7: Yearning

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It was 7pm. I was sitting at my desk, finishing the script.
When at last I got to the last words and actions I saved the document about a million times before emailing it to the head of Pixar. The first draft of Coco was complete.
I grabbed my jacket and wrapped it over me, walking out of my office and locking the door. I called a taxi towards my house.
I thought about Beth.. she should have been my girlfriend.. instead of letting her go on Christmas... I could have told her my name, and asked for hers. We could have sat in her house, exchanged numbers, and at last we'd kiss. And we would be the couple.
But I left. I turned away that opportunity..
As I walked up the stairs to the apartment I felt nervous, knowing that Joe and Beth would be there.

My birthday party consisted of the woman of my dreams... and her boyfriend, Joe.
Beth and Joe sat beside me, I took a large chug of beer, knowing that's what I'd need to get through the night.
Work had been busy today- the movie was going to come out in 3 months and the animators hadn't finished yet.
"How's Coco going?" Beth asked me,
"The movie? Well.. god it's busy.. Pixar's animators are incredible but they really take their time. They've still got to finish the last fifteen minutes- and that'll take about 2 months.. and the premiere is in 6 weeks.."
"I'm sure it'll turn out great." Said Beth, smiling at me.
I couldn't worry about the movie, about my job, about anything except her. I wanted her.

I was still shocked. That man I spoke to on Christmas Day... it was him..
And although I really liked Joe, I wasn't sure if we would last... but David.. was he someone that I could slowly learn to love? Or did he hate me because I went for his best friend.. if I'd have known that they were friends I never would have even spoken to Joe that night.. but then again... Joe is my boyfriend and I- I guess I love him.
At the end of the night I sat on Joe's bed, Joe sat beside me.
"Hey.. are we okay?" Joe asked me,
"Yeah.. yes of course we are." I told him, confused, trying not to let on my mixed emotions about his housemate.
Joe leaned forwards, kissing me on my lips and startling me.
"I wanna go away with you." He whispered in my ear.
"Where?" I asked,
"Somewhere, anywhere. Just you and me." He told me, crawling over me.
"But Dave.."
"What about him? He can survive on his own." He said,
I gave a forced smile before kissing him, "Okay." I told him, knowing no other way.

I lay in bed.
I had no more phone calls, no more emails.. at least I couldn't worry about them.
But the girl I needed, the only girl I wanted, was in the room adjacent to mine... I touched the wall, that I shared with Stampy's room.. a soft and subtle touch.

As Stampy slept I found myself drawn to the one of the walls.. and I placed my finger lightly against it.. as if to touch David..
it should have been him that I went with...
I made sure Joe was sleeping before I tip toed out of the room and into the kitchen.
Somehow.. David had done the same thing..
We didn't speak, we felt no need to.. I just knew that both of us had the shared connection with each other, and I wasn't sure that I could ignore it
His white shirt was mostly unbuttoned and his sleeves were rolled down, his collar was facing up and his lips were moist.
We were yearning for each other..
I took a step closer, making sure to be silent.
At last, I touched him, our hands touched and it felt perfect.. I tilted my head slightly as we moved closer again.
His hand brushed against my face as I slowly touched his nose with mine.
But before we could kiss I heard Joe's bed creak. I looked to the bedroom, but when I looked back David was gone.. it was as if I dreamt it all up..

As I walked back into bed I continued to stare at the wall...
"I want you.." I wanted to say..
"I want you.."

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