10. Engagement Shopping!

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Nandani everything is fine baccha look I am here , Khushi is here , Manik is here & look your Aadarsh bhaiya is also here........
Arnav was trying his level best to get Nandini back to herself but all she did was to hold him tight , hiding herself in his embrace and staring aimlessly outside the 22nd floored Apartment balcony.
Nandini baby please speak something , your silence is breaking us.....
Arnav said as Nandini looked up to him and passed a weak smile to him.
Don't worry Jiju I am fine , I just want sometime and I'll be back to my normal self.
Nandini said faintly.
Please leave me alone for sometime , I promise I'll come out in half an hour ,please.
Nandini requested as everyone nodded and went outside except Manik who just closed the door and sat beside Nandini who was looking outside. He gently turned her face towards him as he caressed her corner of the lips where she was hurt , she had tears in her eyes and so did he.
Manik please leave me alone for sometime , I promise I'll be fine.
Nandini requested not looking at him.
Nandini tell me whatever is inside you , don't hurt yourself , I promise I'll be there beside you always no matter what but for that you have tell me everything that's inside you , please Nandini tell me.
Listening to Manik , Nandini wasn't able to control herself as she burst out into tears as she hugged him tight while he hugged her back with equal force.
When he pulled me inside I was so scared , I called everyone but no one was there , he told me that he'll marry me today only and when I refused him and told him that you both will definitely find me he slapped me! I was so scared! I didn't knew what to do...I didn't...
Nandini said in a cranky voice while Manik patiently listened .
Nandini we are really sorry for today but I promise we will never let leave you alone , we'll be beside you every time you'll need us just remember that we all love you a lot and we can't afford to loose you...
Nandini just looked at him as he said and then kept her head on his chest again looking outside the balcony while Manik just held her close to him giving her , her personal space which she needed.

After exact half an hour MaNan came outside and everyone was relived to see Nandini smiling.


Nandu what about this dress??
Khushi asked showing Nandini a dress for her engagement & roka as Nandini & Arshi along with Aadya ( Aadarsh & his wife Aalia ) were in AR designs in the bridal section selecting dresses for Nandini for the different functions while Manik wasout for an urgent meeting.
Its nice but I want something different.....
Nandini said while Khushi & Aaliya sighed and started looking for the dress that Nandini will like.
Nandu came with me.....
Arnav said pulling Nandini with him while others followed them confused.
Look what about this dress???
Arnav asked hesitantly while everyone was standing there with their eyes and mouth wide open looking at the dress.
Say na how's it??
Arnav asked looking at all of their shocked faces.
Its.....its beautiful Jiju! You made this specially for me right??
Nandini said looking at him while he looked here and there.
Umm ya I designed it but you can choose anything you like if you don't like this dress...i mean...
Arnav wasn't able to complete when Nandini interrupted him.
Oh god Jiju like seriously! You made this dress specially for me and you think that I don't like it!!! Uff Jiju you are soo stupid! I love this dress and I will wear this only!!!
Arnav was now smiling widely hearing her as she hugged him tight.
But Bhai what made you make this particular dress...I mean now a days girls don't like to wear heavy dresses know then.....
Aadarsh asked confused while Arnav smiled.
Once Nandini told me that she wants her wedding to be a grand one , a unique wedding and she wants everything in her wedding that other never ever tried so that time only I made the design of this dress and other dresses for different functions and when I came to know that her marriage is fixed I gave the design to get all the dresses stitched.
Arnav replied while everyone smiled understanding the love and care Arnav has for Nandini while she hugged him teary eyes.
Thank you soo much Jiju , you are the best!! I love you sooooo much!
Everyone chuckled at her while Arnav mouthed a I love you too.
BTW Jiju I am telling you I am going to wear the dresses that you designed to me so tell your employees to drop them home whenever they are ready.
Nandini said as others smiled while Arnav frowned.
But Nandu at least look at them once , maybe you don't like them then I'll.....
Arnav wasn't able to complete when Nandini interrupted.
I know you have made the best designs for me so I am just going to wear them and now I don't want to hear anything.
Everyone chuckled hearing Nandini as they all got busy in selecting dresses from themselves.


So are you girls done with your wedding shopping??
Ragini asked as soon as The girls entered the house while the boys went to the police station and told the girls not to tell anyone about the incident to which they agreed.
Yes Chachi you know Arnav has Jiju specially designed all the dresses for Nandini for her wedding and we saw the engagement dress & its sooooooo beautiful!
Aaliya replied dreamingly.
Wow that's good , BTW where are the boys??
Ragini asked as All the girls looked at each other and Khushi replied.
Chachi they went to AR office as Arnav ji had to design our dresses for rest of the functions and Manik and Aadarsh are helping him for designing their cloths.
Ragini nodded while the girls sighed and quickly went up to Nandini's room to avoid further questions and hide Nandini's wound from Ragini.


Abhay I want you to make a strongest case on him and make sure he isn't able to see the outside world ever again!
Aadarsh told his brother who is a DSP in Delhi Police.
Don't worry Bhai I'll make such a case on him that he'll beg us to give him a death punishment instead , how dare he kidnap my sister! I won't leave him!
Abhay was equally angry listening to everything that happened there as Nandini was his only sister ,though they weren't real sibling but their bond was much more stronger then that and he couldn't handle a small scratch on her too & in this case this guy tortured her.
Calm down abhay and lets go and surprise All the girls that you are back!
Arnav said.
That means they don't know that I am back?
Abhay asked confused.
No I forgot to tell Aaliya and Arnav deliberately didn't tell Khushi as she would tell it to Nandini.
Aadarsh answered as all the boys laughed and made their way to Arnav's SUV.


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Lots of love

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