Final chapter IV❤

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Tony's p.o.v

If I could go faster in this car.. I'd go. The thought of two most important girls in my life apart from mum are in danger. I'd die if anything happened to them. The red light of the traffic regulation popped on as soon as I reached the junction.


Why now?

I patiently waited for minutes.. Which seem like hours. I looked around and find saw two huge men.. Not necessarily huge but with great muscles... They were holding a little girl. The girl.. Around Julie's age.. And they dumped her one the seat at the bus station.

I looked carefully as they left and decided to examine the girl before the green light pops up. I got there and just as I got closer.. I sensed it.


"Julie.. Julie.. Baby" I shook her continuously. She opened her eyes and hugged me immediately. I engulfed her and hugged her tight.

"Wait.. " I released her.

"Where is Emma?"

She sobbed and sniffed.

"Emma.. Emma is in danger. She might be murdered any time soon. Tony ease help her" she sniffed again.

I'm really confused. I can't leave Julie or take her with me and I have to go.

"Julie.. Your a grown up. You are 15.. So you gotta listen to me well and do as I say. Take the next bus and go home. Shower and dress well and get some sleep. Don't let mum know of any of these things... You know she's not really okay and she has a lit to work on. I be home.. I' home with Emma. I promise. Okay? "

"Okay" she said cleaning her tears. I gave her a Peck on her forehead and gave her one last smile.

I got in my car and sped to the old warehouse. When I got there i saw those two men who dropped Julie entering. I waited till they enter then crawl in after them. I hid behind the door to see what's happening.. And through the small hole I saw Emma. She was tied to a chair. Very pale and wet.

What have they done to her?

I saw maria turn on a switch again and the chair Emma is sitting on sparked continuously. I heard her screaming in pain but I can't go out. I can't. I'll ruin everything.

"Arghhh" she screamed one more time.

"Stop!" I said not knowing when I bumped in.

I shouldn't have. I just couldn't hold it.

"If it isn't the Superman... Did you come here to say goodbye or to follow her.. It's your choice"

"Please.. Just leave her and take me. Please"
I begged.

"Do..not.. W..orr..y..a..bout.. Me.. I'll be fine.." Emma said allowing  more tears to slip from her eyes.

Maria stared at her and smirked. For one last time she on the switched and right before me.. I saw Emma enter cardiac arrest. Rage and anger blinding me... I tried running across to meet her but two men held me.

"She needs help please" I screamed helplessly. I have never been more helpless. Soon sirens covered the whole place and I saw as maria took the back door to escape. That.. Won't happen on my watch!

I stomped on the guard's foot and as he startled I ran towards maria to the other end of the room and pushed her into the room. I locked her there and didn't allow her to leave.

"You guys better run now.. Before the police come in. Last chance you can get..before the officers come in.

They tried to run but the officers caught them on their way. Harry ran in and that made me remember Emma. I ran to her and felt her pulse.

" Ambulance! Her pulse is very weak but she's still alive.. Tell them to come get her" I shouted to harry.

I carried her and lifted her to the ambulance. As the ambulance bus kicked and zoomed, I held her hands.

"Emma please... You have been strong all these days.. This is your time.. Please.. Hold on" I squeezed her hands.

                                X X X

3 years later.

I looked around and smiled. Leon and Paul are already here. Ray and peter called to say they will arrive soon. It's been a long time since ray and peter travelled to south Korea to study.. Weird right?

Lana and Ryan are in the kitchen helping mum with the cupcakes. Julie and ian, her boyfriend are in her room probably making out. It's December 13 and it's already cold.

Maria died. She was still in the building when Tony left with me. Tony forgot he locked her in a room and the room had collapsed. She must have been stuck inside and got injured. Suffocation.. Then death. I feel really sorry to what mum did to them. She was given a befitting burial and Amanda.. I feel really sorry for her. I made sure I shared dad's will equally and gave her a part.

How I survived.. I don't know but I'm sure my parents helped. Yes I know they dies but they helped one way or the other. Mal, Julie Tony and I now live in the mansion and today's Tony's birthday. We are all gathered here to welcome.him.

Yes.. I'm daddy's rich girl but now a lot smarter and more experienced. Fully aware of what they call life and that it doesn't have to be easy. In fact it won't be easy but you gotta survive.

"Baby" tony called.

I looked at him in his green round neck that hugged his torso well and dark skinny jeans. His messy wavy hair perfectly styled and him looking more charming than ever.

"Thanks.. " we chorused.

"Why?" We chorused again.

We chuckled.

"Ladies first.."

"Thanks for coming life. Thanks for always being there. Thanks for everything. For making me realize how I have to do thing. Thanks a lot." I smiled.

He smiled back.

"What of you? Why are you thankful?"

"Thanks for making your way into my life. Thanks for being you. For being there.. For making me believe in love again. Tha-" I couldn't wait till he finish, I stood on my tiptoes and planted a kiss on his lips.

"Emma" he called.

"What?" I said dragging it.

"Come here" he commanded.

"Or what" I said moving backward. "

"Or I run after you and catch you"

"Try!" I said and ran..

"Come back here.." He said. His large feet soon made him catch me and started to tickle me.

"" I said in between my laugh.

"No I won't" he continued.

"I love you babe" I said

"Me more"

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