~Chapter 4~

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~(y/n) pov~

We were running for what seemed like years, but we soon had to stop,

My child... please come back, there's much we still must do.

Slender was calling, I told Zalgo and he left,

"Let's go." I told Stone and he ran to the broke down mansion... everyone was there... but Jack, my head hung and I felt empty and weak, but the weakness... it wasn't from missing Jack, but it was from my body, the longer I stayed out... the weaker I got, but I kept putting it aside, my friends and loved ones were first, I kept myself last, always...

My child... what is wrong?

Slender asked me and I looked up, he seemed to have noticed my emptiness, but mostly my weakness... before I knew it I fell off of Stone and hit to ground like a rock and everything went black.

~Jacks pov~

"Damn." I growled as I hid from the supernatural armies... they knew I was down here, but they weren't exactly looking for me... do they want me to escape? Or are they just using me as a genie pig? Well, I'm not sticking around to find out. The army left my sight, I slowly looked around the corner to see they were headed to a very dark area...

There's my chance...

I ran to the other corner that led to a door. I looked back to see the army didn't notice me. They know I'm here... but they probably don't know that I'm escaping. The door, it opened and there sat a forest... is this.... is this slenders forest? I stepped out the door into a dark forest, it seemed like slenders forest... but a can't tell if it's real or not... the supernatural world show many memories and dreams... but most of all... illusions... they like to toy with you, they make it seem so real when it's truly not... I walked deeper into the woods, i turned around to see the door closing.

"Hmm..." I mumbled,

Is this real?

"It can't be... the sp world can't be that easy to escape!" I turned around to hear snapping behind me, but there was nothing. Then o smelled something that made me realize it was real...

"E.j...." a demonic voice came from infront of me...
"I finally found you..."

"Gr... what do you want..." i paused

"Zalgo..." i growled and he stepped out...

"Your little... girlfriend, is looking for you.."

"(Y/n)...." I looked down, "you better not have done anything to her!" I hissed in pain as i held my side,

"You are very lucky jack... your a first..." Zalgo grinned,

"A first what..." I growled, he chuckled,

"Survivor" my eyes widened, that must mean.... I'm the first and only survivor of the supernatural world, the ones who had entered must have died... "but... if you wish to see your little.... girlfriend I must ask you... a favor..."

((Hi guys! Sorry i had to end this chapter short... I know... I know... i said I was gonna make this one as long as possible, but I've been SUPER busy with Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations. And to make up, I hope you all had an awesome Thanksgiving day!! And bring many cheers for Christmas day!! Buh bye!!!

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