Chapter 17~ No More Larry Stylinson

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"No more Larry Stylinson?"

~ ok. Uhh, you guys... I siriusly (I said Sirius not Serious - only Directioners will understand) uhm. But yeah I siriusly need some feedback... I don't know what you guys think about my plot and stuff, is it boring? I already deleted my other story the Zayn I might edit it and bring it back soon...I will possibly be starting a brand new Zayn fanfic in the future.... Not like the other one... So yeah... Please give me feedback, opinions {good or bad} Thanks, oh and btw I'm trying to make this my longest chapter and well write now I'm kinda cheating by writing a reaaaaaalllllyyy long authors note... lul ok I'll stop now, enjoy lovelies xxx ~Jasmine x


*Liams POV*

"Wow! That was grand (A/N Zacari, if you're reading this; remember? Grand) show aye lads?" I said enthusiatically. "Yeah" Louis replied jumping up and down. "Harry mate are you alright?" I looked over at Harry to see him with his head in his hands. "Where's Zayn?" I thought.. Niall walked in chewing on a cereal bar. "I *chews* couldn't find her" He directs his statement towards Harry. "Zayn's still looking." Harry doesn't talk, he's silent and his head is still buried in his hands. My ginormous smile quickly fades into a frown. I look over to the once hyper Louis and notice his expression has done just the same. Suddenly Zayn bursts through the door. "I didn't find her" He says dully. (A/N spell check - 'Dully' lul.) I realize that there obviously looking for Sophie... "What about video survallience?" I perk up. "Shit! How could we forget that?" Harry says a little to fast before bolting out the room followed by Zayn, Louis, Me, and Niall power walking behind while still munching his cereal bar. "Cumon fatty" I grab Niall's arm and pull him up towards me. "I am not a fatty." He says like a child and runs off infront of me. I shake my head at his foolishness before focusing back on getting to security. Then I bump into the back of Louis. "Sorry mate" I pat his shoulder.

*Louis' POV*

We stop at the security doors and Liam bumps into me. I gasp "Sorry mate" he pats my shoulder. "You're a little jumpy there, are you alright?" He asks. "Yes, I just... Wanna make sure Sophies uh ok." I lie. I can't do this. I can't stand back and watch this video. I - I ... What have I done?!

*Harrys POV*

My heart stopped. She wasn't there when I got offstage like she always is. I had shot Zayn and Niall a look and we all shot off looking for her in different directions, I got back to the dressing room first and slouched into the couch resting my head in my hands. "How could I of been so careless?" I wonder. Then the door opens and I hear Liam and Louis talking about what a great show they had.. I don't even look up. Niall came in and said he couldn't find her. Then Zayn burst in with the same anwser as Niall, he didn't find her either. "How about Video survallience ?" I heard Liam say. "Shit! How could we forget about that!?" I shout running out the room the boys close behind me. We race down the hallway until I come to a door labelled "Security" I knock on the door and hear someone rustling papers. I knock again. "Hello?" I whisper/shout. Then the door opens revealing, well lets just say I wasn't expecting what I saw.. He was a short brown haired man with a beard, glasses, and black raincoat and balck baseball cap. But when I say short I mean shorter than Niall, like a proper leprechaun almost. I stiffeled a laugh before returning to serious mode. "I'm Harry... Harry Styles of One Direction, my girlfriend uhm Sophie well, she's gone missing from your stadium.. We need to see video survallience.. Now." I demanded. "I'm sorry, you are not authorized to see-" I cut him off "Listen shorty. Stop giving me this authorization shit. Let me see the video survallience now. Or things won't be pretty." I said sternly grabbing the collar of his shirt. I felt someone pull me back, I'm guessing Liam.. Being his daddy directioner self and all. "Okay, okay.... Please, follow me" The man said, his voice shaking. We all stood around as he pressed some buttons and the nights video survallience content rolled.

*Louis' POV*

We were all in the security guards room. I felt all hot and sweaty, I felt as if the room was caving in on me. My heart stopped. It was this part, the lads and I run onstage, but seconds later the stylist at the curtains turn me back cause I was wearing the wrong pants.. I rush to the dressing room and pass Sophie, I didn't really stop, just gave a quick wave.. She was with another girl... I thought it was Kaleigh, it was backstage bad lighting I gussed they were hugging... I changed and ran back out, they weren't there, but I shrugged it off. This was all my fault. Sophie was gone, kindapped I could've saved her. Then came the two words I was dreading to hear. "Pause it." Harry said coldly. There was a little bin in the corner, I immediatly fled to it and yes, I threw up, I couldn't help myself, Sophie might be dead, and it's all my fault. I felt someone rubbing my back I looked up to see a pale, worried, Niall. Then a raging Harry rewinding and rewatching my mistake over,and over, and over. "H-Harry" I stuttered. He turned to me, fire and pain in his eyes, through gritted teeth he said "You could've saved her." "I'm sorry Harry, I- I didn't know... I- I was stupid, I thought she was with Kaleigh. I- I..." I babbled. "Yeah. Well I've had enough of your stupidness." Harry said bitterly, every word made me cringe. "Calm down lad" Zayn said to Harry, in return Harry shot him a dirty look and Zayn stepped back with his hands up.. "She's my bestfriend, my girlfriend, the" Harry spat at me using each word as a dagger against me. I had nothing to say. I didn't know what to do. Then Harry swung at me, punching me right in the jaw sending me to the ground, Niall leant down on the floor next to me as Liam and Zayn held Harry back. The security guard just stood back, he looked too frightened to step in. "Call Paul" I said so only Niall heard. He grabbed out his phone and dialled Pauls number. I sat looking up into Harrys eyes, cold and frosty yet firey like flames of ice. Not the same cheerful green orbs I'm used to....

~ ok, well that was me trying some drama.... So Larry Stylinson are fighting. Sophie's missing... As much as it hurt to write about Larry Stylinson breaking up, I enjoyed the drama in this chapter, I'm not sure if it's my longest chapter but it felt longer, alot more POV's then usual... But where's Sophie? Is Harry overreacting? What's going to happen to the band if Louis and Harry are no longer "buddies"? Dun dun daaaah... Yeah lul... Okaaaai c: byeeee <3 xx ~Jasmine x ~

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