Chapter Ten ❤

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This life's not easy,
And I'm not made out of steel,
Don't forget that I'm human,
Don't that forget I'm real,
Act like you know me,
But you never will...

I never knew what detention feels like. Never been in one. Deserved to be..but daddy's rich girl.. You know.. they wouldn't want to get sacked.

I'm the only kid here. It's been 3hours.


I remember hearing mal and juli discuss how unsafe it is in that neighbourhood at night.

I gently tap my pen on the desk counting the hours since my phone's being seized.

60seconds make a minute right?

Yes I learnt that.

So 60 × 60 is an hour.

3600 secs makes an hour.

2hours down to go.

That's.. 2 times 3600.. 7200 seconds.

I mentally praised myself for what seemed like a huge maths.


It's time!!

I slammed the table waking up the teacher.

"It's time." I shouted finally happy I would go home.

I rushed out before he would tie me down with an excuse.

I wonder what type of teacher ensures detention till 8:00pm.

I got out of the school gate and realized I don't know the way home. My phone is still with the teacher.

No, I can't go back now.

I started walking. If I can remember, I walked to school.. I'll get it.

15mins later..

I think I'm lost.

Oh darn it. Today couldn't be any worse.

Oh please.. Just when I thought it wouldn't get worse...
My heel broke.

I took it off and went off with my barefoot.

"I think I remember this place.. I passed it in the morning."

I quickened my pace.. Maybe I'll see any sign.

Suddenly, I heard some footsteps.

I looked back and saw no one. I continued walking.

Suddenly an arm covered my mouth and pulled me back.

"Shut up and don't shout or else I'll snap your neck"

Tony's p.o.v

I wouldn't stop pacing around my room. Why isn't she home yet? Where is she?

It's 8:00pm already.

What if she's in danger?

Or maybe she had a  drug overdose because I said some bad things to her?

Tony.. Tony.. Tony.. What did you do?

I left for the main room.

"Mum.. I better go look for Emma" I picked my jacket and left.

Where would I have to look?

The whole neighborhood.. I know this whole neighborhood like the back of my hand.

I kicked my motorcycle and the engine roared.

Technically, I just looked everywhere and I still can't find her. Maybe she's just off with a rich friend or something.. I shouldn't bother about her.

I kicked the engine and just for a milli second I heard a scream then nothing more.

Tony.. You have to check.

She's in danger.

I parked my motorcycle.. Since the noise  might give them an headstart and went in the direction where I heard the scream.

It led to a sharp corner after which there is a tunnel.

I slowly lift my feet so as not to make any sound and I got there.

I peeped and saw a man outside the tunnel.

Just again.. I heard a scream.

Oh trust me that's my doll.

What the fuck are they doing to her?

I picked up a few stones then moved to the other end of the tunnel and threw those stones to the other direction.

Dumb.. Just like I had thought.

The man went in the direction of the stone thinking something was there.

I ran into the tunnel and soon I heard some noise.

"You bitch!.. You will do as I say"

"Leave me alone. Help!!"

I heard a slap.

"Now keep shut because no one will help you here."

I hear sobs.



Slowly, I walked in and crept on him. Doll is laid in consciously on the floor and he was taking off his trouser. I saw his gun beside him and took it.

I have never used that but there is a first time for everything right?

I pointed the gun to the back of his head.

"Let the girl go or I blow off your brains" I threatened.

He raised his hands up and raised a kick backwards.

I expected that.

I bent to dodge the kick and pulled the trigger.

I shot his leg and he winced.

"You provoked me.."

I remembered he's got company outside so I ran towards doll.

I picked her up in bridal style and ran out.

"Hey! Stop" the man by the entrance shouted as I halted.

I raised the gun towards him.

"I'll shoot.. If you don't let me go.. Just try me.. Your friend is down there in pain"

He shifted slowly and moved away from the entrance.

I ran as fast as I could to my bike.


" later. I'm sorry"

"I really.. I dressed like that because of you. I.. I thought you didn't like how I dressed at the party. I'm sorry.. I didn't know you won't like it. It wasn't show off..I swear it. "

"It's okay. We will talk later."

Soon we got to my bike and well I sped off.

A/N: This chapter took me time actually.. Even thought it's short. I'm not really good at describing fighting scenes but I tried my best here. Was it good enough?

Pardon me.

What do you think about those two forget  that tried raping Em?

Don't forget to make me happy by voting and commenting.

Until next time.. Bye!❤

Editor: El-Atiq

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