Chapter Eight - Stellar

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If you don't tend to read ANs, please read the following underlined shit:

Okay, first, a reminder that I'm using headcanons from this story and Ripples. They're the same. The way I believe magic works is the same. But because Ripples has Zeref and DoD has Acno, there's going to be different info presented. BUT IT'S TRUE FOR BOTH STORIES. So by reading this, you might get a sneak peak for future chapters of Ripples, and same the other way around, because to me they function the same way. (So if you've read Ripples, the beginning of this chapter may BLOW your MIND.)

Also, IF YOU HAVEN'T READ RIPPLES you should know that I created more types of Stellar Magic (the category Celestial Spirit and Heavenly Body fall under) and threw them in there. They're here, too, and you'll learn more about them as the story continues.

As for this chapter...originally it wasn't going to work like this. But then a few people mentioned it and it didn't go away...oops. Hope you Ripples fans enjoy.

Oh well. Enjoy the chapter. The other slayers should be arriving around Chapter 11.

Also, since Acno was raised when the gods are worshipped, the kids picked up the phrase 'gods-be-damned' from him. You'll probably see it a lot.


Chapter Eight - Stellar

"Depriving someone of their freedom is the most despicable act imaginable. Anyone guilty of it should be BURIED so they can rot and be reincarnated as roses."
Mizuho Kusanagi


"Why are you so wary of him?" Erza asked.

They (as in the Milkovichs (Ur, Gray and Lyon), Dreyars (Makarov, Gildarts, Mari, Laxus and Cana), and Erik) turned to look at her, before all turning to look at Acnologia, who scowled from where he was leaning against a wall. His eyes were concentrated on Jellal's unconscious body on the bed.

"Because he's a Stellar Wizard," Acnologia grumbled. "You don't fuck with Stellar Magic. You just don't. Absolutely not. That's the type of shit that turns you into Zeref, and gets you cursed by Ankhseram. The only one I know who was able to change the formatting of Stellar Magic so a non-Stellar Wizard could use it was Mavis."

"Mavis?" Makarov gasped. "How?"

"Who's that?" Erza asked.

"The founder of the guild," Erik said, picking his answer from Laxus's thoughts.

"Please stop doing that."

"I can't really help it, you know. Doesn't help that your soul is so gods-be-dammed loud."

"How was Mavis able to change it?" Makarov asked.

Acnologia blinked. "I'll explain more to you later, but because she didn't need to worry about the possibility of being cursed," (because she was already cursed), "she ended up using Stellar Magic in a different way."

"What way?" Makarov asked, more wound up.

Acnologia stared at him. "What do you think the Grand Fairy Spells are? They're probably the closest to Pure Magic, which is why they have to be wielded a certain way. Originally, it was Stellar Magic. Magic harvested from the stars."

"Well, you learn something new every day," Gildarts murmured.

"But I thought Fairy Law was based on Law! Which is Black Magic!" Makarov interrupted.

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