XVI - Evil Woman

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"There's an open road that leads nowhere

So just make some miles

Between here and there"


After Mike pulled up the blanket of the den, Eleven jumping backward a moment, he started the story. Dustin and Lucas interrupted here and there to add their own parts (or complaints) and Rosemary tentatively joined their semi-circle around the young girl.

"-and he was singing that song-"

The boys didn't stop talking as Eleven, radio still in one hand, leaned forward and reached her hand out to Rosemary. Rosemary furrowed her eyebrows and hesitated, but didn't lean away at Elevens hands brushed through her hair. Rosemarys hair was long, and  coarse, and if she brushed it too much it always frizzed. Which is why her curls were bunched together slightly, and slightly messy looking. Her hair reached the bottom of her ribs when it was moved her her shoulder, and Eleven seemed mesmerised by Rosemary in general. Which wasn't surprising, since she might even be the only female Elevens come in contact with thus far. To normal people, Rosemary was quite eye catching. To Eleven, she must have been downright surreal.

"Uh, what is she doing?" Lucas asked, noticing Eleven looking over Rosemary like she was an alien, finger running down Rosemarys ponytail with a loon of concentration on her face.

"She's never seen long hair before." Mike defended. Elevens eyebrows furrowed as her fingers reached a knot in Rosemarys hair, and Rosemary reached up to gently move her hand out of it. "It's tangled." She said as an explanation, and Eleven furrowed her eyebrows at her again.

"Tangled." She repeated, looking confused. She sat back again, returning both hands to the radio. She smiled lightly. "Pretty."

"Oh, uh - thank you." Rosemary nodded. She looked back to the boys, desperate for a change to the atmosphere as it got increasingly awkward. "She needs something stronger than that." She said, nodding her head towards the radio. 

"Mr. Clarkes Heathkit Ham Shack." Dustin said, and Rosemary had no idea what that really was, but she saw it registered with the other boys so she nodded along with them.

"The Heathkits at school." Lucas pointed out, and Rosemary realised they were probably talking about something from their AV club. "There is no way we're going to get the weirdo in there without anyone noticing." Rosemary bit back a word in Elevens defence at the name. "I mean..." They returned their eyes to Eleven. "Look at her." It was silent a moment as El returned their gaze, unsurprisingly having no idea what's going on.

They all jumped when Rosemary clapped her hands, El looking immediately put on edge. "Well, it's makeover time then boys. Mike, is your Grandmothers wig still around?" She very vaguely remembered his cancer-ridden grandmother, who had worn a blonde wig for years until she died.

"Somewhere." He said, looking over to a pile of boxes in the corner, full of old things. Rosemary nodded. "Okay. You take her to Nancys room, see if you can find anything to help disguise her. I don't know, maybe perfume. She smells like basement. We'll look for the wig and an old dress." She said, pointing at Lucas and Dustin.

"Sit still." Rosemary muttered, swinging the wig around Elevens head so that she could put it on her. It was still a bit messy as she adjusted it, and Rosemary brushed it out some more to make it presentable, and as realistic as possible. All the while, Eleven was looking up at her like she was trying to figure something out.

It was very sudden when Eleven grabbed onto Rosemarys wrist. Rosemary froze, and her eyes slowly moved to Elevens hand. "Let go of me, please." Eleven didn't listen, and started to move her hand to tug at the sleeve of Rosemarys jacket. "Don't do that." She warned lowly, not wanting the boys to hear.

"You." Eleven muttered when she stopped. She still looked puzzled when she looked at Rosemary, like she still didn't fully recognise her, but Rosemary pursed her lips. "Don't say anything to them, okay?" Elevens eyes flittered to Rosemarys wrist, where her veins seemed to change slightly, and she nodded. "Promise." She muttered, letting go of her.

"I won't hurt you." Rosemary said, brushing a strand of hair to the other side, and straightening out the dress collar. She probably could have found better clothes, but at this point she was working on getting everything sorted as soon as possible. Eleven didn't say anything, but Rosemary didn't worry about it as she stepped away. "Good. Let's show you off then." She said, putting a hand on Elevens back to guide her to the bedroom door.

Too close.

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