Chapter 1

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I was a 2nd year student at Karasuno High, a high school located in Sendai where people took sports and other extracurricular activities very seriously.

My school uniform consisted of a white blouse, red ribbon (which I normally left untied), a black blazer, and a grey skirt that was really short but cute. I wore tall socks, reaching my knees, to make the skirt not look so short.

Sawamura Daichi, a good friend of mine who was the captain of the boy's volleyball team, asked me to help him out with his team. Their coach was recovering from an injury and he wanted my help in coaching them.

I walked into the gym, still in my school uniform, spotting two 1st year boys fighting with each other. A black haired boy with a tall and slightly muscular build and blue eyes. The other boy was short, thin with orange hair and brown eyes. Both pretty cute in my opinion, but a little too outgoing for me.

"Might wanna get those attitudes at bay before the captain sees you," I tell them, walking towards the benches.

I drop my bag on the bench and turn back to them. They had stopped talking and were staring at me in disbelief and confusion.

"This isn't the girl's practice," the orange haired boy says.

I place my hands on my hips, tilting my head, making my hair swing to the side. "Really? I thought it was," I say, sweetly yet sarcastically. "I'm very well aware of that"

"Well, well, now what do we have here," a loud, obnoxious voice boomed.

Three guys stood at the entrance. One of them was Daichi. A tall 3rd year student, who I was an inch taller than, with messy dark hair and brown eyes. The guy with the loud voice was Tanaka Ryunosuke, a 2nd year student with a shaved head and blue/grey eyes who was a flirt. Finally, Sugawara Koushi. He was a 3rd year student with light grey hair and hazel/brown eyes.

Daichi dragged Tanaka back by his team coat, stopping him from scaring away the two 1st year students. I went over and joined them, standing beside Sugawara.

"You Kageyama?" Daichi asks the black haired boy. "It's nice to meet you"

"You're pretty tall," Sugawara said.

"First impressions are everything. You're a 3rd year so you have to show dominance," Tanaka told him, making a weird face.

"Tanaka you look stupid," Daichi said.

The orange haired boy started trying to get the attention of the three team members but they were too busy talking with Kageyama about his height.

"You must be the other applicant, Hinata," Daichi said, looking at some papers.

"Myra, when did you get here?" Sugawara, also known as Suga, asks me.

"I was here before you guys showed up"

"You look beautiful today" Tanaka says.


Kageyama and Hinata both started fighting again. The vice principal walked in at the sound of the fighting. They brought the fight to the court, starting a one on one match. Daichi tried stopping them, not wanting to anger the VP, but they seemed to be in their own little world.

Kageyama did a jump serve, sending the ball straight for Hinata. He just barely dodged in time. Suga told me to do something so I did. I stepped up to the court and just as Kageyama was serving for the second time I hit the ball back over the net. It hit Kageyama in the chest.

"Whoa," I heard from all the students in the gym, the VP only sighed and left.

I ducked under the net to see if he was ok. He looked a little dazed but overall he was fine.

"She's perfect," Tanaka sighed dreamily.

I stood beside Daichi as the others stood in a line across from us. He was saying something about going to nationals and some other things that the principal said. Then he spoke about how the two new recruits were banned from the team until they started acting like teammates, not enemies, and shoved them out the door.

"Please let me in captain, please let me play volleyball with you. I'll find a way to get along with Kageyama I promise," Hinata shouted through the closed gym doors.

"I'm pretty sure you need the players, just let 'em in," I say.

"Are you sure this is wise?" Suga says. "You can't build a team by threatening people to cooperate. It takes time"

"Yeah I know but-"

Outside there's a loud thud and Kageyama starts talking. "I apologize. I won't pick anymore fights with him. Please let me be on the team"

I sigh and open the door. "Would you two shut up!"

I slam the door in their faces and sit on the bench while everyone else piles in and starts to practice. The sun eventually set and everyone got ready to go home.

"Captain! We challenge you to a match," two voices said outside in unison.

We all looked at the door shocked then Tanaka started laughing up a storm while Suga opened the door. Kageyama and Hinata stood there looking determined.

"If we win you have to let us join," Hinata says.

"Guys, I'm psychic," Tanaka said between laughs.

"We want to prove we finally understand how to play together as teammates"

"How many times did you rehearse that?" Suga asks.

"This is gold," Tanaka wheezed.

"If you lose?" Daichi asks.

"Then you get to chose a penalty," Kageyama says.

"Huh. Here's an idea. We have two other first years joining the club soon, you'll play against them in a 3 on 3 match. We do this game every year with our new club members so we can get an idea of how they play"

"But if it's gonna be 3 on 3 then who's gonna be our third player?" Hinata asks.

"Tanaka, you're with them. Make sure they behave alright"

"What?! Why!" Tanaka screamed.

"Anyway here's the penalty. For as long as my time here at Karasuno, Kageyama cannot be the setter"

Kageyama looked very angry at this. Daichi told him when the match would be and we all went back inside.

"You're actually doing this?"

"We need the members, this should teach them to act like teammates"

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