Peace interrupted!

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Angel P

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Angel P.O.V

Another month went by with no problems. Me and were very close now spending as much time together as possible, that is when we were not chasing Victoria. Me and Rider had taken to changing into wolves and joined the pack protecting the lands. Another thing is for some reason it seems when Jacob is around Bella didn't want anything to do with me but when he isn't there she would act like the Bella I rememeber.

But enough of the thought of Bella. I looked over to Paul who laid beside me on my bed. Sam had given us the day off and we had laid down watching movies eating candy and feeding each other popcorn. Sighing I snuggled closer to his side my head on his chest. I could finally feel happy without the sense of betrayal. For the first two weeks of being together every time I would kiss him or be close to him I felt like I was betraying my mate. Betraying Emmett. But after talking with Keegan over the phone I finally stop listening to the little voices and let myself finally feel again.

An feel I did. Paul had made me smile and laugh more in the last two months then I have since he left. Leaning up I settled my chin on his bare chest smiling as I saw his eyes still closed.

"You know staring is rude right?"

With a chuckle i snuggled closer. "Yes but when have you known me to care."

Paul smiled up at me. "Your right."

With a squeak I suddenly found myself on my back as Paul loomed over me. He smiled down his hand playing with my hair before leaning down and claiming my lips. His hands ran down my sides to my hips pulling them closer as he leaned more oh his body into me. His lips left mine kissing down my neck. Closing my eyes I just let myself feel the warmth that spread through me. Pulling his lips back to mine I kissed him my hands touching his shoulder.

But as his hand slipped under my shirt and began to lift it I knew I had to stop him.


He sighed before dropping his forehead to my neck. "Hum."

"I'm sorry but I am not ready for that."

"I know and I am sorry. I didn't mean to get carried away."

"That's fine."

As he went to shift beside me a howl rang through the air. Taking a quick look at each other we jumped up running out of the house. Paul began to shake as his wolf form sprang forward. Taking a deep breathe I shifted as well taking off after Paul as the others voices sounded in my head.

" She went for Harry Clearwater."

I felt the worry take me about the sweet man."Is he okay?"

"I don't know Charlie is taking him in to get checked out but we need to catch her."

I growled as Embry ran to my side joining me and Paul. "Then lets take this leech out boys."

I heard of the agreement through my head as we chanced after her. I could see the red head stop when Jacob tackled her before she threw him. We just needed to distract her. Thinking quickly I used my voice speaking out.

"Victoria. There is no where to run you are surrounded. Now it is time you join your precious James,"

She glared at me growling. "You! Your the Sekkari they were intrigued by."

I had to keep her talking. "That I am and I enjoyed ripping James to pieces."

She growled lunging for me but before she reached Sam jumped through the bushed his paws knocking her away. Seeing she was indeed surrounded my wolves she ran off again. With a growl I took off after her the others trailing behind.

She was not getting away. She has caused so much trouble. I could see she was heading toward the cliff. Hello no! Shifting from wolf back in mid run I used my enhanced speed to continue after her. As she jumped off the cliff I yelled back toward the wolves.

"She's not getting away this time." Running I propelled myself off the cliff following Victoria as best as I could.

Seeing she was swimming more out to sea I tried following her and realized that my enhanced speed and strength though was still more then normal slowed me down a little in the water. As she turned and headed back toward land I pushed myself to catch her .

As we got closer to the beach I took a deep breathe for there on top of the cliff stop Bella. What was she doing? Swimming faster I pushed myself to get closer screaming at the stop of my lungs

"BELLA DON'T!" But she couldn't hear me. I watched as she jumped holding my breathe as she hit the water. This isn't good Victoria had went under as well. Taking another deep breath I tried to use my telekinesis to push myself through the water hoping it would work like my punch had but it did very little. I saw the waves push her again.

"BELLA!" Getting closer I was releaved to see Jacob pulling her to shore. Forgetting completely about Victoria I swam to the beach pulling myself up beside Jake who was giving Bella CPR.

"Is she okay?"

He did not answer but continued to push on her chest and giving her breaths. I wanted to cry. I could not lose Bella after everything. I just couldn't. So when she started to cough I grabbed her hugging her right.

"Don't ever scare me like that again Bella."


Jake looked up at me and nodded " Head back to Paul if you want I'll make sure Bella gets home."

I sighed knowing that Jake is probably who she needs now and not someone like me. Someone who even though is trying to give her heart to another it still longs for its mate. "Okay."

With a final hug to Bella I got up and made my way back toward the others preparing myself for the Hell I am sure I was about to get.

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