VIII - Raise Hell

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"Young blood, run like a river

Young blood, never get chained

Young blood, heaven need a sinner

You can't raise hell with a saint"


"-she's probably just, like, skipping or something."

"Yeah, probably." Nancy agreed, uncertain as she sunk slightly in her seat. She glanced up slightly and her hand shot out to grab the wrist of the passing girl. "Rosemary!" The girl seemed startled and immediately ripped her hand out of Nancys grip, crossing her arms over her chest. "Uh - are you okay?" Nancy asked, eyeing her carefully.

"I told you to stop asking me that." Rosemary muttered. "I'm fine, I just-" Rosemary sighed and made a move to walk away, but Nancy grabbed onto her wrist again.

"Don't do that!" Rosemary hissed, pulled her arm back even more violently than the first time. Her eyes widened as she realised the tone she had used and she sighed as the four of them looked at her weirdly. "I'm sorry, Nance. I'm fine. What do you want?" She shifted uncomfortable from foot to foot, noticeably tucking her hands under her arms.

"Have you seen Barb?" Nancy asked, deciding not to press Rosemary after the incident already that morning. Rosemary furrowed her eyebrows in concern. "No. Figured she would be with you?" She shrugged. "I haven't seen her around. Sorry." With that, she quickly whisked herself away, leaving Nancy still looking at the spot she had been stood for a moment before she looked back to the table.

"What's with her?" Carol asked, watching the girl leave the cafeteria. "She on one of her mental breakdowns?" Nancys eyes snapped towards her.

"What did you say?" She asked.


"One of her mental breakdowns." Carol ignored Steves warning tone, shoving a spoonful of food into her mouth as she continued to speak. "You know, when she goes all psycho bitch? Like that time she ripped out a chunk of Sally Wentworths hair, or that time Lou came out of a fight with her with freaking scars."

"They're not 'mental breakdowns'." Nancy said sternly. "She just... loses her temper a bit." Carol shrugged, rolling her eyes a bit.

"I don't think its a coincidence she's 'losing her temper a bit' after the party." She smirked. "Maybe she's jealous." She suggested, eating some more with a smug expression. Nancy considered this for a moment - she did only act this way around Steve and about Steve, and she seemed to get pissed off about the party and when she found out about....


No, that couldn't be it. Even if she was jealous that Nancy was dating Steve, she was never one to get so hung up over a boy. She never had been, and she hadn't been interested in Steve before, except possible in elementary when they were closer. But even with that, why now. "That's ridiculous." Nancy muttered, looking more to her food than Carol.

"Just a suggestion." Carol raised an eyebrow at her, clearly aware that she'd hit some sort of nerve. "Who knows," She shrugged. "Maybe she is just a nut job with anger issues. I'm betting on jealousy though." Nancy sighed, shaking her head, and her eyes drifted to the doorway of the cafeteria, where Jonathan was passing.

Things were piling up fastrer and faster, she realised as she looked down at her food. Her brothers acting strange since his friends missing, Rosemarys mad at her for some bizarre and unknown reason, Barb is nowhere to be seen, and her mother was absolutely pissed at her.

How could things get any worse?

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