Chapter 6 - Editing

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The rest of the day past by slowly. Seeing as I spent it in my dorm, drawing.

I had decided to skip my other lessons. No one seemed to care enough to ask me, or tell me off.

Lunch was uneventful, boring and hella awkward. I walked in, got my food and walked straight back out. I tried bit to hear what people were saying, but it was hard.

I was currently sitting on my bed waiting for Dawson's lesson to end. He said he'd come to my room as soon as the bell rang.

I have already packed my backpack with the essentials; some food, a cagoule, a pocket knife, some "British" coins (that Dawson stole from the vault) and some spare clothes.

Because I had zoned out, didn't realise the bell had already rang. Dawson should be-

'Knock Knock'

-here, I continued to say in my mind.

"It's open" I called out as I stood up.

Dawson opened the door only a crack, he didn't come in. Slowly he stuck his head round the door. "We'll talk in my room, bring your stuff."

Then my door was shut and he was gone.

I grabbed my bag and quickly slid my walking boots on. Making sure to lock my bedroom door behind me, I joined Dawson in his room.

He had his back to me and was packing his favourite rucksack with... something that looked like crips. "Shut the door, you melon."

So I shut the door.

"We have to be quick Liz" he turned to face me with a chocolate bar in each hand. "as soon as we pass the wall there's no going back."

Dawson was right. The whole town was surrounded by a 20ft wall. They say it's to stop things from getting In, but I always had a hunch that it was to stop things from getting out. It made me think of my parents. Why would they want to leave? There is obviously something out there that the town shouldn't know about.

"Lizzie... liz? Hello? Is anyone home?" Dawson had moved and was now standing right in front of me.

Getting so lost in my thoughts seemed to be a daily thing these last couple of weeks. "sorry Dawson, I am listening, i'm just... I'm just scared."

"Liz we don't have to-"

"No, you plonker, of course I want to go! I'm just worried about our future... Like, if we do find Anthony, what if he's different? What if the town banish us for leaving? Even worse, what if we don't find An-"

"We're going to find him Lizzie. I promise. He's going to be fine. The town will be happy everyone's safe. And... and... it's just going to be okay. Trust me."

I looked straight into Dawson's beautiful deep blue eyes and took a deep breath. "your right Dawson, everyday the teachers train us to be the best, to harness our powers and to become great. We know what to do, we can take on anything and we will get our friend back. And most of all, I do trust you."

Dawson smiled and grabbed my hands. "Then let's do this shiz."

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