something bad about someone. She blushed under our gaze. As one we all started snorting with laughter. HAHAHEHE HE HA HAH HA when I finally stopped laughing, the parking lot was already empty with only a few cars. Oh, poop! I looked at my pocket watch (Yeah, I know I have a pocket watch!) and damn, I was 15 minutes late.

“Bottom’s up.” I yelled at my friends, hoping they will carry me to the field but my best mates, being the idiots they are, just laughed at the word 'bottom'. I sniggered, ‘bottom’. The sniggers turned into a chuckle as the word repeated itself in my head. Hehe! No, I’m already late for my detention, any longer and I would be in detention for…a life time. I clasped my hand over my mouth and ran to the field. To infinity and beyond!!!

I ran straight onto the field, hand still holding my lips closed. My head down, hoping that the coach decided not to come to training and instead decided to stay in his office and chew on some manky muffins. Suddenly I hit my head on a hard wall and fell down onto my backside. My eyes traveled up and I saw…Teddy. “Dude, Whatta ya eat? Bricks!” I screamed whilst rubbing my head. There was a deep rumble of laughter from the guys around me, my eyes scanned around and I realized that I was sitting in the middle of a mass of really hot, topless guys doing push ups. But at the moment they were all looking at me. I stared back at them.

I wouldn't be a rejected mate, if you no eat ma gummy bears!!Where stories live. Discover now