11: Reunion

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After we got off the train we got into a taxi. We travelled to where my family and friends were staying in a hotel, I had booked my own hotel room in advance while I was on the train.
"This the place?" Asked David as we pulled up beside the hotel.
"Guess so.." I sighed, unsure what to say to David; it was his brothers funeral tomorrow, and we were about to see our family for the first time in two years.
"See you tomorrow." I sighed, patting his back. "You'll be alright."
He nodded, blankly smiling.
I popped my head to the driver and gave him £40 for the lift.
"That's for the both of us." I told him, looking back at David before I closed the door and walked into the hotel.
I checked in at reception, dragging my suitcase behind me.
I looked in at the lobby, there was a bar area, hundreds of seats in clusters with a pool table.
I then discovered a group of people that I recognised, my sister, Netty protruded from the dim orange lights. I dropped my bags, feeling emotional as I ran and hugged her.
"Oh my god Joe i missed you." She whispered as she wrapped her arms around my neck.
"I missed you too." I told her, almost crying. I hadn't seen everyone in years, and it was such a horrible excuse to see them all again.

The taxi driver pulled up next to my mums house, I peered out the window, feeling sick looking at the grey house.
"Thanks mate." I told the driver, handing him £40,
"Nah your friend already paid me." He said,
"W-really? You shouldn't 'a said that and I'd 'ave paid you double." I laughed nervously before looking at the house again, "actually just take it anyway." I sighed, giving the money to the driver, closing the doors and patting the boot.
I walked up to the front door of my parents house as the heavily-tipped driver drove away.
I knocked on the door twice, a wave of nausea hit me, making me nervous.
The door opened and mum was there. When she saw me her eyes watered and she covered her mouth as I broke her into a hug, my eyes burning with tears.
My dad entered the room, he hadn't changed. I put my arms around both him and my mum, closing my eyes as tears swept out.

I sniffed and wiped my tears as we broke apart the hug, I didn't want to admit that I hadn't felt that much comfort in years.
I took a step into the living room where I caught a glimpse of the coffin. I turned away, not sure if I could take much more.
"David." Said Mum, taking my hand,
"I don't know if I can.. I don't know if I can look at him.." I explained, my nose tensing.
"It's okay." She soothed,
"He was my brother." I cried,
"He was my son." She said, a tear fell from her eye. "-and we all loved him."
I nodded, crying. I turned around and looked inside the coffin.
Tom lay in a suit, his face was so white, his eyes were closed and his hands were lightly placed together.
I couldn't stop crying, I covered my mouth as I looked into the coffin. I ran back upstairs into my old bedroom, breaking down completely.

I sat around a coffee table with a beer, talking to my family.
"Joe what's been going on with you?" My mum asked, leaning a hand on my shoulder.
"Well... quite a bit." I responded, feeling my hand begin to spasm again. I felt nervous, not wanting my family to find out about my condition, not yet anyway.
"Have you met someone?" Asked my sister Rachael.
I smiled, "well, actually.. yes." I replied,
"Really? What's her name?" She asked again.
"Beth. She's from England too." I said,
"She's not- with you at the moment, is she?" Mum Asked,
"Oh- no, she's got work- and she kinda got that I needed to be with David right now." I explained.
"Oh.. Yeah.. how is David?" Netty Asked, concerned,
I shook my head, "not good, really not good. He's got a lot of stress with work and now this." I said, "he needs a break."
"Does he have a girlfriend?" Rachael asked,
"Not that I know of." I responded, smiling, "don't know how though, one word and all the girls at work and in the pub are charmed stupid by him."
Netty laughed, I looked into her eyes and saw that she had been crying.
"I'm sorry.." I told them all, "I should have come home sooner."
"It's alright you were busy." Said mum,
"Yeah but.. I shouldn't have waited for a situation like this to come up.. I'm sorry. I'll come home more often now.. I promise."
Everyone smiled, but we were all still feeling down because of Tom.

My mum entered my room as I sat down on my bed in tears.
"Hey Dee." She said, sitting on the bed beside me. "Move over you big pig." She said. I could hardly muster a smile.
"If it's any consolation.. he didn't suffer." Said mum, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.
"How do you know?" I asked,
"Forensics said he was knocked out immediately in the crash. No pain, over in a flash." She said, holding my hand.
"I hope that's true." I whispered.
My mum leant her head against my shoulder, and after about half an hour I fell asleep.

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