2: Player 2

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"Hey I'm back." I greeted Stampy, walking in the door of our apartment.
"Hey what took so long? You were gone three hours!" Stampy said, walking in from the kitchen and taking the brown paper bag from my hand in which had the croissant that I saved for him in it.
"Sorry- long queue." I lied, but I was caught out.
Stampy lifted the croissant from the bag, "cold as ice- what were you doing?" He asked.
I sat down on the sofa and looked up at him indifferently with big eyes.
"Oh. You met a girl." He deduced, making me cringe.
"How the hell do you know these things." I laughed,
"Oh don't you just love a cliché love at first sight on Christmas Day?" He laughed, sitting down beside me after putting the croissant in the microwave,
"It wasn't love." I sighed, "I didn't even catch her name.." looking out the snowy window I felt regretful.
"Did you kiss her?" He asked, winking,
"No.. No just on the hand." I told him, laughing as I hung my coat up.
"Man that's the most romantic thing I've ever heard." He said, "so when are you gonna see her again?"
"Probably never." I told him, feeling suddenly upset.
Stampy put his arm around my neck and we sat in silence as the snow fell from the sky and bounced along the window.
"So... Christmas dinner?" I asked,
"I'm afraid it's just gonna be pizza with turkey on it." Stampy said,
"That'll do." I said, smiling and looking out the window to where the lady's apartment was, wishing I could see her again.
"Shit the croissant just blew up!" Stampy yelled, breaking the ice as he opened the microwave fast, making me laugh and turn over to him as he picked up the bit of exploded black croissant.
"Why'd you put it in the microwave?" I laughed, my mood rising.
"Well it was bloody freezing! Thanks to you and your little date!"
"You stupid idiot." I sighed, shaking my head and sitting down on the stool watching the entertainment of Stampy trying to individually pick out the flakes of croissant from the microwave without burning himself.
Then, out of the blue, Stampy asked me a very peculiar question,
"Was she wearing red lipstick?"
I raised an eyebrow in confusion,
"Actually- yes.. She was." I told him, still puzzled.
"Then she's got some pride about her."
"Maybe she's just wearing it 'cause it's festive. Anyways how do you care?" I asked him,
"She's gonna come back to you Dave." He told me.
"Nah.. And since when have you called me Dave?"
"Since about ten seconds ago." He laughed, taking a bottle of prosecco out of the fridge.
"Is it wine time already?" I asked him,
"Mate, it's always wine time." He laughed, pouring me and himself a glass.
We sat on the stools beside the counter looking out the darkening window at the snow as we tipped are glasses.
"Merry Christmas." Said Stampy.
"Merry Christmas." I replied.

A couple days had past from Christmas and it was now New Year's Eve. Dave and I had decided that we'd go out tonight. We hadn't really went out to clubs before in New York but, as we decided we didn't want to spend New Year's alone, we thought it might be suitable to socialise for a bit.
David was dressing up in a white shirt in the room adjacent to mine while I was pulling on a black jumper over a shirt.
"Hey Stamps?" I heard from the other room,
"Yeah?" I responded,
"I've just been called- we're needed tomorrow at work."
"Shit, way to crash a party right? What time?" Stampy asked,
"Ten in the morning. He said it was important."
"He says everything's important..." I moaned.
"We can still go out.. Just.. No wild nights I guess." Said David from the other room, "-not that I.. Intended on having a wild night or anything."
"Oh come on then it's the last night of the year." I laughed, then looking at myself in the mirror and taking off the jumper. No need to be so subtle..


David sat chatting up a load of girls at the bar while I took a break from all the dancing outside. It was only 11pm, but I felt really tired.
Then, all of a sudden, a burst of energy flew within me as a girl walked past me on the street.
"Hey!" I said immediately, unsure why.
"H..hi.." Said a blonde, she had bright blue eyes and her hair was short.
"Aren't you coming in?" I asked her,
"..not really a clubbing person." She admitted,
"Nor am I," I responded, "wait- you're English too.."
"I am yes.. Northampton.." She said, and we both got chatting.

I eventually managed to bring her into the club, where people danced and Squid was melting the hearts out of New York girls.
"So.. What's your name." I asked her,
"Beth." She said, smiling up at me.
"Pretty name. I'm Joe."
"I like it." She replied, moving closer to me.
"Can I buy you another drink?" I asked her,
"No- I don't think I'm technically allowed alcohol here, I'm only twenty." She responded,
"Oh you rebel." I laughed.
Suddenly the countdown started on the TV and people started screaming down the numbers from ten to one.
"What do you say?" I asked Beth, putting a hand on her waist,
"I've never kissed a guy before." She said,
"Well I'd be honoured to be your first." I told her.
"Go on then." She giggled.
And as crowd cheered for the new year my lips had moulded with Beth's, my hands rubbing against her back, I was in love, and I wanted to spend the rest of this new year with her.

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