Merry Late Christmas! :'D

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This came out late due to my internet issues I am having, so book updates will not start up for awhile, sorry guys... but at least I had time to make this chapter before we lost internet! So really quickly before I start the special I want to thank you ALL who've been reading my stories! Especially this E.j. x Reader story! I wish you all the merriest of Christmases! Hope you all enjoy!


~(Y/n)'s pov~ ((Before you anything happened, where you're human))

I yawned and stretched sitting up, I rubbed my eyes and looked at my window, it was frosted over and I let out an 'oh'....

"Wait..." I blink, I throw off my covers, jump off my bed and run over to my window, pulling my curtains completely open I rub my window, cleaning off most of the frost, I look outside seeing the beautiful winter land outside my window, the snow falling slowly to the ground, my mouth opens and a huge smile forms,

"Its snowing!!" I yell, throwing on my heaviest coat and bounding out of my room and down the stairs, waking up the whole mansion...

((Just so you know, in this special you're living with the CPs. So... :P))

as I passed Ben's door I heard him fall off his bed, scurrying to get his coat on, I laugh as I see him bound out of his room and following me,

"Wake up slow pokes! You'll miss the snowball fight!" Ben shouts, as soon as he yelled that I heard almost literally everyone fall out of their beds.., except E.j. he was already downstairs, so I take it he didn't sleep again last night... I peak around the corner that lead to the living room, seeing E.j. peacefully asleep on the couch, I smile to myself, I quietly walk over to him, placing my hand on his shoulder,

"Hey... wake up E.j..." I say softly, moving his gently, he buffs, his arm falling over me, I was kneeling down next to the couch, so his arm wrapped around me when he turned, I giggle softly,
"Come on E.j... its snowing!" I whisper again, I hear everyone quietly leaving, only letting me disturb his slumber, guess they were all afraid of him? I mean afraid to wake him up... other than Slendy.

"Mmm.... five more minutes..." he mumbles, it made me blush slightly, it was adorable, I chuckle,

"Noooo.... I can't wait five minutes though Jacky..." I say his nick name and he opens his eyes, lazily looking at me he grins,

"You're pretty brave to wake me up..." he says deeply, his voice slightly raspy which made him sound sexy in a way, I felt my cheeks heat up more, I roll my eyes,

"Well yea... cause I know you won't do anything to me..." I smile,

"And whys that?" He asks, raising an eyebrow,

"Because..." I pause, pecking his cheek, "you love me too much..."

"Hmmm...." he puckers his lips slightly and taping his chin, acting like he was thinking, then suddenly he pulled me down on him, holding me close to him, I was pressed up against his chest,

"Yea... you're right." He kisses the top of my head, making me chuckle, when I chuckled I swore I heard his heart skip a beat.... I pull myself up to look at him,

"Well... its snowing. I want a snowball fight. Everyone is waiting for us..." I state, E.j. just grins,

"But... what if I say no..." he says softly, I made a playful pouty face with sad puppy eyes, when I did I seen his cheeks grow slightly brighter, he chuckles, "Alright... Alright... you win." I giggle and get up off of him, he sits up,
"But I need a battery charge..." he says wrapping his arms around me, I smile with a soft chuckle,

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