For my Health

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Angel P

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Angel P.O.V

I don't know how long I wondered around the woods crying all I know was it was getting dark. With thoughts of Bella made their way into my head I turned and made my way there. But what I saw surprised me. There were many cars outside of her house. Many police and man stood around.

Moving forward I hugged myself as a shiver moved through my body. "Charlie?"

Many head moved to me and Uncle Matt rushed forward. "Angel! Where were you?"

I shook my head as he hugged me, Aunt Cassie seeing my face hugged me tight as I whispered. " He's gone."

Charlie moved forward pulling me into a tight hug. "Angel are you okay? We thought you went missing too."

"I'm fine charlie just.... wait what do you mean missing too...." I looked around at everyone before looking at Billy, Jake, and Embry before looking back at Charlie. "Where is Bella?"

"We were hoping she was with you."

"No after..... I mean I went for a walk in the wood."

Charlie looked at me. "After what? Does it has something to do with the Cullens."

When I nodded he hugged me close. "What happened?"

I knew he wouldn't drop it but I couldn't tell him everything. "Emmett dumped me." I felt the tears well up again as Charlie began to rock me.

Harry moved forward spreading out a map. "Here Charlie."

He let me go and a very warm arm circled my shoulders. Looking up I hiccuped as I saw Paul and Jared. Paul tightened his arm pulling me closer as I cuddled against his chest. I wrapped my arms around his taking his comfort as I listened to Charlie organize with the other men...


I turned to see Sam walking up with Bella in his arms. Pulling from Paul I ran to Sam looking at Bella. "Bella?"

"He's gone."

I back away as I felt the knife hit me in the chest. Yes they were really gone. I had hoped that they would change their minds and decide to stay. Not that I would forgive Emmett. Following Charlie into the house I followed him upstairs as he laid Bella down.

"May I stay a bit Charlie?"

"Go head."

As he left I moved and laid on the bed beside her. "Bella."

She curled into a ball at my side. "He's gone Angel. They all are."

"I know Bella he left me too." I pulled her into my arms hugging her. But what hurt me more was when she moved away.

"Can I be alone please."

"Are you sure Bella? I may be the only person who can know what you are going through."

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