Chapter Fifteen

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Dark looked at anti, a small look of fear in his eyes. Anti shared the same look and shivered a bit. "I just had a scary dream...." dark said. Admitting this was hard and so was saying it out loud. Anti blinked and humfed. "Yea so did i." he said rubbing his face. "God and the worst part about it is...." anti winced "it could actually happen." both men said at the same time. God. This scared them. "Anti.... If it does happen..." anti chuckled a bit sounding insane. He knew the man that tried to kill him was host and fire darks brothers, even though they werent actually going to kill him. He turned to dark tears in his eyes. "I dont even fokin know what yer referring to dark!" Dark sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "My dream.... It was you and i got married and had a kid and took over the world and..... It didnt even scare me that much.... Anti im scared of being in a relationship... Thats my one fear and it only bothered me for a second." dark looked down and blushed. "What does that mean?!?" while dark was getting over his fear, anti was still scared. "Dark! Im fokin scared!" dark jerked for a minute. Anti doesnt get scared ever. Its anti. Dark brought him out.... He shouldnt be scared or have any fears. Mabey hes this way cause.... Well there is no answer for fear. Anti blushed and saw dark frozen in thought and calmed down, wiping away the tears. "My dream... It was about me meeting your family.... They tried to eliminate everyone else in my life except for you guys.... Its only bad... Cause i got a family... Im terrified to have other people that love me.... The only other person that loves me besides me is who i would hope to be you. My 'family' tried to kill me and eat me...." dark blushed calming himself and loosing thought listening to anti. He slowly sat up. "If i want to be in love with anyone...." dark paused and anti looked up. "Its you...." dark said looking into antis eyes. "And if anyone wants to even make the most courageous demon i know and hold close to me scared.... Even if its my brothers.... They are dead...." anti blushed and bit his lip in thought. Dark hugged anti, both men of course still naked. He kissed antis neck in loved and up to his ear. "It would be you baby boy.... Anti... Ik this is kinda bad but.... Your mine." he said growling slightly. He kissed his cheek and pulled away looking him in the eye. Almost as if he cared a shit ton. Well he did. "Your gonna be my prince~ anti.... Marry me." he commanded. Anti blushed. His fear now gone. He didnt need a family to scare him. Nothing scares him anymore. Dark destroyed his fear with his love, as did anti with his. Anti smiled almost sadistic like. "I have to dont i?" dark smirked and nodded a bit. "Well fuck.... Well i mean if i have toooo." anti joked and laughed. Dark laughed and shooked his head lowering anti back onto the bed and kissing his neck. Anti smirked and kissed his head, enjoying the love. "Dark.... Daddy.... I need food. Like now...." dark wined a bit. "But i want you now." anti rolled his eyes. "Can we pllleeeaassseeeee get some food?" he asked. Dark asked stopping the kissing of his neck. "Fine. Only for you." he smiled and sat up. "TO THE CLOSET!" anti yelled. "But you cloths arent here...." dark chuckled sitting up. "FUCK!" dakr rolled his eyes. "You can borrow mine." anti smiled "BACK TO THE CLOSET!" and both men got up picking out so cloths to go and hunt.

OK! Thanks for reading! Uhhh anyway next chapter will be gory, smutty, and there will be a big enemy.... YEP! A CLIMAX BABY! Lol.

Okay time for the comment of the week! Made me be like "OH HELL YEA! SAME!" then i died. Respond. And wrote this.

YYou guys are so damn funny i just cant!

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YYou guys are so damn funny i just cant!

Comment any advice, ideas, or whatever!

For todays comment subject, if you dont have one, FUNNIEST JOKE YOU HAVE! Not pun... Joke. Puns are the next subject lol.

Mine is-
Why cant sara swing on the swing set? Cause she has no arms.

Knock knock
Wil-who der
Not sara

annnddd im starting a selfie of the chapter thing. Yall like my face so much so there shall be a selfie of me for each chapter. If you dont want me to continue it tell me in the comments.

OOkay see you later gaters!

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OOkay see you later gaters!

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