31. The Last Day.

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It was the haldi ceremony, both Khanna and Malhotra Mansion was decorated in yellow theme.
Both Manik and Nandini were made to sit on a special madap that was setup in the garden area of their respective houses, one by one all the family members applied haldi to the bride and the groom who were enjoying the function.
The youngsters also played a haldi holi which made everyone laugh and then clicked various pictures with the bride and the groom.
After a good 3 hours, the function came to an end and the preparations for the next day, the wedding day began.
Manik and Nandini were not allowed to meet eachother as per the tradition which they agreed to, they wanted their marriage to happen with all the rituals and follow the traditions properly.


Both of them were surrounded by their families all the time, they were happy, very happy but somewhere deep inside Nandini's heart was crying, because the house she till now calls her house won't be her's anymore, she won't return to this house every day, from tomorrow onwards her whole world would change, her house will change, relations will change, her name will change, and most importantly she will change, she will officially be Nandini Manik Malhotra tomorrow, till now no one knows about their wedding except their families & close friends but tomorrow after the marriage, an announcement will be made about their wedding, and from tomorrow onwards she just won't be Nandini Khanna, an ordinary girl, but Mrs Manik Malhotra, the wife of one of the most successful business man in the world who is also one of the most desirable man of the world.
Nandini knew that Manik loves her alot, and she too loves him alot and she is damn excited for her wedding but the pain of going away from your family, your house, your comfortable space is really hard, it wasn't like she was uncomfortable around Manik's family but leaving behind your everything is not easy.


On the other hand Manik was very happy, finally the day for which he had been waiting for was finally here, finally he could tell the whole world that Nandini belonged to him and He belonged to her, he knew that Nandini was happy too and he even knew that she would be sad too but he didn't wanted to say anything to her because he didn't wanted her to fake anything in front of him, he wanted to give her some personal time to talk to herself and let everything sink in, it wasn't like he was happy about her leaving her family, her everything for him, but he already had a lot of plans for her after the marriage and he couldn't wait to surprise her.


Nandini called Ragini who was passing by her room.
You need anything baccha?
Ragini asked as she cupped Nandini's cheeks while Nandini shook her head in a no.
I want to spend sometime with you alone.
Nandini's cousins who were with her silently moved out giving the duo some alone time as Ragini sat down beside Nandini who immediately placed her head in her lap as he lyed down while Ragini brushed her hair lovingly.
Nandini, I know you have a lot of emotions inside you today, and I know you want to share it with me but you're not able to put your emotions in words, and I don't even want you to tell me what you feel because I already know what exactly you are feeling.
Tears flew from both their eyes as Ragini wiped Nandini's tears.
Nandini, I know I am not your mom, but believe me baccha I love you more then Abhi, when we got your custody we were very happy, you were very little back then, you don't remember but we threw a party, because we were finally parent's to a baby girl. Nandini since the time you were born we considered you as our daughter, your mom and dad loved you alot too, we were so happy from your arrival Nandu, you know your mom always told me, "Ragini , you know all the time I feel like Nandu is your daughter not mine." You know Nandu your mom never made stay away from you even when you recognised me and stayed with me more then her, you know she used to laugh and joke about giving you to me and taking Abhi because he was very fond of you mom.
Ragini was smiling remembering her didi, Nandini's mom, who always treated her like a younger sister and always guided her in every step of her life since the time she met her, tears were flowing uncontrollabley from her eyes, but she needed to let all this out, Nandini was just hearing her as tears flew from her eyes too, Ragini never talked about her mother since the time she remembered, but today she knew she needed to let it all out.
You know Nandu, one day you were playing with your doll and you were dressing her up as a bride, your mom told you that your doll will go away with her doll husband, you were shocked, you know what did you ask her next?
Ragini asked as Nandini nodded a no.
You asked her if you will also have to leave when you get married.
Nandini laughed a little hearing her stupid question.
When didi told you that you will have to leave with your husband too, you started crying, you ran to me and hugged me saying that you won't go anywhere leaving me. You know Nandu that day didi, you mom, could have saperated us but she didn't, I don't know why, but if anyone else would have been at her place then she would have never liked the fact that her daughter was picking someone else other then her mother, but not your mom, she was just smiling, and you know what she told me next,
Nandini looked at Ragini as she continued.
She told me, "Ragini, when Nandini will actually get married, I want you to arrange everything, I want you to be beside her always even if I am not there, and you will do her Kanyadaan, she is your daughter more then she is mine."
Nandini that day she had a different spark in her eyes I told her that you are her daughter and I will never ever take her right even if she wants me to.
Nandini was just shocked she never knew all this, since the time she can remember her childhood she knew that she was always very close to Ragini, and not even for once she remembered her mother and now she knew why.
Nandini, today is your last day as Nandini Khanna so I want you to know everything related to your parents, us and you, but from tomorrow you are going to start a new life and I want you to always remember that yours parents loved you alot.
Nandini nodded.
Nandini the day your Parents died, they told me to give you a message, I would have told it you you tomorrow but I don't know if tomorrow I'll be able to say all this, Nandini, your mom wanted to let you know that she is watching you from above and she is very proud of you, she knows that she won't be able to get you ready for your wedding but she will always be there inside you, inside your heart and she knows that you are going to be the most beautiful bride in the entire world, and she loves you alot.
Nandini was now sobbing as so was Ragini but she had to tell all this to Nandini, she needed to know this as these were the last words of her parents and that too for her.
Your dad, he never spoke much, he was a man of few words but when he was around you and Abhi, he was different, he loved you both alot, and that day, I saw him cry for the first time, he didn't wanted to die Nandu but he knew he was dying, he told me about something and tomorrow I will give it to you tomorrow, as I said he was a man of few words, his gestures were enough to express his emotions.
Nandini and Ragini were sobbing, but they needed it, Nandini never asked Ragini or Nachiket about her parents in detail because she knew it would hurt them, she had seen them talk to her parents photograph everyday though they didn't knew that she knows about it, all that she knows about her parents is through Abhi or some of her faint memories.


Nandini I know you are sad now tell me what's wrong.
Manik and Nandini were talking over phone as Nandini refused to have a video chat because she didn't want him to look at her puffy eyes as it will hurt him.
Manik, it's nothing.
Nandini tried to convince Manik that she is fine but he wasn't ready to listen, she knew that Manik understood her more then she understood herself so she finally gave up and told him the truth.
Chachi was telling me about my parents, she told me their last words, that were for me.
There was a complete silence, Nandini didn't cry because she wanted to be happy for her Parents , her chacha Chachi and Manik, not like she wasn't happy but hearing her mother's words made her emotional.
I love you.
Nandini smiled hearing Manik, she knew he will not say anything about this topic on the phone, and that's what makes her love him more.
I love you too!
Nandini too confessed smiling.
Ok so Mrs Malhotra, or should I say would be Mrs Malhotra, you should sleep now, because I don't want you to look like a drunk bride.
Nandini laughed hearing him as she nodded and both of them then ended the call after wishing eachother good night.
Both were hell excited for the next day as it will finally become one.


Hello people! Well this was the second last part of this story, I know I never mentioned about Nandini's parents in this story but I was just saving it for this time.
I hope you enjoyed today's update, DONT FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT.

Lots of love,

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