III - Mad World

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"And I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad

The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had

I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take

When people run in circles it's a very very

Mad world, mad world"


"So, did he call?" Nancy gaped at Barb as she walked up beside them.

"Keep your voice down." She warned, entirely aware of how Rosemary drew attention to them. She loved her, she really did, but it was hard to have a private conversation when every five minutes some bold-faced teenage boy would call out a greeting to her just to speed walk away before she could even acknowledge them, or some younger grade would be staring in awe from across the hall.

Barb rolled her eyes and leaned in closer when she lowered her voice. "Did he?" She pressed on, and Rosemary refused to urge to scoff at how they acted about Steve Harrington. She didn't, knowing it would just embarrass and annoy Nancy. Though that was a tempting thought.

"I told you, it's not like that." Nancy told Barb, and she side-eyed someone who said 'Hi' to Rosemary as they passed them, even though Rosemary herself took little notice. She didn't continue to speak until they had passed. "Okay, I mean, yes, he likes me. But not like that." Rosemary furrowed her eyebrows at that. How complicated did Nancy want to make it?

She leaned on one side of Nancys locker while Barb stood on the other side. "We just..." Nancy smiled sweetly, reaching a hand up to unlock her locker. "Made out a couple times." Rosemary caught Barbs eye and made some over exaggerated kissing actions with her lips, stopping and looking down at Nancy innocently when the girl turned to her. Barb laughed slightly and mocked what Nancy had said in a wistful imitation of her voice.

"Nance, seriously. You're going to be so cool now, it's ridiculous. People might even stop questioning if you pay Rosemary to hang out." Nancy scoffed at her and Rosemary rolled her eyes. It was an ongoing joke they had that Nancy was paying Rosemary or something or the other, and sometimes Rosemary thought some of the freshmen dared to believe it.

"No, I'm not." Nancy rolled her eyes. "And besides, it doesn't matter who you are - everyone looks out of place besides Rosemary."

"You both know that I am here, right?" Rosemary asked, raising an eyebrow. "I just wanted to remind you a bit there." Nancy smiled fondly at her and Barb laughed.

"I mean, you guys had better still hang out with me now that you're both cool, is all I'm saying." Nancy gave her a confused look, and Barb began to elaborate. "If you become friends with Tommy H, or Carol-"

"Oh, that's gross." Nancy shook her head, finally getting around to opening her locker. Rosemary pushed herself off the lockers to stand where she could still talk to them. "Okay, I'm telling you," Rosemary didn't know why Nancy felt the need to defend herself about it, but didn't comment on it when she instead decided to raise an eyebrow as she continued to speak. "It was a one-time..." Barb quirked her eyebrows at her. "Two-time thing." She settled on with a triumphant smile. It faded soon when she saw the note at the bottom of her locker, and Barb and Rosemary both read it over her shoulders.

"You were saying?" Barb asked Nancy. Rosemary whistled lowly and smirked at Nancy. "Get some, Princess." She said, very quickly earning a jab in the stomach from Nancys elbow.

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