15: Uncertainty

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I had never felt terror like this before.
I lay flat on my back with my heart beating wild. Tears streamed down my lost and shredded face.
The sirens squealed all around me, people panicking.
I couldn't see the car, just the smoke that protruded from above it as I looked out the ambulance window.
A mask was placed over my mouth, I couldn't concentrate, my jaw kept shaking.
"He's dead... He's dead isn't he.." I shivered, I felt like my whole world was falling apart.
"We don't know yet." Someone replied.
I burst into tears, people tried to comfort me.. I didn't know if any of our family knew, I didn't know if David was alive, all I knew was that this was all my fault.. whatever happened I would never forgive myself.

My head stared to hurt again and my vision blurred, I didn't tell the paramedics, I didn't deserve to be helped. I felt suffocated, I began coughing again,
"Joe- Joe can you hear me?" Someone Asked, putting their hands on my shaking face.
I blacked out.

We had been at the hotel for over an hour now and there was no sign of Joe or David.
"Have you called Joe yet? He's coming right?" Martyn Asked, placing his hand on my waist.
"Yeah- I think he went with David.." I said, taking out my phone.
Timmy walked over to us, "Hey have Joe and David got held up?"
"There was hardly any traffic." Martyn noted, looking out the window of the hotel.
"It's his own brother's funeral.." I sighed. "I'll call Joe."
I dialled Joe's number and put my phone to my ear.
"It's just gone to voicemail." I sighed, confused. "Someone try David."
Martyn dialled David's number. It went to voicemail too.

We looked around, confused, then Ash turned up, no one had seen him in ages.
"Sorry I'm late- there was a really bad crash on the way." He said,
"Oh really? How many cars?" I asked, greeting him, yet getting nervous.
"Just two- one little red Peugeot and another completely wrecked Mercedes, petrol tank blew up... I'm sorry this is wrong to bring up here..." he said, getting anxious as Tom died in a car crash.
"No- no... was the Mercedes.. white?" I asked.
"It was hard to tell.. but I think it was initially ... why?"
Me and Martyn looked at each other.
"Annette.." Martyn began, "Annette it's not-"
Martyn was cut off by my mum running over to us.
"Joe and David have just been in a really bad accident- I'm off to the hospital to see them."
My mouth dropped in the shock, I couldn't find the words to speak so I just turned to Martyn.
"No.. no god no.. are they okay?" Martyn asked, my mother looked down, shaking her head.
"No- no they're not."

I woke up with the sensation of being surrounded by other people. My eyes were initially blinded by the white lights, I felt dizzy and insecure, there was a mask over my mouth, I assumed it was giving me morphine to ease the pain.
"Hello- Joseph I- have a list of your injuries- you have broken your collar bone-"
"I don't care.." I muttered, still dazed. "Is he alive?"
"There are.. complications.." the doctor began. I looked up to him in concern, "he- he is alive but his pulse is very unstable.. we aren't certain he'll pull through."
I nodded, looking down,
"Your family have just arrived.. would you like me to send them in?" He asked,
"Shit... what do I look like?" I asked, trying to touch my face, but my arms were too painful.
"Better than you did an hour ago." He said, showing me the mirror.
"W-what did you say my injuries were?" I muttered again, looking at my face,
"Well, there's a large wound on the left side of your face where the window smashed, you've broken your collar bone and all your fingers except your middle one, it seems."
I laughed, "well this'll be fun." Practicing moving my middle finger,
"You got away quite well, considering the crash- the concussion is quite bad, but we've treated it."
I sighed, "we- we were at a funeral.." I reminded myself, I tensed my eyebrows as I tried to make sense of what was going on.
Then Netty walked in the room, dressed in her black coat. My mother was there too.
"Hey." Said Netty, sitting on a chair beside me.
I looked her up and down, feeling so confused, forgetting I wasn't in New York.
"I'm so sorry." I told her, a tear slipping from my eye. "Is.. is Dave alive?"
Netty looked me in the eyes, shaking her head.
"I don't think so Joe."
My eyes tensed as I tried to cover my face.
All it took was one wrong move and our whole lives had changed.

After walking home from work, I screwed the key into the door and found myself lying on the sofa for a good half hour until the phone rang.
I poked around in my bag until I found my phone and looked at the call from an unknown number, I picked it up.
"Hello?" I responded,
"Beth? Beth is this you?" I recognised Joe's voice, but it seemed corrupt,
"Beth.. I've.. Dave and I.. we were in a car crash.. I- I..."
"W-what? What happened? Are you okay?!"
Joe was silent for a bit, making me jump to horrible conclusions,
"Joe? Is everyone okay?" I repeated, feeling incredibly anxious.
"No.. no Beth..." he replied, making me cover my mouth in attempt not to cry.
"I love you, Joe." I told him, but in my mind all I was thinking about was David.
After hanging up I looked online and booked the next flight to London.

MAC: The Twisted Alternativeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें